Eduardo J. Cabret Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dr. Shari Stockero ED4700 – Fundamentals of Instruction

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

Lesson: Impact of earthquakes and volcanoes

Course: High School Earth Science


Understanding plate tectonics allows students to become aware of how active our planet is. By understanding this concept, students become aware of the activity involved as these plates move. They can come together and form mountains, one plate can subduct under another creating volcanoes, and plates can also move apart creating new ocean floor or rifts. Basically, this geologic activity helps shape the surface of our planet. As these processes are at work, interactions with the biosphere take place and hazards emerge affecting all life forms and habitats, including human society. Therefore, the purpose of this lesson is to allow students to reference knowledge of plate tectonics so that they can learn how to apply and relate the theory of plate tectonics to the effects of geologic hazards.

Clear statement of learning objectives:

·  Understand the importance of plate tectonics with emphasis on what these are responsible for creating at different scales or magnitudes, thus focusing on particular natural hazards associated with them and how these hazards can be monitored to help minimize natural and social/human impact risk.

Standards to be addressed:

·  E3.4 – Earthquakes and Volcanoes

o  E3.4A – Use the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes to locate and determine the types of plate boundaries.

o  E3.4B – Describe how the sizes of earthquakes and volcanoes are measured or characterized.

o  E3.4C – Describe the effects of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on humans.

Opening Activity: (Attention-getter! – Review) (~5 minutes)

·  Prepare index cards that have terms, definitions, or drawings related to vocabulary or terminology/ideas discussed from previous lessons. This vocabulary will also be associated with today’s lesson.

·  Place one index card face down on top of each desk and instruct the students to leave them face down until told otherwise (to wait until all students are seated at their desks).

·  Have them flip the card and take a couple seconds to read them.

·  Tell them that their card matches with a definition, terminology or drawing of another classmate so they must find who they match with.

·  After all partners are found, have each couple talk to the class about the cards they got to make sure they were paired up correctly.

·  When all couples have finished their discussion have them go back to their desks and form 6 groups.

·  Introduce and commence with today’s lesson!

Lesson content and structure:

·  What have learned about the causes of plate tectonic movement?

o  Engage student discussion on determining cause-and-effect relationships of plate tectonics, such as geologic/geographic structures (e.g. boundary zones) and hazards. Have them give examples and you may write them on the board creating a list if you’d like. (~3 minutes)

·  A student will most likely mention earthquakes, so focus first on earthquakes. Imply it if it is not mentioned.

Does anybody know then how we can measure or characterize earthquakes? (Answers: seismographs, scales, etc. (~1 minute))

o  Introduce (define) and compare the Richter and Modified Mercalli scales if they do not mention them. (~3 minutes)

§  The magnitude of an earthquake is recorded using instruments that respond to wave energy that reaches the surface; records the intensity of the shaking ground using a seismograph by measuring the height of the waves or amplitudes (Richter Magnitude scale).

§  Earthquake intensity is categorized using reports of earthquake effects into levels that can be mapped (Mercalli Scale of Earthquake Intensity).

·  Have the students distinguish between the Richter and Modified Mercalli earthquake intensities

o  Group Activity #1: (~10 minutes)

§  Give each student a copy of Worksheet 1 with attached table. Discuss table if needed and then have students complete the worksheet and discuss findings as a class. Have one person of each group answer one of the questions.

o  Alternative Activity: (~3 minutes)

§  Has anyone ever experienced or can mention an earthquake that has occurred? Have students talk about an experience or give examples. Ask if there was any structural damage or injuries/death.

§  Small lecture: (~5 minutes)

·  Earthquake risk is quantified by considering geological surface material, building design and material, the condition of infrastructure, and population patterns (Write on the board).

o  What do I mean by this?

§  Structures built on sediments are more vulnerable than those built on bedrock (more solid ground) because earthquake shaking causes sediments to lose the internal strength necessary to provide support.

·  Point out that the ground temporarily turns into quicksand; therefore buildings fall, tumble, or may start to sink. Also, groundwater can come up and weaken the compaction of sediments (liquefaction).

o  Give Example:

§  Unconsolidated sediment is a dominant surface material in the Midwest of the US.

