Summer School 2017– Bridge Math II to math III+
Class website:
Grading Policy:
Less than 70Fail
Final Exam20%
Make up policy:
If a student is absent, the student is responsible for all missing work and the student has one day to turn in missing assignments for each missed day. Assignments can be found on the class website or in the binder at the front of the room.
Make up tests or quizzes must be scheduled directly with the teacher. Students must clear absences before a make up test will be graded and entered into the grade book.
If a student misses this make up test or quiz, the student will receive a zero.
No late or missing work will be accepted.
Classroom Rules:
Writing utensils, paper, notebooks, and any other needed materials must be brought to school every day. A text or book will provided.
No make up tests or quizzes will be graded for truancies or suspensions.
Late homework will not be accepted.
Cell Phones will/may be collected at the start of each period and kept in a safe place. Cell phones will be distributed before the end of the period. If a student is found with a cell phone after they have been collected, the phone will be turned into the office with a referral. This message, along with a verbal message on the first day, acts as your only warning.
The classroom environment depends on respect and kindness for each other and between all parties. These parties include individual students, students as a whole, teacher, and anyone else in the classroom. Respect all parties in the classroom and on campus.
Homework and Classwork:
Homework will/may be assigned daily and is to be handed in near the beginning of class. If you are absent, homework can be found on the class website or in the binder up front. No late homework will be accepted unless the student has a cleared absence.
Classwork will be given each day and will be expected to be turned in by the end of each class. This work serves to prepare students to complete homework on their own during time outside of class.
Holt Algebra 2 California. Students will be responsible for returning this text at the end of the term. Any fees for lost or damaged books are to be paid by the student.
*If the teacher provides this text from their class set, based on library availability of HA2CA, a grade will not be released until the text is returned.
** Check the class website for a Teachers Edition of the text, which will be uploaded and deleted each week.
Content:First Semester
Content of this class will include, but is not limited to,
- Quadratic and polynomial Functions
- Rational Functions
- Radical Functions
- Statistics and Probability
- Other short, miscellaneous topics not covered by Math II content.
Parents and students, please sign this document and return to class as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns about this document, please contact me at
Syllabus Contract
By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand everything in this document.