
Graduate Follow-up



Step 1Develop a format you will use to follow up on your graduates.

Step 2Be sure the information you choose to follow up on will be a direct benefit to your program.

Step 3Create a list of questions to be mailed out or phoned to your program completers one year after they have graduated.

Step 4Once you have surveys completed, compile a summary of your findings.

Step 5Share this information with your advisory committee, principal and regional supervisor.

Step 6Discuss these results with your department and make necessary changes or improvements.

Idea’sYou are more likely to get results if you call graduates rather than mail them a survey.

Contact graduates as they are completing their first year of college so you can get a hold of them prior to their summer jobs.

NoteMake sure you keep the parents phone numbers and addresses after the students graduate so you always have a way to find out where they are.

Righetti High School Ag Department

Graduate Follow-up




  1. What are you doing at the present time?

Attending schoolWorking



In the militaryNot working

Looking for work

HomemakerNot looking for work


  1. In what type of business or industry are you employed?
  1. What is your job title or job description?
  1. Which statement best applies to your present occupation?

I am using most of the skills I learned in the vo-ag program at RHS.

I am using some of the skills I learned in the vo-ag program at RHS.

I am not using any of the skills I learned in the vo-ag program at RHS.

  1. What type of school are you currently attending?

High schoolTrade/technical school

4-year collegePrivate business school

Adult educationOther

6.What is your major course of study?

7.How would you rate the training received in the RHS vo-ag program?


  1. How do you rate the career guidance and counseling you received in vo-ag?



  1. Please check the following areas you feel are valuable components of FFA.

Officer and committee chairman experience

Judging contests

Advanced degree and proficiency awards

Participation in chapter activities, working with others

Livestock raising, shows, fairs, etc.

Other –please describe

  1. What were the most valuable aspects of the SOEP (supervised projects)?

Learning skills related to future ag employment

Development of responsibility

Learning record keeping

Other-please describe

  1. Please rate the facilities and equipment used at RHS for the vo-ag program:

Facilities:OvercrowdedAdequate space provided



Well-maintainedPoorly maintained

Adequate amount of equipment for all students in class

Other-please describe

Please note any suggestions you have for improving the Instructional Program, including the following areas: classroom, shop, greenhouse, school farm, etc; FFA; SOEP (supervised projects); teaching methods used; facilities/equipment.

Righetti High School

Agriculture Department

Program Completer Follow-up Results for “94, ’95, ‘96”

The following indicates information gathered from Program Completers of the Righetti Agriculture Department.

Percent of

Students agree

With statement.

Which statement best applies to the students present occupation.

I am using most of the skills I learned in the vo-ag program at RHS.

I am using some of the skills I learned in the vo-ag program at RHS.

I am not using any of the skills I learned in the vo-ag program at RHS.

How the students rated the training & career guidance/counseling

they received in the RHS vo-ag program.

TrainingCareer guidance/counseling





Which activities in the FFA program that the students thought were


Officer and committee chairman experience

Judging contests

Advanced degree and proficiency awards

Participation in chapter activities, working with others

Livestock raising, shows, fairs, etc.

Other: Leadership Conference, National Convention, Overall experience

What were the most valuable aspects of the SOEP (supervised

projects) ranked by the past students.

Learning skills related to future ag employment

Development of responsibility

Learning record keeping

Other: Skill gained on ranch, correct measurements, learning to work with others, solving problems.

Past students rated the facilities and equipment used at RHS for

the vo-ag program.




Adequate square spacePoorly maintained


Adequate amount of equipment

For all students in class.

Other: Not adequate equipment.

Thirty-three graduate follow-ups were mailed out, with twenty-five returning to Righetti High School Agriculture Department. Reviewing the graduate follow-ups the 63% use the skills that they acquired in the Righetti FFA. All the replies had wonderful things to say about the program. An overwhelming 78% believe that the program training is good or better. An overwhelming 84% of the past students said the guidance and counseling was good or better. The past students have rated the Righetti High Schools Agriculture Department good or better with a high percentage.

A few suggestions that the students recommended was that some of the equipment needs to be updated. Also that the instructors are very busy and sometimes to busy to help all the students.