Developing clear and transparent processes for producing manifestos and responses to major consultations affecting the youth work sector.


This YouthLink Scotland consultation response protocol seeks to set out clear and transparent processes for producing manifestos and responses to major consultations which affect the youth work sector.

The protocol seeks to take account of the variety of circumstances in which such manifestos and responses are required – consulting fully with our membership when that is both possible and most appropriate, and drawing on existing intelligence and experience when timescales are tighter.

Key issues for the Policy and Information team when developing a manifesto or a consultation response are the membership nature of the organisation, the target audience (politicians or government etc.), ownership of the document and final say over the content and design. The processes developed below seek to ensure that the Policy and Information team routinely works in ways which will develop a strong element of trust from members.

There needs to be three different processes:

1)For consultations and issues affecting the whole of the sector and when there is a considerable lead in time.

2)For consultations when only a small number of members may be affected.

3)For consultations affecting the whole of the sector when there is only a quick turn round period.

How each process works

Process 1- for consultations/issues affecting the whole of the sector and when there is considerable lead in time

  • Establish current YouthLink Scotland view on topic under development/consultation. Engage Policy Forum in discussion to identify and scope work required including any source of internal expertise.
  • Hold initial discussions with key stakeholders/network chairsto sound out views, policies and priorities.
  • Outline the key issues and areas to be developed and circulate to membership asking them to respond in terms of priority/ importance etc.
  • Produce initial draft, including design thoughts and circulate to members for comments and suggestions allowing sufficient time for organisations to consult with their own members.
  • Invite members and any other stakeholders to consultation discussion/eventas appropriate.
  • Incorporate comments as appropriate; send to Senior Management and Policy Forum for review.
  • Redraft if necessary and send to Board for comment and approval and then send final version out to members (for information and points of accuracy only)prior to going public.
  • Final copy to designer with enough time for design and proof reading prior to going to printer. (Need to check with designer to ensure there is enough time for design prior to going to printer).

Process 2- for consultations when only a small number of members may be affected

  • Policy and Information team draft an initial (response) document.
  • Identify and approach key members for whom the consultation is particularly relevant and ask them to contribute to the YouthLink Scotland response, copy to Policy Forum Chair and Vice Chair.
  • This is circulated to all members and staff for information only.
  • Where there are any conflicting views that cannot be reconciled the final decision on wording lies with the Chief Executive/Senior Management team.

Process 3- for consultations affecting the whole of the sector when there is only a quick turn round period

  • Policy and Information team draft an initial (response) document.
  • This is circulated to Policy Forum Chair and Vice Chair, all members and staff for comment/additions with clear deadlines, however short, for response.
  • Incorporate feedback into revised document.
  • Where there are any conflicting views that cannot be reconciled the final decision on wording lies with the Chief Executive/senior management team.

Please note:

a) A timeframe for each consultation process with deadlines to respond will be intimated at the start of each process and these will differ from consultation to consultation.

b) YouthLink Scotland presents any of these consultations on behalf of all members yet any particular consultation response from YouthLink Scotlandrepresents the views of the majority of members. It does not claim to be the position of any one individual member or of all member organisations.

c) YouthLink Scotland seeks to build consensus and individual organisations retain the ability to make their own response. There will be intelligent noting of positions that differ from the consensus in order to better understand an organisation’s stance on a key area for future reference.