Discovery Charter Elementary School

Family Handbook


“A 21st Century STEM Academy”

1100 Camino Biscay

Chula Vista, CA 91910

(619) 656-0797—phone

(619) 656-3899—fax

Patricia Maruca, Ed.D., Executive Director/Principal

Neil MacGaffey, Associate Principal

Betsy Johnston, Dean of Students

Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD) Belief Statements...... 3

Discovery Charter School Vision/Mission Statement...... 3

What is a Charter School?...... 3

Daily Schedule...... 4

Campus Information...... 5

Office Information...... 5

Policies and Procedures...... 6

  • Attendance Policy
  • Nutrition/Second Chance Breakfast
  • Birthday Celebration Policy
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Dress Code
  • Electronic Devices
  • Field Trips
  • Transportation
  • Medication
  • Homework Policy

Discovery Charter School Discipline Guidelines...... 10

Rules and Behavioral Expectations for Common Areas Matrix...... 12

Behavior/Consequence Matrix...... 13

Student Recognition...... 14

Student Service Learning...... 14

Student Programs and Organizations...... 14

School Governance...... 14

Family Involvement Service Hours...... 15

Classroom Visitations/Tours...... 17

Parent, Teacher, Children (PTC)...... 17

Community Resources...... 17

List of Healthy Foods for Nutrition Breaks and Lunch...... 18

Discovery Charter School Vision/Mission Statement

The goal of the educational experience at Discovery Charter School is for every student to acquire and demonstrate strong academic and social skills, and adopt a disposition that inspires them to proceed in life as academically prepared, civic-minded, caring citizens of society. Research-based units of study and promising practices and strategies are utilized to ensure that all students are prepared to meet the demands of the 21st Century workplace. This fusion of content area subject matter and highly effective instructional practices creates a dynamic, rigorous and relevant learning environment for all students. The integration of problem solving, inquiry, and project-based outcomes enhances civic participation in today’s society and tomorrow’s world.

What is a Charter School?

A charter school is a publically funded school whereby an agreement (charter) is granted to a group of individuals to operate a school largely free fromEducation Code restrictionsthat limit innovation and students-based decisions. Charter schools are still held accountable to the same performance standards or even higher performance standards as public schools. The following are attributes that make Discovery Charter School different from regular public schools:

  • Focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
  • Emphasis on 21st Century Skills: Communication, Collaboration, Career and College Readiness, Computer Literacy, Critical Thinking Skills.
  • One to One laptop computers for Upper grade school Students (5th -8th grades), Two to One laptops for 1st - 4th graders, iPads and desktop computers (kinder), electronic white boards
  • Dual Language Immersion Program (English/Spanish)
  • After school tutoring and enrichment
  • Hands-On, project-based and Community Service learning projects
  • Annual Mathematics Festival and Science Fair
  • Technology assisted in-class learning and web-based homework assignments

Daily Schedule

Office Hours7:30am – 4:00 pm

School Hours

Grades K – 8thMonday – Thursday(8:05 first bell) 8:10 a.m. – 3:00p.m.

Friday/Minimum Day(8:05 first bell) 8:10a.m. – 12:15p.m.

Breakfast7:30 – 8:00

Second Chance Breakfast9:30-11:00

Recess – Kindergarten, 4th-7th by grade level; 1st-3rd by University

Grade/Pod / Time
603, 605, 607 / 9:55-10:10
602 & 604 / 10:10-10:25
4th & 5th Grade / 10:25-10:40
6th & 7th Grade / 10:40-10:55
300 & 400 pod, 601 / 1:30-1:45
500 pod / 1:45-2:00

Lunch Times – by grade level

Students play for 20 minutes, there is a 5 minute transition, and then students eat for 20 minutes.

GradesMonday – ThursdayFriday/Minimum Day

Kinder12:15-1:0010:15 – 10:50

1st11:05 – 11:5010:15 – 10:50

2nd & 3rd11:25 – 12:1010:30 – 11:05

4th & 5th11:45 – 12:3010:45 – 11:20

6th & 7th12:15 – 1:0011:00 – 11:35

Rainy Days

The schedule remains the same except for Kindergarten, who will go to lunch at 11:05.

Campus Information

Students are not permitted on campus prior to 7:30a.m. due to lack of adult supervision (except students attending YMCA child care). Students may enter through the main front gate or the gate on the East side of the campus. All gates are locked at 8:20 a.m. including the main front gate by the school office. If arriving prior to the 8:05 bell, students are to proceed to either the cafeteria for breakfast or to the playground. Students are to wait on the blacktop or playground only. Students are not to be nearthe classrooms since there is no supervision available in other areas.Once children arrive on the playground they may choose to read, do homework in the lunch area, or they may choose to walk around the track for fitness and fun. Parents are welcome and encouraged to join students for the morning walk. The morning activity is great exercise and a wonderful way to catch up on conversations with other parents and friends!

Office Information

Hours – The office is open from 7:30a.m. – 4:00p.m. every school day.

Use of School Phones – The use of school phones by students is for emergencies only.

