NAFSA Discussion Forums: IEM Discussion Forum: International Enrollment Management
Which international college fair is right for you? -
1)What is the political situation in the country (countries) where the college fair will be held? Will safety for participants (school representatives and students alike) be an issue?
2) What is the economic condition in the country (countries) where the college fair will be held? What is the exchange rate and how volatile have changes in the exchange rate been over the last 18 to 24 months?
4) Will the US Embassy be involved in the fair(s)any way? Will representatives from the US Embassy be on hand to do sessions re: visa application process?Does your admissions office have sufficient knowledge of the visa process, processing times, lag-time, etc.?
5)What are the alternatives to college fairs in the area(s) in which the college fairs is being held and how do they compare with regard to return on investment? Can you calculate a cost-per-inquiry, cost-per-applicant, cost-per-matriculant, and establish a target ROI before deciding to participate and what the odds are that you can hit it?
6) Location of the venue--are there sufficient resources for participants to do private events (i.e. using the college fair to promote a hotel reception)?
7)How much social network activity occurs pre and post college fair(s) (i.e. Facebook presence, other online outlets)? What is the nature of that activity?
8) What is the weather cycle during the dates of the college fair (might seem line a mundane issue but fair attendance can be seriously impacted, for example, in Western Europe during winter by heavy snow --had it happen to me-- and fairs during monsoon season in Asia are always at the mercy of the weather)?
9) What else is happening in-country during the dates of the fair--sporting events, visits by heads of state, etc. that will impact traffic, access to venue, willingness of students to attend?
10) Does the fair require pre-registration by attendees? Is there a cost for attendees? Does the venue enable ease of attendance by attendees (i.e public transportation, parking, etc.)?