
Project Sponsor / Signature / Date
Business Portfolio Manager / Signature / Date
Application Administrator / Signature / Date
Data Custodian / Signature / Date


Version / Date / Responsible / Notes

Purpose of the Document

The NRS Application Retirement plan provides information on the tasks, scheduling and resources that will be required to retire an application.

Related Documents:

Application Retirement Process

Table of Contents

Purpose of the Document 4

1.0 Introduction 5

2.0 Intended Audience 5

3.0 Assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies 5

3.1 Assumptions and Constraints 5

3.2 Dependencies 5

4.0 Resources 5

5.0 Retirement Plan Requirements and Responsibilities 6

6.0 Reviews and Document Control 10

1.0  Introduction

The intent of the retirement plan is to provide information on the tasks, scheduling and resources required to migrate and transition to a retired state.

2.0  Intended Audience

The intended audiences for the retirement plan are:

·  [add area/change as needed]

·  Business area

·  Technical support

·  Governance

·  Stakeholders

·  Management

3.0  Assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies

3.1  Assumptions and Constraints

The following assumption and constraints have been made in regards to the retirement plan:

·  [create list]

3.2  Dependencies

Document the dependencies associated with the retirement plan.

This retirement plan must be coordinated with:

·  [create list]

4.0  Resources

The primary resources for the [insert application name] retirement are:

Role / Resource /
Client (App Admin and/or Data Custodian) / [name(s) here]
Business Portfolio Manager (BPM) / [name(s) here]
Project Management Office (PMO) / [name(s) here]
Application Delivery (AD) / [name(s) here]
Database Administrator (DBA) / [name(s) here]
Data BC / [name(s) here]
CSNR Security (Security) / [name(s) here]
Middle-Tier and Infrastructure (MT & Inf.) / [name(s) here]
Technical Architecture (TA) / [name(s) here]
Data Architecture (DA) / [name(s) here]
IMB Management (IMB Mgmt.) / [name(s) here]
Information Access Office (IAO) / [name(s) here]

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NRS Application Retirement Plan

5.0  Retirement Plan Requirements and Responsibilities

The intent of this section is to provide information on the requirements, resources, and scheduling that will be used to retire [insert application name]. The Retirement Plan will be completed in four phases.

Note: when identifying a ‘Resource Name’ please reference the Roles and Responsibilities Matrix in the NRS Application Retirement Process.

Note: Use space as appropriate, if more detail available, provide a link to the details

Phase 1: Initiation

Action ID / Tasks / Resource Name / Details / Target Completion Date / Actual Completion Date / Current Status / Back-up Resource
1 / Approval for retirement
2 / Create a digital retirement project folder and send link to technical team
3 / Create activity log and place in retirement project folder for technical sections to use
4 / Notify intent to retire
5 / Identify stakeholders
Notify all on decision to proceed
6 / Initiate STRA
7 / Review of associated Policy, Regulations and Acts
8 / Update IRS status to Retirement in Progress

Phase 2: Requirements

Action ID / Tasks / Resource Name / Details / Target Completion Date / Actual Completion Date / Current Status / Back-up Resource
1 / Update STRA / <identify any impacts/dependences here>
2 / Complete an Impact Analysis Assessment / <provide link to document>
3 / Create a retirement plan
-  Identify roll back requirements
-  Identify archive requirements
4 / Confirm records management process
5 / Identify maintenance activities/agreements/licensing
6 / Review amortization and any financials around application
Indicate results of any financial impacts
7 / Ensure all project related documentation is the retirement project folder / Items that should be included are:
·  Retirement Plan
·  Decision Note
·  Destruction Form
·  Manuals
·  Activity Log
·  Project Charter
8 / Post notice on TEC SharePoint Site

Phase 3: Implementation

Action ID / Tasks / Resource Name / Details / Target Completion Date / Actual Completion Date / Current Status / Back-up Resource
1 / Implementation Kickoff / <Schedule meeting>
2 / Mitigate outstanding impacts from analysis / <define impacts here>
3 / Turnoff in DLVR, TEST, PROD
4 / Remove database access / <define what access needs to be removed here>
5 / Await Grace Period Expiration / <define grace period>
6 / Remove application from servers or desktop*
7 / Create application archive folder / <indicate name of folder name and path here>
8 / Remove passwords from key store
9 / Retire Data
10 / Retire infrastructure (if applicable, if not application indicate N/A)
11 / Update IRS

Phase 4: Close Out

Action ID / Tasks / Resource Name / Details / Target Completion Date / Actual Completion Date / Current Status / Back-up Resource
1 / Post implementation review / Schedule meeting to review:
·  Lessons learned
·  Review checklist to ensure all actions completed
·  Records filed correctly
2 / Update status in IRS to RETIRED
3 / Update Application Health Check
4 / Close out STRA
5 / Move all remaining documentation to designated location / <indicate location here>
6 / Notify stakeholders process is complete / <insert copy of communique here as an object>
7 / Celebration

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NRS Application Retirement Plan

6.0  Reviews and Document Control


This document has been sent to the following for their review and comment.

Name / Position /

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NRS Application Retirement Plan