Summary–September 22, 2015


Council Members: Present: Excused:Council Members: Present: Excused:

Helen Post, UPC☒☐Joel Coleman, USDB☒☐

Paul Smith, DSPD ☐ ☒Darin Brush, USOR ☐☒

Doug Thomas, DSAMH☐☒Glenna Gallo, USOE☐☐

Michael Hales, DOH ☐ ☒

Noel Taxin, CSHCN ☒ ☐

Stakeholders Present:

Jan Ferre, LCPD Carol Ruddell, ASPIRE

Kris Fawson, SILC Stacey Cummings, USOR (for Darin Brush)

Joyce Dolcourt, LCPD Jeremy Christensen, DSAMH (for Doug Thomas)

Tamara Flint, USDB Susan Loving, USOE (for Glenna Gallo)

Penny Weiss, DSPD Dr. Chuck Norlin, U of U Medical Home Portal

Mindy Tueller, U of U Medical Home Portal


Welcome & introductions / Chair opened the meeting and welcomed the attendees.
Review of minutes from August 2015. / The Council unanimously approved the minutes from August 25, 2015 as presented.
Motion: Noel Taxinmotioned to approve the minutes as presented.
Second: Helen Post
Vote: 3:0:0 / August25, 2015 minutes are approved.
Visit from Dr. Chuck Norlin to discuss the Medical Home portal / Each agency is asked to review the potential recommendations and be prepared to discuss them in depth at the next CCPD meeting.
/ Dr. Chuck Norlin provided a brief overview of the University of Utah Medical Home Portal. Dr. Norlin reviewed six areas which included:
  • Diagnosis & Conditions
  • Newborn Disorders
  • For Parents & Families
  • For Physicians & Professionals
  • Services Directories
  • Other Resources
CCPD members that were present listened to the presentation and agreed that the Medical Home Portal is a good option as an integrated resource and has potential to be expanded. Options discussed:
  1. Currently the Medical Home portal currently includes a library of resources for families of children with disabilities.
  • Some questions were:
  • The possibility of expanding the 211 resource
  1. The medical home portal is reviewing the ability to have a live chat feature.
  • Add a staff resource in CCPD agencies to allow referrals to other supporting programs.
  1. Requires new appropriation to support referrals (new staff member at each agency)
  2. (Review options for electronic communication between agencies).
  3. Utilize the peer-to-peer program through the Parent Center that allows families new to the disability arena to be referred to experienced families for guidance.
  4. Consensus was to reduce the single point of entry into the system and assure that families are served a more timely and efficient manner.
Kris Fawson noted that another area that needs to be considered is including services for aging/elderly individuals with disabilities and their families. Noel responded that if CCPD committee can create a solid system, it should be able to serve all populations.
Noeland Gina willlook at the options of the Medical Home portal’s capabilities as one of the recommendations to the Legislature and we can discuss in January.
Susan Loving was present for Glenna Gallo to discuss the SSIP recommendations. Susan noted that Glenna has realigned staff to have Leah Voorhees and Becky Unker focusing specificallyon SSIP andworking with LEA’s.
Helen asked if USOE collects data that tracksexactly how families are being served. Additional comments were as follows:
  • How do you foster parents to have high expectations? Although we would like parents to have high expectations, we also need to help parents realize that certain children may not have the capability to reach specific goals and expectations. What are realistic expectations?We need to encourage parents to realize what normal expectations are at specific ages and for their specific child.
  • How do you encourage families to use technology?
  • We need to prepare infrastructure with policies and procedures to be able and ready to receive these students in colleges. Programs need to be inclusive for families.
Joel stated that it is USDB’s goal to have our children mainstreamed as early as possible. USDB is proposing a deaf education license, rather than a special education license with a deaf endorsement. We need to focus on abilities rather than disabilities.
UCAT’s History and impact on the future / Helen would like to have Mike Wollenzein, Director of the Utah Center for Assistive Technology (UCAT) and Kent Remund present at the next CCPD meeting to inform CCPD members how they operate and how they are funded. UCAT will be holding an open house on October 1, 2015 from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. if anyone is interested in attending. They are located in the Judy Ann Buffmire building at 1595 W. 500 S., SLC, UT.
Future agenda items & announcements /
  • UCAT presentation Utah Center for Assistive Technology
  • Agency budget requests from USOR & USDB

Meeting Closure / Chair closed the meeting at 12:30 p.m.
Helen moved to adjourn
Please contact Tamara Flint () if you have topics you would like presented at the next CCPD meeting.

NEXT MEETING: October27, 2015,11am – 1pm, Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind, 3098 S. Highland Dr., Salt Lake City

Individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids, services, etc.)

are encouraged to contact Tamara Flint at 801-629-4712 or

Call-in option number: 1-801-629-4880, select bridge 1, enter PIN 1231