Proof of Residency – In accordance with Title 5, California Code Regulations Section 432(F) (2), California school districts must verify student residency annually. Each year parents/guardians will be required to provide proof of residency by providing an original or copy of:

Emergency Information – The school must have current emergency information for each student. Please notify the office of any changes to the following:

  • Home address
  • Home phone number
  • Email address
  • Cell phone number
  • Work phone number
  • Emergency contact person
  • Medical changes, conditions and medication

Should there be an emergency during school hours, Emergency Cards are the only means of contacting you. The individuals listed on the emergency card will be the only people to whom a child will be released. No Exceptions!

Policies and Procedures

Attendance Policy

State law requires regular school attendance and research indicates a strong relationship between timely, consistent attendance and student progress. Therefore, at Discovery Charter School, attendance is monitored very closely.

School funding is based on actual attendance so, it is important that your child attend school every day. If your child is absent (without a valid excuse) for five days, he/she will be dropped from the school enrollment. If the child returns to school, placement will be based on space available.

Absences— When your child is absent, you must notify the school office by calling 656-0797, then select option #2. Please call the day of the absence or use the 24-hour absence line and be prepared to give your child’s name, reason for, absence and the name of your child’s teacher. Your child needs to report to the school office for a readmit slip upon returning from an absence.

Legally Excused Absences-

Pursuant to California Education Code §48205, a student may be excused legally (valid excuse) from school when the absence is for the following reasons:

  • Personal illness or injury of the student
  • Medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic services rendered to the student
  • Attendance of the student at funeral services for a member of the immediate family
  • Exclusion of the student for failure to present evidence of immunization
  • Exclusion of the student from school because student is either the carrier of a contagious disease or not immunized for a contagious disease
  • Student sent home ill by the school health office, provided that student was in class for roll call

Upon written request of the parent or guardian and prior approval of the Principal and pursuant to Board policy, a student’s absence may be excused. Reasons include, but are not limited to:

  • Student’s Appearance in Court
  • Student’s observation of a holiday or ceremony of his/her Religion
  • Attendance by the student at funeral services for someone that is not a member of the immediate family
  • Parent of a student returning from active military deployment

Independent Study. – An Independent Study Contract is available for families who must take extended leave from school for reasons not normally excused by law. Parents must notify the Health/Attendance Office a minimum of two weeks prior to the absence in order to prepare the Independent Study Contract.

Tardies—It is important that students be at school on time. A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives after the bell rings at 8:10 a.m.

Perfect Attendance is defined as no absences, no tardies. A student may receive perfect attendance if he or she is sent home ill by the school office, if he/she arrives late or is dismissed early for purposes of a medical appointment. Medical appointments will be included ONLY with written documentation from the physician’s office. Students and parents are recognized quarterly for perfect attendance.


To address the growing trend of childhood obesity, we have provided a list of healthy foods and serving sizes to be brought for nutrition breaks and lunch. You can find this list of recommended foods at the back of this Discovery School Handbook. Please help us to build healthy eating and lifestyle habits by providing a nutritious lunch and/or snack for your child.

Second Chance Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast gets students energized and ready to learn!

Second Chance Breakfast is a second opportunity for students who skipped breakfast before school to eat breakfast during recess. Students may only eat one breakfast per day. Students may use their meal cards at Second Chance Breakfast or they may purchase breakfast for $1.00. If your child did not eat breakfast in the morning, let them know they can visit the cafeteria at recess.

Please call the school cafeteria directly if you have questions about the school meal program or Second Chance Breakfast. (619) 656-0797 ext. 2791

Birthday Celebration Policy

  • No celebratory food (cake, cupcakes, candy, etc.) will be allowed on school site during the school day in celebration of a student’s birthday.
  • The school encourages and supports the use of non-food celebratory activities and will provide a list of suggestions to schools and parents.

Emergency Procedures

The school has procedures to be followed in the event of an earthquake, fire or other disasters. Fire drills and disaster drills are held regularly. In the event of an emergency, school staff members will remain on duty until all children have been safely released to parents, guardians, family members, neighbors or child care personnel designated on the child’s Emergency Card. Consequently, it is very important to keep your child’s Emergency Card information up to date. AGAIN, your child will not be released to anyone other than those listed on the Emergency Card.

Dress Guidelines

The following dress code policy is strictly adhered to at Discovery School:

  • For safety reasons, appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes must have closed toes and heel straps. No heels or platforms higher than two-inches or sandals may be worn. Students should wear appropriate shoes on days they have physical education.
  • Make up is inappropriate in the elementary grades and is discouraged in our middle school.
  • For safety reasons,dangle and hoop earrings are highly discouraged.
  • Clothing, jewelry, hats and accessories should be free of writing, pictures or other insignia which are: crude, vulgar, profane and/or sexually suggestive; advertising or advocating racial, ethnic or religious prejudice; advocating the use of drugs, tobacco or alcohol.
  • Hats, caps and other head coverings are not permissible in the classroom except for medical reasons.
  • Clothes should be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through fabrics, halter tops, spaghetti straps off the shoulder or low cut blouses, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are not acceptable.
  • In the event of a dresscode violation, parents will be notified to bring a change of clothes for the student. If parents are unavailable, students will be provided a change of clothes. Borrowed clothes must be laundered and returned to the school within 72 hours.

