AP Calculus AB


teacher: Bruce Bacon room #:1106

email: hool phone #:980-343-3600


Welcome to Calculus! I am very excited that you decided to take this class and I look forward to a challenging and rewarding year. Calculus is a very demanding class and I am committed to supporting you as you work to master all of the objectives of the course.

My Commitments to You

I promise to ...

  • Provide a safe and comfortable learning environment
  • Listen to you, be patient, fair, and supportive
  • Challenge you and provide the support you need to successfully meet the challenge
  • Teach the best I can, and work at getting better throughout the year
  • Provide necessary instruction for all students to master the course objectives

Classroom Expectations

  • S: Show up on time prepared for class.
  • A: Accept the challenge of Calculus!
  • B:Be ready to work hard to master the objectives each and every day.
  • R: Respect yourself and others.
  • E: Expect to be successful in Calculus.
  • S: Smile and have fun.

Note: Failure to Respect yourself and others will result in the following consequences:

1st offense: warning

2nd offense: lunch detention and parent contact

3rd offense: after school detention and parent contact

subsequent offenses: referral to an administrator

Course Description

Make-Up Work Policy

Within 5 days of returning to school, make- up work should be completed or the student

must have a plan, approved by Mr. Bacon, to complete the work. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to approach Mr. Bacon to get approval for make-up work deadline.


Tutoring is available in room 1106Tuesdays from 2:30 to 3:30.

Assessment Practices

Students will be formally assessed with testsand homework.

Homework will be assigned daily and checked for completion the following class period.

Grade Calculation

CMS Grading Scale: / A: 93 % -100 % / B: 85 % - 92% / C: 77% - 84% / D: 70% - 76% / F:0% - 69%
Calculus Quarter Grading Policy: / Formal
Assessments:70% / Informal
1st Semester Grade: / 1st qrt: 40% / 2ndqrt: 40% / Mid-Term
Exam: 20%
2nd Semester Grade: / 3rd qrt: 50% / 4thqrt: 50%
Course Grade: / 1stSem: 50% / 2ndSem: 50%

Required Supplies

  • three-ring binder and loose-leaf paper
  • pen or pencil
  • Calculator- TI-89, TI-83+, or TI-84
    Thank you for taking the time to read through the AP Calculus syllabus. For your child to be successful in this course it takes a team effort.I look forward to a wonderful year. Please sign below and let me know if you have any questions.


Class Period


Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent email address
