Town Hall Room 204 – Conference Room7:00 p.m.

ITEM # 1:

The meeting was called to order by Acting Planning Board Chairman Bruce Lunoat 7:00 p.m.

ITEM #2:Roll Call

Present:Also Present:

Bruce Luno, Acting ChairmanDarlene Schweikert

George DonhauserClyde M. Drake, Councilman

Joseph EdbauerCrane Ridge Residents:

James JozwiakDavid L. Harris

Lawrence Kelly, Jr.Jennifer Parsons

Julie ZybertJeffrey Randall

Excused:Jeremiah Belknap

Kenneth Zittel, ChairmanMitchell & Gwen Alegre

ITEM #3:Citizen Participation

The Crane Ridge residents addressed the Board with regard to Kissing Bridge and the noise from the moto cross events held there. The sound from these events travels to their Crane Ridge subdivision and makes it so that the residents cannot enjoy outside time in their neighborhood. Most residents work all week long and then on the weekends when they want to be outside, these events are making it hard to be outside. The warming up for these events start early in the morning and the events last until dinner time. Mr. Harris wonders why the Town has not made Kissing Bridge apply for a Special Use Permit. Councilman Drake advised that members of the Crane Ridge Homeowners’ Association had spoken with Supervisor Eppolito and attended a Town Board meeting previously on this same subject. Special Counsel Spitzer looked into this and informed the Town Board that Kissing Bridge is zoned recreational and that he believed that the moto cross events were a permitted use in the recreational zoning. The Crane Ridge residents indicated that the noise generated in the winter is a consistent noise and becomes a “white noise” to them. The noise generated from the moto cross events is an up and down screeching sound. Also in the winter, the residents of Crane Ridge do not spend as much time outdoors in their yards. The snowmobilers using Sprague Brook Park trails are not continual. They travel in small groups and are just passing through the neighboring park lands.

The residents understand that Kissing Bridge is a corporation and that they are looking for ways to have revenue in all four seasons but the noise from these events is a nuisance. Mr. Randall wondered about appropriate permits, liquor license, storm water

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run off/ground erosion. It also appears that Kissing Bridge is anticipating expanding trails and doing more events next year. Mr. Randall said that Kissing Bridge is advertising that these will be regional events and that they will have over 40 miles of trails. Ms. Parsons indicted that some residents in Crane Ridge also experience more dust in their homes and trouble breathing because of these events. Mr. Belknap said that he had just put $40,000 into his home and if he were to try and sell, he would lose money. He was in the military and the sound from these events and the helicopters are worse than anything that he experienced in the military.

Acting Chairman Luno advised the residents that the Planning Board would review a Special Use Permit if it were submitted. In this case, there is no Special Use Permit as of now so the residents were advised to go to the Town Board and work with the Town Board and the Code Enforcement Officer on this matter. The next Town Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 13th at 7 p.m. If a Special Use Permit is submitted, a Public Hearing would be held and neighbors would be notified of this by mail and the Public Hearing notice would be published in the Journal and also be on the Town’s website. The residents left the meeting at 7:20 p.m.

ITEM #4:Approval of Minutes

a)October 7, 2014.

Acting Chairman Luno asked for comments or questions regarding the October minutes. J. Jozwiakmade the motion, seconded by J. Edbauer, to approve the minutesas presented. All in favor. Carried.

ITEM #5:Business from the Members

The members discussed the Crane Ridge/Kissing Bridge matter that was presented earlier in the meeting. J. Jozwiak believes that KB Moto is a totally different use than skiing. G. Donhauser indicated that the point that has merit is that these events are probably tearing up the turf and could be causing silt/storm water issues. When it is ski season, they are skiing on frozen ground.

ITEM #6:Motion to Adjourn

L. Kelly made the motion, seconded byJ. Jowziak, to adjourn the meeting at approximately 7:35p.m. All in favor. Carried.


Darlene G. Schweikert