Appendix I: Fund Activity Questions

**NOTE: This document is provided for reference only.
You will not be able to upload this document to the Budget Portal.
All answers below will need to be entered into the Budget Portal web-forms.**
Agency: Agency Code - Activity For Fund #### – Fund Title
Question / Answer
Fund Number
Fund Description
Will this fund be active for the FY18-19 biennium?
Fund Summary
1. Explain the legal authority of this fund, including: Ohio Revised Code chapter, section of temporary (uncodified) law, and/or Controlling Board action number and approval date.
2. Explain the purpose of each ALI within this fund. / Please see ALI list on next page
3. Explain the programs or activities that are supported with fund revenue.
4. Explain all major sources of revenue deposited into this fund.
5. Explain factors influencing historical revenues to this fund (e.g., 50% fee increase in FY14; 10% decrease in revenue in FY16 due to a decrease in number of licensees, etc.).
6. Explain specific assumptions used in developing revenue estimates for fiscal years 2017, 2018, and 2019 (e.g., proposed 25% fee increase in FY17; historical pattern indicates a 2% increase each year, etc.).
7. Identify and explain patterns in revenue flow (e.g., all revenue received in May and June due to seasonal nature of renewals; revenues received evenly throughout the fiscal year, etc.).
8. Compare your agency’s FY 2016 revenue estimates for this fund to the actual revenues collected in that year. Was there a large discrepancy between estimates and actuals? If so, what factors influenced that discrepancy, and what adjustments have you made to your revenue projection process to account for these factors?
Fund Balance
9. Identify the target ending cash balance to adequately support programs for this fund, as either a percentage of revenue or months of expenditures. Explain the rationale for this target.
10. Are there any "transfers-in" or "transfers-out" shown in the Fund Activity Summary for this fund?
Explain the source or recipient and the legal authority for any transfers in or out of this fund.
ALI / ALI Description / Purpose

Executive Operating Budget Guidance for Fiscal Years 2018-2019