Microdea Imaging Quick Reference
Microdea Imaging Quick Reference
You can find information about using Microdea imaging with TMWSuite on the following pages.
Creating images of invoices
Creating images of printed invoices
Viewing scanned documents
Viewing trip-related documents
Viewing resource-related documents in File Maintenance
Viewing resource-related documents in Order Entry, Invoicing, and the Dispatch Trip Folder
Imaging is not working
Invoices are not printing after they are imaged
Supporting documents are not imaged
Imaging is not working with EDI
Before you can use Microdea imaging with TMWSuite, set up your system as follows:
- Make sure you have your licensing SQL code that includes the imaging option, and it is applied to your database.
Note: You have to turn on the imaging option for imaging to work.
- Verify that your TTS50.ini file contains these settings:
ImagingWebBrowserUrl=(Synergize browser location)
ImagingWebServicesUrl=(Synergize browser location)
MicrodeaWebAddress=(Synergize browser location)
- Verify that the General Info Table has this setting:
- Ensure the TMWSuite database has been modified to support imaging.
A.Using SQL Query Analyzer, run the following query:
select max(sys_controlnumber)from systemcontrol where sys_controlid='PEGNUM'
If the query returns no value, or if the value returned is less than 100000000, PTS 15668 has not been applied.
Note: PTS 15668 was created for a client using the Pegasus imaging system, but should be applied for TMWSuite clients using Microdea imaging as well. The PTS ensures that image files printed in sequence by TMWSuite will be printed by the imaging vendor in the same sequence as they would have been printed from TMWSuite.
B.Using SQL Query Analyzer, run the following query:
Select * from Pegasus_invoicelist
If you get an error message, PTS 13101 has not been applied.
Note: PTS 13101 includes database modifications necessary to support imaging in TMWSuite. The PTS was created for a client using the Pegasus imaging system, but should be applied for TMWSuite clients using Microdea imaging as well.
- Make sure the latest version of the Image_invoicedata002_sp stored procedure has been installed.
Using SQL Query Analyzer, run the following query:
sp_helptext Image_invoicedata002_sp
You should see:
DPETE 15873 return mb number from pegasus_invoiclist table
Note: This is the latest version of the stored procedure as of this writing, and may be updated later. Contact your TMW Support representative for the current version.
- Create mappings between TMWSuite applications and Microdea document repositories.
A repository is a collection of scanned documents related to the same entity. All documents in a repository have common keys or index information. Mapping allows you to view scanned documents from TMWSuite applications.
A.Open the System Administration application.
B.From the Edit menu, select the Microdea Setup command.
Note: If you do not see Microdea Setup in the Edit menu, make sure ImagingVendor=Microdea in the [Invoice] section of your TTS50.ini file.
The Map TMW Screen to Microdea Repositories window opens.
C.Click the Add button.
D.Enter information in the following fields.
Application / Click in this field to display a drop-down list. The options are:- Order Entry
- Dispatch
- Invoicing
- Settlements
- Driver Maint
- Tractor Maint
- Commodity Maint
- Trailer Maint
- Safety Reports
- Settlement Empty Move
- Dispatch Empty Move
Microdea Server / Enter the name of the computer that is running the Synergize Server software in this field.
Note: The value you enter in this field will be automatically copied to the next line when you click the Add button again.
Microdea Repository / The location on the Microdea server that stores the documents related to the application.
Note: The value you enter in this field will be automatically copied to the next line when you click the Add button again.
Microdea Keyfield / Name of the field that Microdea uses to index the documents.
Microdea User Name / User name for Microdea system login.
Microdea Password / Password for Microdea system login.
E.Save your changes.
In our example, the Synergize Server software is running on SERVER1 with links to Microdea repositories for delivery documents.
Creating images of invoices
As with EDI, an image is produced only when the status of an invoice is updated to Printed.
Note:The following instructions are for invoices that have not been printed yet. For printed invoices, see the section, Creating images of printed invoices.
1.In the Invoicing application, open the invoice to be imaged.
Note: The status of the invoice must be Ready to Print. You cannot create an image by printing a preliminary invoice.
2.Do one of the following:
- Click the Print icon.
- From the File menu, select the Print command.
- From the Process menu, select the Print Invoices command to retrieve and print a queue of invoices and/or master bills.
3.Click Yes when you see the message asking if you want to update the status.
The Printer Setup window opens.
4.Select the Synergize printer and click OK.
The documents are now in Synergize available for you to index. You can print invoices and supporting documents from Synergize.
Note: If you do not see the Synergize printer in the Printer Setup window, the printer driver has not been installed. You must install the driver before you can proceed.
Once the print is complete, the Printer Setup window opens again for you to change to your default printer.
Note: TMW does not recommend setting up the Synergize printer as the default printer on a desktop. Doing so will cause any printed output from that desktop, e.g., Word documents, reports, reprinted invoices, to be sent to the Microdea system.
5.Ensure that copies are set to 1 in the Invoice Selection window and in all company profiles to avoid sending multiple images to the Microdea system.
Note: Later versions of TMWSuite will ignore the copies. If you need to print multiple copies, contact Microdea support about doing so from their application.
Creating images of printed invoices
Follow these steps to create an image of an invoice after it has been printed or transferred.
1.In the Invoicing application, go to the Process menu and select the Print Invoices command. The Print Invoices window displays.
2.In the Selection Criteria section, enter the necessary criteria for retrieving the desired invoice(s).
