Year 4 Newsletter - Autumn 2

General Information

The adults that work in our class are: Mrs Brook, Mrs Rough, Miss Whitaker, Mrs Sutcliffe and Mrs Heath.

Special days this half term:

Monday – Hand homework in to be marked.

Monday - Spelling test.

Tuesday - Times table test.

Tuesday – Homework will be given out.

Thursday morning – Swimming - Please bring swimwear, a towel and goggles (if needed).

Thursday afternoon – Golf - Please bring an appropriate PE kit (shorts, T-shirt and pumps (indoor), trainers (outdoor)

Tuesday 7th November - Forest School - Please bring a waterproof coat and wellington boots.

Parents coffee morning/art gallery - date to be confirmed (December)


Our writing this half term will be linked to our Geography. We will identify and analyse the features of a non-chronological report and then use this to help us research and write our own reports about an Amazon animal. We will then look at persuasive texts and create a short advert encouraging people to stop deforestation.

Children can change their reading books on a daily basis. It is important that your child reads every night at home. This will increase their reading speed, enabling comprehension exercises to be completed well.

Spellings will be tested each week and new spellings will be sent out on a fortnightly basis. Children will be tested weekly on these.This allows children chance to complete work in class on these words and to improve on previous spelling scores. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings regularly to support both their reading and writing.


In Maths, we will be focussing on place value and times tables to introduce strategies to help improve your child’s times table recall. We will begin the half term by learning methods of multiplying larger numbers and using this knowledge to solve one and two step word problems. We will then learn about data handling and will interpret and analyse data presented in tables and graphs. Finally we will build on our learning from year 3 about time and how to convert between 12 and 24 hour time.

Times tables will continue to be our Maths focus and children will be tested weekly on their times tables. We will practise our times tables daily through a variety of games and songs. Please encourage your child to practise the times table they are working on regularly at home too to improve their recall speed.

Creative Curriculum

This term our topic is South America and the Amazon Rainforest. In this half term,we will create watercolour images of rainforest animals and sew rainforest cushions. In Science, we will be continuing our ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ topic, with a focus on the Amazon Rainforest.. In ICT, we will use a spreadsheet to record and compare temperatures in Bradford and a town in Brazil. We will also use ICT in literacy to carry out research for our non-chronological reports and to record our persuasive adverts. In Spanish, we will be learing greetings and to say how old we are. We will also examine some to the Spanish xmas traditions and compare them to our own. In PE, will be playing Golf and we will be developing our skills so we can play a game of Golf at the end of the half term.

We hope your child enjoys their second half-term in Year 4!


Mrs Brook, Mrs Rough, Miss Whitaker, Mrs Sutcliffe and Mrs Heath.