Chapter 12 p. 251-269

·  Johnny went to North Boston and watched boats go to Charlestown and back with wounded soldiers

·  A Yankee impersonating a British soldier would be shot

·  Johnny dirtied his uniform and self so he’d look like a simple foot soldier that was back and wounded from a shooting battle

·  Townspeople stood in the shadows of the warf and whistled “Yankee Doodle” because they felt they would win in the end!

·  Boats are bringing in wounded, such as Col. Smith and Lt. Stranger, and Johnny got to ride over to Charlestown to a tavern

·  Johnny learned that Col. Smith (after Lexington) had a battle in Concord and needed reinforcements, but Percy didn’t come and the Minute Men were surrounding the village and then Percy came.

·  Johnny had to leave Charlestown to find Dr. Warren and saw the signs of battles—he will try Cambridge and he saw Minute Men, but now what? NO food, no clothes, etc. for them. The Committee of Safety was made to turn civilians into soldiers and teach them how to survive and be a soldier!

·  Johnny ran into Paul Revere and he said Dr. Warren was in Lexington and Johnny needed to go there and check if Rab was alive

·  Six grenadiers surrendered to a Yankee old woman and asked for her protection! She was digging dandelions!

·  Where do they put the dead British? Put them in burial lots for the slaves—so many dead—a young gal told Johnny the names of the 8 that were killed on Lexington Green and Rab was not one of them!

·  The old meeting house was now smashed on Lexington Green and Johnny found Dr. Warren at Harrington House and saw his carriage and horse. He gave Dr. Warren the list he had made from Charlestown wounded and the British regiments

·  Dr. Warren told Johnny about Rab being injured in the first volley of shots and he should go see Rab in Buckman’s Tavern. Rab was not in good shape and was glad Johnny got out.

·  Rab went through some memories and thanked Johnny for the gun and he now gave it to Johnny and asked if he would go to Silsbee to see Grandshire and let him know what happened

·  Johnny went to find Grandshire and while he was gone, Rab died, so Johnny wouldn’t have to be there when it happened.

·  Dr. Warren remembered James Otis’ words:

o  “Some of us will die so other men can stand up on their feet like a man.”

·  Johnny got Rab’s musket and was looking it over and Dr. Warren asked him to lay his had down so he could see it and he could cut through the scar tissue and separate the thumb and hand.

·  Johnny went outside while Dr. Warren got ready and he heard men coming back from Charlestown singing “Yankee Doodle”

·  Johnny saw Grandshire Sildbee with the marching men going on to Cambridge

·  Rab had died and hundreds more would die, but NOT the thing that they died for… “a man can stand up…”