Weekly Lunch Order ~ Nether Currie Primary School

Week Beginning:

Name………………………………………………….... Class………………………….

Week 1 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Salmon fillet with
baby boiled potatoes and broccoli / Chicken curry with
rice and vegetables / Red pesto pasta with veg and garlic bread (V) / Oven baked pork sausages with baked beans and mash / Packed lunch
option (V)
Filled roll/sandwiches
or / or / or / or / Yoghurt
Quorn sausage casserole with potatoes and veg(V) / Macaroni cheese
with veg and salad (V) / Cheese and tomato pizza with chips and salad(V) / Vege chilli with
boiled rice and veg(V) / Fresh fruit
or / or / or / or
Baked potato with a choice of fillings (V) / Baked potato with a choice of fillings (V) / Baked potato with a choice of fillings (V) / Baked potato with a choice of fillings (V)

This form must be returned onThursday ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Weekly Lunch Order ~ Nether Currie Primary School

Week Beginning:

Name………………………………………………….... Class………………………….

Week 2 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Chicken meatballs in tomato sauce with rice and vegetables / Neapolitan pasta
with vegetables (V) / Breaded fish and
chips with peas / Chicken fajita with potato wedges and salad
/ Packed lunch
option (V)
Filled roll/sandwiches
or / or / or / or / Fresh fruit
Cheesy pasta with
veg and salad(V) / Cheese and tomato pizza with sauté potatoes and salad (V) / Savoury rice and vegetables(V) / Quorn burger in a
bun with potato wedges and salad(V) / Water
or / or / or / or
Baked potato with a choice of fillings (V) / Baked potato with a choice of fillings (V) / Baked potato with a choice of fillings (V) / Baked potato with a choice of fillings (V)

This form must be returned onThursday


Weekly Lunch Order ~ Nether Currie Primary School

Week Beginning:

Name………………………………………………….... Class………………………….

Week 3 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Chicken and gravy
with roast potatoes and vegetables / Beef pasta
bolognaise with vegetables
/ Fish fingers with new potatoes and peas / Creamy pasta with vegetables and crusty bread (V) / Packed lunch
Filled roll/sandwiches
or / or / or / or / Fresh fruit
Vege’ meatballs (V)
served in a pitta bread / Picnic plate with cheese sandwich and vegetable sticks (V) / Seasonal vege’ curry wih rice and vegetables (V) / Cheese and tomato pizza with chips and salad(V) / Water
or / or / or / or
Baked potato with(V) / Baked potato (V) / Baked potato (V) / Baked potato (V)

This form must be returned onThursday


Note: All soup is suitable for vegetarians; seasonal veg, salad, bread and a drink are available every day as part of the meal

Lunches cost £1.95 Daily: x2 Days = £3.90; x3 Days = £5.85; x4 Days = £7.80; x5 Days = £9.75: Cheques payable to “City of Edinburgh Council”

This weekly form must be returned to the school by THURSDAY AM with your meal selection and payment, for the following week, in

a sealed envelope clearly marked “School Dinners”.

If your child has free school meals – a weekly return still needs to be filled in and returned on a Thursday. Rev April 16