DECEMBER 19, 2016 at 7:00PM

The regular monthly meeting of the Newville Borough Water and Sewer Authority was held on Monday, December 19, 2016 at 7:00PM in the Newville Borough Office, 4 West Street, Newville, Pennsylvania. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Roger Hoover at 7:00PM. On roll call, the following members were present: Dylan Griffey, Clarence Fry and Roger Hoover. William Barnhart and William Boldosser were absent. Also present were Authority Engineer William F. Hill, P.E., Authority Solicitor Joel W. Rimby, Esquire and Chief Plants Operator Joseph Lehman. Visitor: Attorney Charles Suhr.

Citizen Comments: There were no citizen comments.

Minutes: The minutes of the November 21, 2016 regular monthly meeting were approved on a motion of Mr. Griffey, seconded by Mr. Fry. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.


-Borough Manager: The Aged Accounts Receivable Report as of December 16, 2016: Monthly accounts total $29,915.45; Quarterly accounts total $20,010.92. Resolution 2016-05, establishing new bid limits approved by the PA Department of Labor and Industry was presented to the board. A motion was made by Mr. Fry, seconded by Mr. Griffey to approve the adoption of Resolution 2016-05. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes. A proposal has been received for a new hand-held Sensus meter reader. The unit presently utilized by the authority will no longer have Sensus support after 2017. The cost of a new model from LB Water Service will be $7,605.62. A decision on the purchase will be made at the January, 2017 meeting. A letter was received from Bonnie Myers, North Newton Township Secretary/Treasurer to advise that the township will host a meeting of several state and county officials to discuss consolidated animal feeding operation regulations on February 9, 2017 at 7PM in the North Newton Township Office. In the case of inclement weather, the meeting will be held on February 16, 2017 at the same time. The report of Borough Manager was accepted as presented.

-Chief Plants Operator: The report of Mr. Lehman was accepted as presented.

-Water and Sewer Field Operations: The report of Mr. Zeigler was accepted as presented.

Mr. Hoover deviated from the agenda to allow a presentation by Attorney Charles Suhr. Mr. Suhr informed the authority board that he represents the Exeter Property Group who is presently engaged in performing a due diligence study of acquiring a portion of the Mains farm on Centerville Road, Penn Township, near the I-81 Interchange. Exeter is interested in acquiring the project from Verus Partners, LLC. Exeter has met with Penn Township officials, and the discussions have been favorable. Exeter wishes to make a contribution of $250,000 toward future capital projects of the authority. The payment to the authority will be made when Exeter closes on the purchase of the property. Mr. Hoover noted several members were absent, and he preferred that all members be present for this discussion. Mr. Hoover scheduled a special meeting of the authority board to be held on January 4, 2017 at 10AM in the Authority Office to discuss the offer of the Exeter Property Group.

Mr. Suhr updated the board on the Penn Commerce Center project. Ridge Development has now acquired this project from IDI. Ridge will be contacting the Authority re-assign existing agreements between IDI and NWSA. Plans are to commence construction at this site in 2017.

Old Business: A motion was made by Mr. Fry, seconded by Mr. Griffey to approve the adoption of Resolution 2016-04, “A Resolution of the Newville Borough Water and Sewer Authority, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania authorizing the abandonment of a certain water line set forth in the final subdivision plan of the Joseph S. Rook Estate.” Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

A motion was made by Mr. Griffey, seconded by Mr. Fry to approve a waiver of conflict between the Newville Borough Water and Sewer Authority and Salzmann Hughes, PC, who have in the past provided legal counsel to the Exeter Property Group. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

New Business: A motion was made by Mr. Fry, seconded by Mr. Griffey to approve the 2017 Engineering Service Agreement between the Newville Borough Water and Sewer Authority and William F. Hill and Associates. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

A motion was made by Mr. Griffey, seconded by Mr. Fry to approve a 2017 Legal Services Agreement between in the Newville Borough Water and Sewer Authority and Salzmann Hughes, P.C. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

A motion was made by Mr. Fry, seconded by Mr. Griffey to approve the adoption of a memo from William F. Hill and Associates outlining a Capital Improvement Program for the authority, and to authorize the Authority Solicitor to draft a Resolution to officially adopt the Capital Improvement Program. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

2017 Re-organization: Chairman Hoover turned the gavel to Mr. Rimby who called for nominations to fill the following positions: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer and Assistant Secretary/Treasurer. A motion was made by Mr. Griffey, seconded by Mr. Fry to cast a unanimous ballot for the re-instatement of the existing officers for 2017 as follows:

Chairman – Roger Hoover

Vice Chairman – William Barnhart

Secretary/Treasurer – William Boldosser

Assistant Secretary/Treasurer – Dylan Griffey

Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

Legal Matters: Mr. Rimby provided the authority board with a copy of documents related to the Declaration of Taking for the Mains’ farm water easement. Compensation in the amount of $9,425 has been agreed upon by the parties including Attorney Suhr. In order to address the concerns of field compaction, the contractor will be required to apply additional topsoil to the affected areas. Construction of the new water main that will loop Fickes Road and Centerville Road may begin in the fall of 2017.

Engineering Matters: The Authority Board authorized Mr. Hill to research the method of establishing a capital charges fee to fund proposed capital improvement projects. Mr. Hill reported that a problem has developed in acquiring electric power for the water tank in Penn Township. PPL must re-design an acquisition route for the new power line. Mr. Hill reviewed disinfection methods for the new water tank. Mr. Hill presented revisions to the proposed Resolution to adopt the use of Field Lok Gasket joints, or the equivalent. The authority board agreed to consider adoption of the new resolution at an upcoming special meeting.

Customer Account Matters: None.

Correspondence: None.

Finances: A motion was made by Mr. Griffey, seconded by Mr. Fry to approve the payment of water fund bills totaling $4,731.49. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

A motion was made by Mr. Fry, seconded by Mr. Griffey to approve the payment of sewer fund bills totaling $2,974.98. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

A motion was made by Mr. Griffey, seconded by Mr. Fry to approve the payment of P7 Escrow bills totaling $7,685.98. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

Adjournment: With no further business to come before the Newville Borough Water and Sewer Authority, the meeting was adjourned on a motion of Mr. Fry, seconded by Mr. Griffey. Roll Call:Mr. Griffey, yes; Mr. Fry, yes, Mr. Hoover, yes. Motion was passed with three (3) affirmative and zero (0) negative votes.

The next meeting of the Newville Borough Water and Sewer Authority will be held in the Operations Office of the Newville WWTP on Monday, January 16, 2017 at 7:00PM.



Borough Manager/Secretary

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