
I.Overview — CommitmenttoAllStudentsIrrespectiveofImmigrationStatus


B.Federalimmigrationenforcementofficialswhoseektoapprehendandremove/deportindividualsunlawfullypresentintheUnitedStatesaremostoftenofficersofU.S.ImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement(ICE),whoarepartoftheagency’sEnforcementandRemovalOperations(ERO).U.S.CustomsandBorderProtection(CBP)officerscouldalsoseektoapprehendandremoveindividualsfoundonCollegegrounds.TheseICEandCBPofficersworkfortheDepartmentofHomelandSecurity(DHS)andtheyaretypicallyactingoncivil,notcriminal,authority.Thewarrantstheseofficerscarrytoapprehendindividualsaregenerallyadministrativearrest warrantsthatdonotauthorizethesefederalimmigrationenforcementofficialstoenteror search limited[KK1]accessareas,suchasareasthatareunder lock and key locked orrequireaan electronic keycard keycard foraccess, . or labelled “authorized personnel.” This includes classrooms where only registered students receive instruction or where a student or faculty ID is require to access.

C. However,warrantsissuedinacriminalproceeding,immigrationrelated,ornot,willrequireprovidingaccesstolimitedaccessareas.

D. Asaresult,theDistricthasdevelopedthefollowingguidelinesforallDistrictfaculty,staff,administrators,andstudentstofollowiffederalimmigrationenforcementofficials,suchasICEagents,weretoseekaccesstoDistrictfacilitiesorrequeststudentrecords/information.TheguidelinesnotonlyapplytoallDistrictpersonnelandstudentsatthemaincampus,butalsotoPCC’sFoothillCampus(formerlytheCommunityEducationCenter),PCCatRosemead,PCCatJohnMuirHighSchool,andthePasadenaCityCollegeChildDevelopmentCenter(CDC).




Current ICE policies provide that enforcement actions at or focused on sensitive locations such as schools, places of worship, and hospitals should generally be avoided, and that such actions may only take place when (a)prior approval is obtained from an appropriate supervisory official, or (b)there are exigent circumstances necessitating immediate action without supervisor approval.

ICE presently follows its policy guidance that enforcement actions at sensitive locations, such as the District’s facilities and grounds, will be generally avoided unless prior approval from an appropriate ICE supervisory official is obtained or exigent/emergency circumstances exist concerning national security, terrorism, or public safety, for example. Under the policy guidance, sensitive locations include, but are not be limited to:

Under the policy guidance, sensitive locations include, but are not be limited to:

  • Schools, such as known and licensed daycares, pre-schools and other early learning programs; primary schools; secondary schools; post-secondary schools up to and including colleges and universities; as well as scholastic or education-related activities or events, and school bus stops that are marked and/or known to the officer, during periods when school children are present at the stop;
  • Medical treatment and health care facilities, such as hospitals, doctors’ offices, accredited health clinics, and emergent or urgent care facilities;
  • Places of worship, such as churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples;
  • Religious or civil ceremonies or observances, such as funerals and weddings; and
  • During public demonstration, such as a march, rally, or parade.

Schools – such as known licensed daycares, pre-schools and other early learning programs; primary schools; secondary schools; and post-secondary schools, i.e., community colleges and universities.






3.Ifafederalimmigrationenforcementofficialseeksyourconsenttoenteralimitedaccessspace(including a classroom, library, school gym, student lounge or locked building) orrequestsinformationordocuments[C4]fromyouaboutastudentoranotherindividual,take steps to ensure that consent is first received from College Superintendent-President’s officetake steps to ensure that you have authority to provide the requested access, information, or documents.Asktheofficerfortheirname,identificationnumberandagencyaffiliation;askforacopyofanywarrantorcourtordertheymayhave,andinformtheofficerthatyouarenotobstructingtheirprocess,butneedtocontacttheCollegeSuperintendent-President’sofficeforadviceandassistance[C5].






3.Note: AB 540 and DACA students are NOT categorize as international students and therefore not subject to the special rules.




F.RefusaltoFollowProtocolbyaFederalImmigrationEnforcementOfficial:Ifafederalimmigrationenforcementofficialrefusestofollowtheabove-mentionedprotocolorinstruction,Districtadministrators,faculty,staff,andstudentsshouldimmediatelycall Police & College Safety at 626-585-7484[KK11].Donotconfrontthefederalofficialyourself.

G.ReportingofPresenceofaFederalImmigrationEnforcementOfficialonCampus:Evenwherenodirectrequestismadebyfederalimmigrationenforcementofficials,Districtadministrators,faculty,andstaff,aswellasstudents,shouldimmediatelycall Police & College Safety at 626-585-7484 tomakeareport[C12]iftheyhaveconcernsaboutthepresenceoffederalimmigrationenforcementofficialsonanyDistrictproperty.Donotconfrontthefederalofficialyourself.





[1]These Guidelines are largely based on the University of California’s March 20, 2017 “FAQs for employees about possible federal immigration enforcement actions on university property.” . Last visited on April 28, 2017. The District’s guidelines are intended to be interpreted in a manner similar to any subsequent interpretation given with respect to the University of California’s guidance on issues addressed in the District’s guidelines.

[KK1]or search

[C2]See below for questions about policy. While ICE might not be on campus to apprehend, their very presence is seen as a threat to our students. Their uniforms represents a threat.

[KK3]The law is not as clear on this as the policy makes it sound. The District does have the authority to regulate the use of its own public spaces to at least some extent—for example, by regulating disruptive conduct. The District couldn’t single out federal law enforcement officers for special treatment because the Constitution prohibits a state or locality from directly regulating the federal government. But the District could potentially restrict all civil or administrative arrests on campus if it finds those activities are disruptive to the college. Or it could, for example, impose a policy requiring that any official who intends to make a civil or administrative arrest on campus receive prior approval from the Superintendent. If there is concern about the District’s authority to do those things, there could be language in the policy to the effect that the restriction applies only unless otherwise required by federal or state law.

[C4]We should make clear which documents they can legally obtain with a warrant. Other districts (probably HS though) have made clear than Directory information would NOT be provided to ICE (see legal guidance document, yellow highlights on page 4 footnote 5). I discussed some of that with Chris already. It might depend on how our campus codes for AB540, and whether this directory information includes address and legal status)

[C5]Additional steps need to be taken in particular. This needs to be translated into a step-by-step checklist, similar to the LAUSD document.

[C6]The District should think of mandating training for faculty and staff to ensure that steps are understood be everybody, and maybe Safe Zone can become the instrument to accomplish that.

[C7]See comment 2 above

[C8]This does not necessarily mean student’s private information

[KK9]change this to either a “court subpoena” or a “judicial subpoena” because ICE has broad power on its own to issue administrative subpoenas, which may or may not seek protected information.

[C10]Does the district need to campus police to develop a policy or would this resolution be enough?

[KK11]How has the campus police been trained to respond to ICE? (How will this change if SB-54 becomes law?)

[C12]My few interactions with campus police have always be positive. I think a form needs to be developed to document those calls and ask the office on duty to provide some type of reference #, and they need to be trained to take those particular reports.