§  Facts to know:

·  Largest earthquake of the century in the world (?): Chile 1960, 9.5 magnitude

·  Largest earthquake of the century in the US (?): Alaska 1964, 9.2 magnitude

·  Draw on the board the table below or two blank columns. Have students suggest materials and/or give examples. Then, have them predict how good these materials will withstand an earthquake. Ask them why (?) – Exercise scientific inquiry (~5 minutes)

A / WOOD BUILDING / very good
C / BRICK BUILDING / poor, especially if not reinforced
F / GRASS HUT / good (if roof is attached)

·  What causes injury, death or property destruction when earthquakes occur? Answers: weakening of human-made structures, falling/loose objects, the effects of earthquake-induced mass movement (What are they called? landslides, mudslides) or ocean waves (What do we call those? tsunamis), etc.

o  Have students or yourself point out on a world map prone areas to disasters caused by earthquakes (Pacific – from Alaska to Indonesia region, areas around the India-China border, west coast of the US, and Andes Mountains. (~5 minutes)

*Red-browns are areas of highest earthquake risk

(Taken from NOAA’s Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program)

·  How else can earthquakes impact humans? (~2 minutes)

o  Answers: they can affect economies of countries with cleanup costs or repairs and with loss of jobs, electricity, water, etc.

o  Mention that denser populated areas can be impacted more.

·  Can anybody tell me what can an earthquake infer to us that is going on? Are earthquakes only associated with the movement of plates? (~3 minute)

o  Suggest and have students analyze if earthquakes are associated with volcanic activity.

·  Introduce volcanoes!

o  Describe a typical volcano by drawing it on the board. Have students mention the parts of a volcano and the different types if they know. Mention or label for them if they need help (Use attached copy illustrating a volcano). (~10 minutes)

§  Mention that some volcanoes are more dangerous than others

·  There are two major types of volcanic eruptions

o  Effusive vs. Explosive eruptions

§  Effusive eruptions occur as liquid magma emerges quietly at the earth’s surface to form a lava flow or dome (Hawaii).

§  Explosive eruptions occur because of the build-up of gas pressure that comes from heating dissolved gasses in the magma and tears the magma apart into fragments (Mt. St. Helens, Pinatubo).

·  Introduce and explain Volcanic Explosivity Index:

o  The Explosivity of volcanoes can be measured using the Volcanic Explosivity Index. It is a semi-quantitative scale for the size of a volcanic eruption based on evaluation of criteria such as volume of material explosively ejected and height of eruption cloud

§  Discuss VEI using table below (OPTIONAL)

0 / Effusive / Less than 10,000 m3 / Less than 0.1 km
1 / Gentle explosion / More than 10,000 m3 / 0.1-1 km
2 / Explosive / More than 1,000,000 m3 / 1-5 km
3 / Severe explosion / More than 10,000,000 m3 / 3-15 km
4 / Very severe explosion / More than 100,000,000 m3 / 10-25 km
5 / Violent explosion / More than 1,000,000,000 m3 / More than 25 km
6 / Terrific explosion / More than 10,000,000,000 m3 / More than 25 km
7 / Super-terrific explosion / More than 100,000,000,000 m3 / More than 25 km
8 / Mega-terrific explosion / More than 1,000,000,000,000 m3 / More than 25 km

(Based on documents from the US Geological Survey)

o  Group Activity #2: (~10 minutes)

§  Distribute to all students Worksheet 2 that contains 3 diagrams showing the process involving the formation of an explosive volcano.

·  Explain why earthquakes occur before and during volcanic eruptions.

·  Point out to the students (have them keep in mind) that other things besides the disruption of people's lives are affected by an eruption.

o  Have students complete Worksheet 2 and discuss findings as a class. Have one person of each group answer one of the questions.

o  Make sure to include in the discussion the aftermath of an eruption.

o  (OPTIONAL) After this activity, show students the image below or draw it on the board. (~5 minutes)

§  Can anyone tell me what would happen if a volcano with snow erupts?