3.Click in the Invoice Status field to display a drop-down list, and select one of these options:
- Printed
- Inv or MB Printed
- Transferred
4.Click the Retrieve button. Verify that the desired invoices are displayed in the results grid.
5.Select the Reprocess Images check box.
Note: If you do not see the Reprocess Images check box, make sure both of the following conditions are true:
- InvoiceImagingActivated=Y exists in the [Invoice] section of your TTS50.ini file.
- In the Invoice Status field, you have selected Printed, Inv or MB Printed, or Transferred.
6.Click Yes when the following warning message displays:
7.Click the Print button.
Viewing scanned documents
Documents scanned into the Microdea Imaging System can be viewed from within TMWSuite. You can view trip-related documents for an order, and resource-related documents attached to commodity, driver, and tractor master records.
Viewing trip-related documents
Follow these steps to view scanned documents attached to an order.
1.In Order Entry, Invoicing, or the Dispatch Trip Folder, retrieve the order.
2.Do one of the following:
- In Order Entry or Invoicing, click the View Docs icon in the toolbar near the bottom of the list.
- In Order Entry, you can also click the View menu and select the Supporting Docsoption.
- In Invoicing, you need to display an order before clicking View Docs.
- In Dispatch, right-click any field that displays the order number in the Freight Detail or Stop Details, and select View Related Documents from the menu.
Note: If View Related Documents does not appear in the menu, verify thatInvoiceImagingActivated=Y and ImagingVendor=Microdeaare in the [Invoice] section of your TTS50.ini file.
The system passes the Microdea user ID, password, and document number into Microdea. The Image View Selection window opens with a list of scanned documents indexed to the order.
Note: If no scanned documents are attached, an error message displays.Some of the errors can refer to an invalid user ID and password or web address.
- In the Image View Selection window, select a scanned document and click View.
The Synergize Viewer application opens witha list of document types. If the Synergize window is blank, the system did not find any related documents.
- In the Synergize Viewer, click a document type to display it.
Viewing resource-related documents in File Maintenance
Follow these steps to view scanned documents attached to a commodity, driver, or tractor in File Maintenance.
1.Retrieve the desired master record.
2.ClickView Docs in the sheet toolbar.
Note: If the View Docs icon does not appear in the sheet toolbar, make sure InvoiceImagingActivated=Y and ImagingVendor=Microdea exist in the [Invoice] section of your TTS50.ini file.
3.The Image View Selection window will display and present a list of scanned documents that have been indexed to the master file record.
Note: If no scanned documents are attached, an error message will appear.
4.To display one of the scanned documents, select it in the Image View Selection window and click the View button. The Synergize Viewer application will open and display the selected document.
Viewing resource-related documents in Order Entry, Invoicing, and the Dispatch Trip Folder
In Order Entry, Invoicing, and the Dispatch Trip Folder, the View Docs icon in the sheet toolbar can only be used to display documents attached to an order. Follow these steps to view scanned documents attached to a commodity, driver, or tractor.
1.Retrieve an order to which the desired commodity, driver, or tractor has been assigned.
2.Right-click in a field that contains the desired resource.
3.Select the View Related Documents command from the menu.
4.The Image View Selection window will display and present a list of scanned documents that have been indexed to master file record.
Note: If no scanned documents are attached, an error message will appear.
5.To display one of the scanned documents, select it in the Image View Selection window and click the View button. The Synergize Viewer application will open and display the selected document.
This section describes solutions to common problems with the Microdea system.
Imaging is not working
If you think that imaging is not working and you see files with names like TMWSInvoicePrints<inv#>.tif, one of two things could be happening:
- You are printing invoices that do not have a Ready To Print status.
- You are answering No when the system asks, “Do you want to update the status” and you have your imaging printer set up as the default.
TMWSuite will produce a .TIF file with a numeric name, as expected by Microdea, only when:
1. The invoice status is Ready to Printand you answer Yes to the update question.
2. The InvoiceImagingActivated=Y setting exists in the [Invoice] section of your TTS50.ini file.
3. The licensing SQL code has been applied to your database.
Invoices are not printing after they are imaged
The invoice or master bill is printed by Microdea from the .TIF image after the image is created. If the Printer Setup window does not appear after imaging is completed, follow these steps to determine where the problem is occurring.
1.Open the Printers folder by going to the Windows Start button, then selecting Settings and then Printers.
2.Right-click the Synergize printer icon and select Pause Printing from the menu.
3.Find an invoice that has a Ready to Print status, or reprint a printed invoice from the Print Invoices window.
Note: Select the Reprocess Images check box when reprinting invoices from the Print Invoices window.
4.Print the invoice to the Synergize printer by selecting that printer when the printer selection widow opens.
5.Check the printer buffer directory for the .TIF file. It will have a numeric document ID. If possible, open the .TIF file to make sure it looks correct.
If the printing process works correctly to this point, there are no problems with TMWSuite. Contact Microdea technical support for further assistance.
Supporting documents are not imaged
If Microdea is to print supporting documents, the company profile for the Bill To companies should be accessed and the Sup Docs button clicked to build a list of supporting documents. Make sure that Microdea knows what codes are passed for which supporting doc types. The valid entries are in the PaperWork label if you need to add new values or change existing values.
Imaging is not working with EDI
If a company does electronic billing via EDI and also wants an invoice image to be passed to the imaging system, the company profile’s EDI 210 setting must be EDI & Print. If a Bill To company is set up as EDI only, no invoice is printed and no image is produced.
TMW Systems, Inc.Rev. 6/20131
Microdea Imaging QR.docTMWSuite Invoice Imaging