Table E1. Demographics of those families who had a home visit and those who did not.

Included in analyses
(n=240) / Complete data, but excluded because ambient NO >100
(n=29) / Home visit but missing FeNO, BC or allergen data (n=42) / Screened, no home visit
High asthma prevalence neighborhood, (%)2 / 50.8 / 51.7 / 42.9 / 45.2
Case selection related symptoms, (%)3 Wheeze / 35.0 / 24.1 / 38.1 / 29.3
Wheeze with exercise / 21.7 / 10.3 / 26.2 / 14.9
Woken at night by cough without having a cold / 43.3 / 37.9 / 54.8 / 38.8
Use of medications for asthma / 36.7 / 31.0 / 40.5 / 31.4
Male (%) / 55.0 / 51.7 / 59.6 / 51.6
Race (%)4 White / 14.2 / 6.9 / 19.0 / 21.8
African-American / 49.2 / 34.5 / 45.2 / 44.7
Asian / 9.2 / 13.8 / 19.0 / 12.2
Other/mixed / 23.3 / 41.4 / 14.3 / 17.6
Hispanic ethnicity (%)5 / 33.8 / 37.9 / 31.0 / 23.91
Household income <$25K (%) / 7.1 / 17.2 / 21.41 / 9.6
Surrounding 500m6 Household Incomes (Median) / $33.8K / $31.4K / $34.5K / $35.9K
Buildings burning residual Oil (#) / 5 / 4 / 3 / 3
Truck Route Density (km/km2) / 2.0 / 1.6 / 2.0 / 1.71
Maternal asthma (%)7 / 23.8 / 13.8 / 21.4 / 20.2
Paternal asthma (%)7 / 15.5 / 22.2 / 19.0 / 12.3

Footnotes for Table E1.

1P<0.05 from children included in analyses (i.e., first column).

2Children not in the high asthma prevalence neighborhood were in the low asthma prevalence neighborhood.

3Symptoms reported in the past 12 months on the screening questionnaire.

4There were 10 (4.2%) 1 (3.4%), 1 (2.4%), and 7 (3.7%) children who did not have a race reported in the groups, respectively.

5There were 6 (2.5%), 4 (13.8%), 0 and 6 (3.2%) children who did not have a report for Hispanic ethnicity, which was significantly more common among included as compared with children who were excluded because of having a high ambient NO (P<0.05).

6GIS census based variable of the household in the surrounding radian 500 meters. This was available on a subset of the children (n=234, 25, 38, 177, respectively)

7The were 1, 0, and 4 children without a report for maternal asthma and 4, 1, 3, and 8 without a report for paternal asthma.

Table E2. Geometric mean allergen levels in children’s bed dust.1

Low asthma prevalence neighborhood homes / High asthma prevalence neighborhood homes / P for difference
Der f 1 (ng/g) / 85.7 [64.3-114] / 48.6 [38.5-61.4] / 0.003
Bla g 2 (ng/g) / 24.1 [19.3-30.1] / 37.4 [28.7-48.7] / 0.013
Mus m 1 (ng/g) / 33.5 [24.4-45.9] / 89.5 [59.7-134] / <0.001
Fel d 1 (ng/g) / 27.5 [21.5-35.1] / 50.9 [37.4-69.3] / 0.002
Can f 1 (ng/g) / 95.7 [64.4-142] / 84.2 [59.5-119] / 0.64

Footnotes for Table E2.

1That allergen concentration differed by neighborhood has been reported previously (Olmedo OE, 2010 (In Press)).