The school staff reserves the right to make judgments on any article of clothing, mode of dress or hair style which is potentially disruptive to the learning environment or compromises anyone’s safety.

NOTE: For student safety and to conform to school policy, no skateboards, roller blades, roller skates/shoes, or animals are allowed on campus.

Electronic Devices

Except with prior consent for health reasons, display or use of electronic devices (Education Code 48901.5) is not permitted during school hours, unless the teacher or other staff member has given permission. Electronic devices may include, but are not limited to, iPods, MP3 players, handheld games, and cell telephones. If a student displays an electronic device or if the phone rings during the school day, the device will immediately be taken away and must be picked up from the school office by a parent. It will not be released to the student. The school is not responsible for lost or damaged electronic devices. Cell phones may be used once students have left the school gates.


Students need to be free of distractions to be at their optimal learning while at school. Toys, games and other similar items not related to instruction and learning are not permitted at school. This rule also helps us to limit the possibility of borrowing, trading, breaking or theft of these items.

Field Trips

Study trips and field trips provide students with opportunities to learn and interact beyond the regular school environment. Permission slips must be completed and signed before any student may leave the school premises for a field/study trip.



Parking Lot—Discovery has two “drop-off” areas for children who are driven to or picked up from school. Parents may leave and pick up children in either loop. Children should be informed of where they will be picked up at the time of drop off. Parents are expected to adhere to all traffic signs and traffic laws. Any violation of these traffic codes will be reported to CVPD. Chula Vista Police will cite offenders.

When dropping off students,

  • Pull as far forward as possible before stopping to allow children to exit the car.
  • Do not stop in the “drop off” lane after school unless the child is ready and waiting at the curb.
  • Do not allow children to exit or enter cars in a red zone.
  • Never leave a car unattended in either of these lanes.
  • Park only in designated parking spots.
  • PLEASE do not park in STAFF or RESERVED parking areas.
  • Drive the speed limit.

Bus Rules – Buses are provided for children who live more than the following distances from Discovery Charter School. Please refer to the bus schedule to check grades authorized for different bus routes.

Kindergarten 3/4 mile

1st & 2nd Grade1 mile

3rd & 4th Grade1 1/4 miles

5th and 6th Grade1 1/2 miles

Students are expected to follow all rules set forth by the Chula Vista Elementary School District and will be suspended from bus riding for failure to do so. Bus drivers will report any misbehavior to the school office and to the transportation department.

Walking—Students and parents should agree upon a safe walking route to and from school. Always be sure to use sidewalks and stay within crosswalks. Students should obey all Safety Patrol Officers.

Bicycles—Students in grades 4-8 are permitted to ride bicycles to school. Students must obey all rules of the road, which includes wearing a helmet. There is a bike rack located near the Kindergarten area for locking bicycles. Students must bring their own locks and walk their bicycles while on campus. Helmets must be worn at all times.


For your child to take any medication, including over the counter medication, at school, a District Medical and Parental Consent Form must be completed. This form is available in the school health office and must be signed by you and your child’s health care provider. Medication must be provided in the original container with accurate content and dosage information on the label. All medication must be checked into the nurse’s office.

Homework Policy

Discovery Charter School teachers have established the following policies regarding homework:

  1. The purpose of homework is to:
  2. reinforce or practice specific skills;
  3. develop/reinforce responsibility;
  4. develop/reinforce time management;
  5. inform parents of skills being taught and learned; and
  6. to encourage learning outside of school.
  1. Homework will be assigned at a student’s independent level, not instructional level.

Nightly reading increases comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and vocabulary development.

  1. Feedback to the student regarding the homework assignment will be given within a week’s time.
  1. Long-term Projects:
  1. The purpose of long-term projects/assignments is to provide students with opportunities to explore topics of their choice or assigned by their teacher to a greater depth than covered in the classroom. They are not a parent assignment. (Reminders from the teacher will be given on a regular basis to prompt students to pace their work for the completion of the project.)
  1. Written timelines for projects/assignments will be provided by the classroom teacher. Implied skills of long-term projects/assignments are student time management and responsibility.
  1. Long-term projects/ assignments will not be assigned over weekends or during breaks.

Discovery Charter School Discipline Guidelines

Rights of students

All students have the right to feel safe and secure,

to feel respected, and to learn to their maximum potential.

What are the key points of our Discipline Policy?


  • Consistent and systematic school-wide
  • Discipline is about teaching new behaviors to replace negative behaviors
  • Discipline is positive
  • Explicit expectations must be taught
  • There must be follow through
  • Consequences must be meaningful/purposeful/relevant/logical
  • There must be a home/school connection
  • Discipline is progressive

When? and Where?

  • Classrooms/Playground/Everywhere on campus
  • During transitions
  • Before School and After School

Expectations for all students: