Supplemental Content Summary of literature on the association of vitamin D and AITD.

Author / Year / Latitude* / Season # / Design / N / Main Finding
Goswami R., et al. / 2009 / Low / W / Cross-sectional / 642 / The mean serum 25(OH)D was not significantly different in serum TPOAb-positive and -negative individuals
Kivity S., et al. / 2011 / Middle / W / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 50 AITDs
42 non-AITDs
98 CTRL / Deficiency of vitamin D was linked to the presence of antithyroid antibodies and abnormal thyroid functions.
Tamer G., et al. / 2011 / Middle / A/W / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 161 HT
162 CTRL / Vitamin D insufficiency was associated with HT.
Effraimidis G., et al. / 2012 / Middle / Sp/Su/A/W / Case-control
(Nested) (B) / 78 genetic susceptibility
67 AITDs (F)
67 CTRL (F) / Early stages of thyroid autoimmunity are not associated with low vitamin D levels.
Camurdan O.M., et al. / 2012 / Middle / Not mentioned / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 78 HT (Ch)
74 CTRL (Ch) / Vitamin D deficiency may have a role in the autoimmune process in HT in children.
Yasuda T., et al. / 2012 / Middle / W/Sp / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 26 GD
46 CTRL / Vitamin D levels in female patients with newly onset GD are decreased and significantly associated with thyroid volume
Yasuda T., et al. / 2013 / Middle / Su/A / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 18 REM GD
39 non-REM GD
49 CTRL / Serum vitamin D levels were significantly lower in female GD patients without remission than in those with remission.
Chailurkit L., et al. / 2013 / Low / Sp/Su/A/W / Cross-sectional / 2582 / High vitamin D status in younger individuals is associated with low circulating TSH.
Bozkurt N.C., et al. / 2013 / Middle / Su / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 180 treated HT
180 not treated HT
180 CTRL / 25(OH)D deficiency severity is correlated with duration of HT,thyroidvolume, and antibody levels.
Mackawy A.M., et al. / 2013 / Low / A/W/Sp / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 30 Hypothyroidism
30 CTRL / Hypovitaminosis D with hypocalcaemia was significantly associated with the degree and severity of the hypothyroidism
Shin D.Y., et al. / 2013 / Middle / Sp/Su/A/W / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 111 AITDs
193 non AITDs / 25(OH)D3 level was an independent factor affecting the presence of TPOAb in AITDs.
Choi Y.M., et al. / 2014 / Middle / Sp/Su/A/W / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 427 TPOAb (+) (F)
2366 TPOAb (−) (F) / The levels of serum vitamin D were significantly lower in pre-menopausal women with AITD.
Zhang Q., et al. / 2014 / Middle / A / Cross-sectional / 1424 / High vitamin D status in middle-aged and elderly males was associated with low circulating TSH levels independent of thyroid hormone levels.
Zhang H., et al. / 2014 / Middle / Su/A / Case-control
(Cross-sectional) / 70 GD
70 CTRL / Low vitamin D status was associated with increased titers of TRAb in Graves’ disease.
Krysiak R., et al. / 2014 / Middle / Not mentioned / Cross-sectional / 14 hypo with PPT
14 euthy with PPT
16 non-PPT hypo
15 non-PPT euthyroid / Postpartum thyroiditis was associated with low circulating levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, particularly in the case of women who developed hypothyroidism.
This study / Middle / W / Case-control
(Nested) / 70 GD
70 HT

AITDs, autoimmune thyroid diseases; non-AITDs, negative TPOAb; CTRL, control; HT, Hashimoto's thyroiditis ; GD, Graves' disease; PPT, Postpartum thyroiditis; (F),female subjects; (Ch),children; REM GD,GD patients with remission; non-REM GD, GD patients without remission

hypo with PPT, hypothyroid women with postpartum thyroiditis; euthy with PPT, euthyroid women with postpartum; non-PPT hypo, women with non-autoimmune hypothyroidism; non-PPT euthyroid, healthy euthyroid women without thyroid autoimmunity

*Latitude: low, 0- 30o; middle, 30o - 60o; high, 60o - 90o

#Season: Sp, spring; Su, summer; A, autumn; W, winter