Worship Service

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Transitional Pastors: Rev. Bud Hooper& Phil Fraser

Music Director: Brenda Thorne


Welcome and Announcements

Silent Meditation

Call to Worship

Opening Praise: * Give To Our God Immortal Praise #63

Invocation The Lord’s Prayer

Responsive Reading: Philippians 2:3-11 Jeanette Heron

Tithes & Offering: What Wondrous Love Is This?

Response: * We Give Thee But Thine Own #688

Ministry of Music: Cherish the Cross

Scripture: Matthew 26:14-16

Pastoral Prayer

Songs of Praise: * I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me #574

* Make Me a Servant #576

Sermon: “Collision Course Dreams”

Closing Hymn: * May The Mind of Christ, My Saviour #464



* You are invited to stand

All songs used by permission CCLI# 293108

Greeting You Today: Peter & Miriam Wight

Transportation for Next Sunday:David Heron

In-Pew Activities for Children and Nursery Care

We welcome all visitors to First Baptist Church and are delighted you have joined us for our WorshipService. We welcome our Transitional Pastors, the Rev. Bud Hooper and Phil Fraser. Following the service,everyone is invited to stay for refreshments and a time of fellowship in the Friendship Room.

This Week at FBC

Office Hours: Judywill be in the office on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10 am-1 pm. The office is closed Tuesday.

Monday: 2:00 pm ~ Board of Christian Development meeting in the lower hall.

Tuesday: 1:30 pm ~ Choir Practice

7:30 pm ~ Evening Bible Study will be held at the home of Norm & Dorothy Ellis. We will continue ourstudy on the book of James.

Wednesday:8:00 pm ~ Al-Anon meet in the lower hall.

Thursday: 9:30 am ~ Ladies’ Bible Studyat the home of Ruth Ross. All ladies are invited to come to a time of fellowship, study and prayer. Coffee/tea on by 9:30 am, the study begins at 10 am. We will be spending the next few weeks looking at the defining moments of Christ’s passion using the book “Paid in Full” written by Rick Renner.

Next Sunday: 10:30 am ~ Worship Service with Transitional Pastors, the Rev. Bud Hooper and Phil Fraser.

Sermon: “A World Class Dreamer”/Scripture: Jonah 4:1-3; 9-11

Advance Notices

Monday, Mar 19th 7:00 pm ~ FBWomen meetin the lower hall. All ladies are welcome to come and hear Angela Hess, Manager of Mission Thrift Store (recently known as Bibles For Mission Thrift Store), as she tells of the local work and its impact in the world.

* A gentle reminder to bring your $2.00 dues for 2018.

Thursday, Mar 22nd 12:00 noon ~ “ALF” Potluck Lunch will be held here in the lower hall with program to follow.

Friday, March 30th 10:30 am ~ Good Friday Service will be held at Knox Presbyterian Church.

Message from the Pastor

Today, Pastor Bud Hooper continues his sermon theme – “Daring to Dream” – looking at Biblical personalities who dared to dream for God’s glory and who allowed their minds, hearts and lives to be transformed by God’s Grace and Power. They are: Gideon, David, Hannah, Judas and Jonah. These are days of transition here at First, and pastoral changes always brings it own challenges – and struggles: uncertainties and frustrations: and sometimes even discouragement. It is time for US to dream, as we run the race that is set before us – as we allow God to change us so that we become more like Jesus. These can be days of disaster, OR, they can be days of new vision – fresh victory – and spiritual growth. Next Sunday, we will look at Jonah – a World Class Dreamer - and the theme: “Having God’s Heart for His World”.

While You Are Praying….

  • Burgessville Baptist Church, Pastor Emma Johnston
  • Alva Fair / Laura Bragg / Phil & Cathie Fraser / Alice Hart
  • Rika Himmelman / Marg Hopkins / Sheila Koop
  • Jean Markham / The Ross Family – Jack / Ted Spratt

If you would like to have your name appear here on our prayer list, please contact the church office.

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Clair Clark

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Gordon Allan

For Your Information

In the event the Transitional Pastor, Phil Fraser, is not available, you may contact one of the Deacons.

Copies ofThe 196th Annual Meeting Minutesfrom February 11th2018, Our Daily Bread(small print) & theMosaic newsletter are available today in the foyer.

Accessibility Project for the Lift ~ Funds are still needed towards the total cost of the lift. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Canadian Bible Society ~ Remember to save your postage stamps. Please trim to ¼" and place in box available in the foyer.

Community News

Saturday, April 7thSaturday, April 14th~ 8:30 am-5:30 pm

Created For Connection Relationship Enhancement Workshop, “Hold Me Tight”will be held at Innerkip Presbyterian Church.

Couples are invited who just want to grow in their relationship or repair it. Since this is a professional workshop, the expenses can be covered by a couples employee benefits. IPC has graciously offered to sponsor couples making it one third of the price. For more information, please see posters on the bulletin board or check out the website at