2nd February 2013


With this years Cheshire Premier League coming to a close, we write this letter to you to invite you to come and play in the 2013/14 season.

·  Entry to the league will remain at £25.00. This amount needs to be paid by the 13th April 2013. This shows the league that the players involved are committed. This is non refundable.

·  All new players entering the league for the first time will need to purchase a CPL top. The costs of these are £25.00 each. This needs to be paid before the first league game of the season. All tops must be worn during play, along with a tailored trouser and bowling shoes.

The format for the league shall remain as a four bowl singles league. Each person in the league will have two games per evening, and be expected to mark the game that they are not involved in. The membership for the 2013/14 season will determine the amount of ends, and the types of jack we are to use. To keep up with the limited timescales we have the hall, a jack off the side will be placed on the short mark, this adhering to how the league played in the 2012/13 season.

The dates for next season are;

13th September 2013 / 20th September 2013 / 4th October 2013 / 18th October 2013 / 8th November 2013

29th November 2013 / 3rd January 2014 / 10th January 2014 / 24th January 2014 / 31st January 2014

7th February 2014 / 21st February 2014

Players must make themselves available for these dates. If a date cannot be made, the organisers must be told well in advance so a suitable reserve can be brought in.

We would ask you to email if you wish to be considered for the 2013/14 season. Everyone submitting will be added to the website ( under the 2013 banner. This needs to be done as soon as possible.

We will confirm before the end of April if your application has been successful.


Keith Lackford

Cheshire Premier League.