We are keen to hear how you feel about

services provided in Inveraray and Furnace


Argyll and Bute Health & Social Care Partnership needs your views to make sure the future model of care for the GP service both in and out of normal surgery hours meets your needs. This is where your experience of using the current service is important and of great value.

How can you do this?

Complete this feedback form and return it to the FREEPOST address on page 2

complete the feedback form online at


email us your story / views to

Your feedback will be confidential. By that we mean:

we will not name you in the document we will create of the views we receive

if you share your views but you do not want these to be part of the public record of

thefeedback we receive, we will respect that and your views will not be included

Q1 What is your experience of using theGP surgeries inInveraray and Furnace?

Please turn over

Q2 If you have used NHS 24 how would you rate your experience?

Very effective Quite effective Not effective Don’t know

Do you have any comments or suggestions which would help improve NHS 24?

Q3 Ifyouor someone you care for became unwell after surgery hours (Out of Hours)

wouldyou know how to get the health care you needed?

Yes Not sure No

Would you have any concerns about this?

Q4 Do you have any other comments, ideas, concerns or questions?

(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

We welcome your more detailed comments, ideas, concerns or questions.

Please attach them to this sheet

Please return this feedback form no later than Friday 17 July 2015 to:

Caroline Cecil

Planning & Public Involvement Manager


NHS Highland (Argyll and Bute CHP)

Blarbuie Road, LOCHGILPHEAD, Argyll, PA31 8LD

If you need help completing this form or to receive a copy in a different language/format

(e.g. large print) contact Caroline 01546 605681 or 

Thank you