Minutes of theParish Council Strategy Committee held in Goods Yard House on 9thOctober2017at 7:30pm

Present: Cllr Horner (Chair), Cllr R Nathan, Cllr A Higgins, Cllr J Smith, Cllr B Maude and Cllr R Eastwood.
Absent:Cllr R Best, Cllr C Beare, Cllr M Colenutt,Cllr C Burnett-Dick, Cllr J Sanders, Cllr A Emery and Cllr S Howard.

  1. To accept Apologies for Absence

Cllr R Best, Cllr C Beare, Cllr M Colenutt

  1. To hear members’ Declarations of Interest in matters to be discussed

The Chair reminded Cllrs to declare when necessary.

  1. To accept minutes from the last strategy meeting.
    Proposed by Cllr Horner seconded by Cllr Nathan and unanimously approved.

Ear Marked Reserve spread sheet attached for funds held for projects

  1. 2026 vision

(i) Electric car charging station locations

(ii) Ageing population/ health and wellbeing
(iii) Housing needs
(iv) Local economy and environment

(v) Roads/transport/ Car Parking

(vi) Eco energy schemes

The Committee reviewed the longer term vision touching on all the complex issues and future needs. Although the neighbourhood plan had not been finalised, it was agreed that the consultation and research would still be valid and should be used to help formulate a longer term vision. It was agreed that the Council should create a concise document to articulate its policies and objectives.It was noted that the Withyham“Forward for 5”was a good example of a short, clearand easily accessible plan that could be used as a model. The Committee agreed to progress this early in 2018 andto publically consult at the parishannual meeting.

Cllrs Eastwood and Horner agreed to liaise to produce an outline plan to discuss at the next PC meeting.

The Clerk would liaise with the Withyham Clerk to get some background information on their plan.

Other short term strategies were discussed to progress the vision such as promoting and encouraging current schemes run by the surgery, lunch club etc..

  1. To consider shorter term projects

(i)Future social events – The disco had been deferred at the recent PC meeting, but the Committee agreed that community led social events should be encouraged and supported.

(ii)Playground Vision and Games Wall – The Committee agreed to commit to a short term plan to replace the middle section of the playground, subject to funding. The Clerk was asked to apply for grants.

The games wall and possible outdoor gym equipment along with a longer term replacement playground would feature within the long term strategy.

(iii)Youth worker – The Committee confirmed its ongoing commitment to funding the youth worker via the Church.

(iv)Asset sponsorship – It was agreed that we could test community appetite to sponsorship by targeting sponsorship of the newsletter. The Clerk would highlight it in the Christmas newsletter. A policy for accepting sponsorship would need to be developed and approved by the Parish Council.

(v)Intervention on ESCC highways (including overgrown hedges) and footpaths maintenance – The Clerk reported Jo Edwarde would supply a monthly ROW report to HPC when it was submitted to ESCC. The matter of the recent accident on the A264 was discussed. It was agreed the Clerk would liaise with the local newspaper to highlight the PC concerns over road safety along with continuing to represent the views of the parish with ESCC.

  1. Matters for Reporting and Inclusion in Future Agenda

Plan to be agreed.

Public consultation arrangements.

Parish liaison to provide an article for the local paper.

  1. Date of next scheduled meeting 29th October 2018 – Another date to be arranged early 2018 to review the plan prior to public consultation at the annual meeting.

Meeting Closed 9:35pm