·  Heat will melt the snow which will turn into water. This water will flow down the sides/slopes of the volcano creating a dangerous flood (lahar flow or mudflows) that mixes and carries along with it loose/unstable materials (e.g. ash and vegetation).

§  Does the shape of a volcano determine if the mud moves slowly or fast?

·  Answer: Yes!

o  The steeper the slopes of a volcano, the faster the mudflow will "ride down" its flanks. The more viscous (thicker) the material, the faster it will flow.

Lesson closure: (~10 minutes)
·  Draw a Venn Diagram on the board and have the class mention/discuss the differences and similarities between earthquakes and volcanoes. Write these on the board or have students come up and write them themselves. Make sure that students mention something about all of the topics discussed in class today.
Worksheet #1:
Comparing the Richter and Modified Mercalli scales
DIRECTIONS: Determine the Modified Mercalli Scale intensity and Richter magnitude of each described earthquake. Use the table provided to guide your answers.
1.  Felt quite noticeably by persons indoors, especially on upper floors of buildings. Many people do not recognize it as an earthquake. Standing cars may rock slightly. The vibration feels similar to the passing of a truck.
2.  Damage is negligible in buildings of good design and construction: slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures; considerable damage in poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken.
3.  Not felt except by a very few under especially favorable conditions.
4.  Felt by all, many frightened. Some heavy furniture is moved; a few instances or fallen plaster. Damage slight.
5.  Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable damage in ordinary substantial building with partial collapse. Damage great in poorly built structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, walls. Heavy furniture overturned.
6.  Define the Mercalli Intensity Scale:
7.  Define the Richter Magnitude Scale:
I. / INSTRUMENTAL: detected only by seismographs / 3.5
II. / FEEBLE: noticed only by sensitive people / 4.2
III. / SLIGHT: like the vibrations due to a passing train; felt by people at rest, especially on upper floors / 4.3
IV. / MODERATE: felt by people while walking; rocking of loose objects, including standing houses / 4.8
V. / RATHER STRONG: felt generally; most sleepers are awakened and bells ring / 4.9 - 5.4
VI. / STRONG: trees sway and all suspended objects swing; damage by overturning and falling of loose objects / 5.5 - 6.0
VII. / VERY STRONG: general alarm; walls crack; plaster falls / 6.1
VIII. / DESTRUCTIVE: car drivers seriously disturbed; masonry fissured; chimneys fall; poorly constructed buildings damaged / 6.2
IX / RUINOUS: some houses collapse where ground begins to crack, and pipes break open / 6.9
X / DISASTROUS: ground cracks badly; many buildings destroyed and railway lines bent; landslides on steep slopes / 7.0 - 7.3
XI / VERY DISASTROUS: few buildings remain standing; bridges destroyed; all services (railways, pipes and cables) out of action; great landslides and floods / 7.4 - 8.1
XII / CATASTROPHIC: total destruction; objects thrown into air; ground rises and falls in waves / > 8.1
1. IV - moderate: 4.3-4.8
2. X - disastrous; 7-7.3
3. II - feeble; 3.5-4.2
4. VI - very strong; 5.5-6.1
5. VIII - destructive; 6.2-6.9
Mercalli scale = measures intensity compared to human terms
Richter scale = strength of earthquake due to ground motion
Worksheet #2:
Predicting damage during eruptions, based on earthquake patterns

1.  How can scientists (or you) predict that this volcano may erupt?

2.  Which homes will be impacted by the eruption of this volcano? How? Why?

3.  What else might become affected by this eruption?


1.  Earthquakes will occur as the magma rises and displaces the surrounding rock.

2.  Students should point out that the two homes on the eastern part of the volcano may become affected first by the eruption by flowing lava. However, if the students reason that ash will affect the two homes on the western portion, this answer can also be a justified.

Students should also be able to mention different types of hazards that can affect the area, such great plumes of ash and debris as well as mudslides or lahar flows (instant floods).

3.  Wildlife, forests, lakes, nearby homes (through damaging effects of earthquakes to infrastructure, moving/falling objects, fires, etc.).