DATE: / Tuesday October 24, 2017
TIME: / 7:00 PM

Three Towers Business Meeting MINUTES

Seneschal: / Geoffrey Daunchmeyer (Jeff Saylor) / Chronicler: / Jinny MacIntyre (Jenn Marvicsin)



A&S - Report is in. Mistress Lea ( Ginger Patterson) Would like to thank everyone for taking the survey. In the survey 35 different A&S classes were requested including ; Illumination, felting, shoe making, perios cooking, etiquet, cloak making, non-seamstress sewing, leather hardening, and beginning embroidery. Geoffrey Daunchmeyer( Jeff Saylor) will be coordinating a surprise class in February or March.

Chatalaine - Loudonville demo was good. Report for rapier is due November 1st. Master Giles Fitz Alan (Curt Conrad) requests that those who are authorized but still have not emailed him their information for database email him at: before the 31st of October.

Persuivant- Ionna (Crystal Stokes) is helping people with names and devices.

Exchequer - We have money in the bank. We were audited last week and need to take inventory in 6 months. A financial commitee is needed in December to to make a budget for next year and to take suggestions for anything we may need. There is also a new Middle Kingdom financial policy on google drive. FaoileanningheanTighearnaigh (Ann Grabach) is also in need of a deputy. If you wish to be deputy exchequer there will be a required exchequer's meeting at Red Dragon coming up this Saturday in Marysville, Ohio.

Heavy - We have had 3 Friday fight practices this month that have went well. A special congratulations to Hundi (Andrew Willis) who is now authorized in heavy, Rowan the broken (Jonathan Hunt) who authorized for great weapon, Geoffrey Daunchmeyer (Jeff Saylor) who got Baronial throwing champion.

Seneschal - There will be a new survey on Facebook and the website the beginning of November. Reports are due next month.


None at this time

- Red Dragon - Red Dragon is coming up this Saturday the 28th in Marysville, Ohio.

- Fall Brawl - Fall Brawl is coming up on Novmber 11th to the 12th.

- Road to Burgundy - Road to Burgundy is coming up on November 18th in Akron, Ohio.

- All of these events are on the calendar on the website.

- Baronial meeting - There is a baronial meeting coming up on November 5th. Geoffrey Daunchmeyer (Jeff Saylor) Requests that anyone who can make it attend.

- A special congratulations to Ina Willis who is now an official member.

- There is now a new Prince and Princess of the realm.


Revel - Preparations are coming along.

Officer Pendants - Needs to go to budget to review.

Tournament prep class - The first week of November there will be a double elimination tournament for rapier. Webmin will post a reminder.

A&S competition - The second week of november will be an A&S competition, there will be a mystery prize.

Iron key - We have 2 hoods, 2 tunics, 1 mask, and 1 gorge. We still need gloves and one more small tunic. Geoffrey Daunchmeyer (JeffSaylor) and Ionna (Crystal Stokes) may have extra gear to donate. Still need more work on heavy iron key.