Minutes of the meeting held onTuesday 28th March 2017

Brenchley Surgery 7pm

  1. Attendees: Rob Weighell, Mark Ironmonger, Sarah Overton, Rob Morton, Neil Turner, Pauline Elcome & Kym Davis
  2. Apologies: Lynda Harris
  1. Minutes of previous meeting held on the 7th February 2017 were agreed as correct with no amendments
  1. Update on plans for the Event – Neil Turner updated the meeting on the event.
  1. The date of the event has been changed to Thursday 27th April, to accommodate the speaker from Diabetes UK, there will be two speakers from Diabetic Eye Screening and Neil is still awaiting confirmation from Zoe Crosby regarding a possible nutritionist. Sarah offered to speak to Zoe.

Derek circulated the final version of the proposed leaflet of the event. It was noted that the venue was incorrect which Derek will amend and circulate asap. The leaflets will be available at surgeries, the pharmacy, post office, Heath Stores etc. Posters would also be placed in these locations.

Sarah will organise a notice for the village website. Derek had arrange publication in the local magazines and will arrange a press release for local papers.

The surgery agreed to send the event leaflets to diabetic and pre diabetic patients.

The meeting will be between 7 & 9 pm, speakers from 7.15/30 to0 allow people to purchase drinks and settle. It was agreed that the format will be a maximum of 5-10 minutes for each speaker with a joint Q&A session afterwards.

  1. Any other business

·  It was noted that Lynda Harris was unwell and that locums would be working at the surgery where possible, but that being the Easter Holidays this is proving difficult.

·  Sarah informed the meeting that the Case for Change had been published and the she would circulate to the members

·  The meeting was informed that Pauline was leaving the Practice and that Kym Davis would be taking over responsibility for the PPG meetings in the future.

  1. Date of next meeting Wednesday 14th June 2017