Emery County Public Lands Meeting

April 4, 2017

10:00a.m. Emery County Courthouse

PLC: Rod Player, Sherrel Ward, Kim McFarlane, Leon McElprang, Ed Geary, Randall Stilson, Bruce Wilson

PLC Staff: Ray Petersen, Chelsea Guymon

Public: Commissioner Lynn Sitterud, Commissioner Keith Brady, Patsy Stoddard, Sheriff Greg Funk, Randy Johnson, Bryan Torgerson, Paula Wellnitz, Joan Powell, Joan Johansen, Roger Barton, Nathan Roberts, Deej Brown, Mike Stowell, Ron Dean, Marc Stilson, Keenan Storrar, Darren Olsen, Wayne Ludington, Gary Torres, Steve Alder, Joe Begay, Wade Paskett, Ahmed Mohsen, Jonathan Hunt

Excused: Laren Huntsman, JR Nelson

1.  Welcome: Rod welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for coming.

2. Approval of Minutes: Randall moved to approve the meeting minutes from March with a second from Bruce. Motion Passes Bruce moved to approve the working meeting minutes from March with a second from Ed. Motion Passes

3. Chairman Comments: Rod talked about a documentary from USA Today that talked about wild horses and burros that predominantly filmed in Utah. The name of the documentary is ‘Running Wild’.

4. Report on Emery Land Bill: Randy reported that the delegation is thinking of waiting to see what happens with Bears Ears. We are working with Senator Hatch’s office to look the language in our Bill. Chairman Bishop would still like to see a Multi County Land Bill but it has been made clear that Emery County doesn’t want to backtrack on the progress that has been made and will be moving forward with a standalone Bill.

5. Agency Reports and Council Member Comments:

Bureau of Land Management (BLM): Ahmed reported that they are reviewing comments received from the Deer Creek Pipeline EA. The BLM is still working on the Master Leasing Plan and Travel Management Plan. Ahmed introduced Gary Torres who will be over the Green River BLM District. The Joe’s Valley EA will be ready to be released for public review soon. A wild horse gather will be happening soon in the Muddy Creek area. Bathrooms for Joe’s Valley will be installed by the first part of May.

Division of Water Rights (DWRi): Marc Stilson reported that there was a dam safety meeting between DOGM, DWRi, and Skyline Officials where they discussed Bulger Reservoir. Last year there was a failure on the spillway for one of the dikes at Desert Lake that will be addressed this year.

Division of Oil, Gas and Mining (DOGM): Keenan Storrar reported that they have been working with MSHA on ventilation shafts and a secondary mine for Emery Deep Mine. At this point the water coming out of Rilda is in compliance to be released into Huntington Creek without further treatment. The water coming out of Crandall is also within compliance until the water drops in December-January. Once the water drops the iron levels rise and further monitoring is needed. Cottonwood Mine will be reclaimed this Summer.

Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR): Wade Paskett reported that Millsite has a fishing limit increase of 16 trout. Gil netting will begin soon. A couple of local lakes have been restocked with fish. Turkey season will be open soon and shed hunting season is now open. The DWR and Forest Service are working together on Sage Grouse counts.

School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA): Bryan Torgerson reported that in a land exchange, SITLA would trade into mineral based land and out of conservation land. There will be a land auction in May. The reservoir agreement with Huntington City is almost complete. SITLA is still working with DWR on a hunter access agreement. SITLA has reached out to several foundations to help with the Old Victor Cemetery. Grazing fees on SITLA land will be rising by 20 cents.

Manti-LaSal National Forest (MLNF): Darren Olsen reported that the Candland Mountain trailhead has been turned over to the Forest Service after it was purchased by the Rocky Mountain Elk foundation. They will be increasing about 30 trails from 50 inch trails to 66 inch trails. These trails already had a large footprint and will require little work. Some work was done on the Des Bee Dove Trail and will continue as the weather gets better. Ferron Canyon, Lower Miller, and Cottonwood gates are now closed. Forest planning is ongoing and there will be a meeting on Forest Planning in June.

Utah State Parks & Recreation: Jonathan Hunt reported that snowmobile trail grooming has ended. State Park campgrounds are now open and Huntington North is full. Goblin Valley’s campground is booked until July. The Green River may flood this year so they are preparing for flooding.

Washington Delegation Staff: Ron reported that Senator Hatch is hoping to get Gorsuch confirmed. They are still working on the Affordable Care Act and Tax Reformation. The Wildlife, Fracking, and Ozone Bills are all moving forward. Grazing in the Grand Staircase has decreased over the last 20 years so they are hoping to get grazing back to where it was promised to be.

6. Additional Issues from Council Members: Sherrel reported that the snow water level has dropped. Electric Lake is at 53% and Huntington North is full. Sherrel also reported that the possibility of flooding has diminished.

Kim reported that the East end of the Green River cutoff road is in rough condition and needs to be looked at.

7. Concerned Citizens: No Comments.

8. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned.