Committee meeting 11/1/15, held on a group of tables in the Flentje area of L3 Hub.

Attendance: Gemma Gransbury, Tim Aldridge, Jason Oliver, Brittany Howell, Ben Geytenbeek, Huy Tuong Cao (via Skype), Angelica Barrientos, Matthew Bowie

Apologies: Bryan Banks, Luke Day, Irene Willcocks, Jasmine Kelly

Ben Geytenbeek took the chair.

Item one: Semester planning

Meet and Greet/Social night

Brittany shared everybody into her google doc with the semester overview on it. The first item to determine the date of was the Meet and Greet. Jason suggested week one, but Brittany said week two was better so the firsties will have a better chance of finding out about it.

Ben brought up the pub night which Jason jumped on very quickly. Upon announcing that the venue suggested was Austin & Austin, Angelica jumped with excitement revealing that she loves the place because it has nachos, board games and SNES. Upon hearing SNES Brittany jumped with excitement.

Ben suggested that the social nights be fortnightly, which was agreed with by Gemma who added that they should start from O’Week. It was decided that social nights should be held once a fortnight on a Thursday night at Austin&Austin, starting from O’Week and continuing through holidays until the final week of exams. In addition it was agreed that the pub night would be called the “social night” to communicate that the night is not about intoxication, but about socialisation.

After finalising the social night, the Meet and greet was revisited and decided to be an outdoor evening barbecue on Friday of week 1.


The date of the AGM was next to be decided on.

Ben suggested week 4 which was generally agreed upon. Gemma mentioned that the AGM would coincide with the social night that week. Ben requested permission to again book the Lady Symon building, to which Jason asked “Where is that?” after explaining to him that the Lady Symon building was the place that we have held our last two AGMs and also the place where our commonly visited locker is stored, Jason remarked: “Oh that place is crap, we’re not going there”. Brittany suggested the Mezzanine and received general approval. It was decided that the Mezzanine would be booked as everybody knows where it is and it “doesn’t smell weird”.


Tim asked if we were having a regular barbecue after already having one for the Meet and Greet. Ben said we couldn’t afford the additional loss but Brittany and Jason protested. Brittany said she would investigate the MLS barbecue and if we can hire that instead of the University of Adelaide club barbecues. Jason agreed to do the same, then monologued a bit about how the faculty basically owes us drinks because we bring them business by keeping first years interested in uni. Tim spoke over Jason and inquired about price of the sausages. Ben looked it up and found he spend $200 on sausages and veggie patties at the last barbecue. Jason stopped talking about cans and asked where we were sourcing sausages, and then suggested ditching the Hope Valley butcher for an IGA where we could get cheaper sausages. Ben and Brittany were against the change as they quite liked the butcher. It was decided that not having to pay for barbecues or drinks would save us enough money to run the extra barbecue. Brittany and Jason promised to investigate barbecues and drinks. Finally the Barr Smith Lawns were chosen as the venue for the barbecue, with week 9 Friday as the day of its occurrence.

Movie Night

Brittany brought up the Movie night. It was quickly decided that Kerr Grant was a terrible location for the event and that Braggs should be booked instead, with Scott theatre being a back up. It was decided that the popcorn machine was to be rehired. Then the movie had to be decided. Brittany requested that we hold the Movie night late enough to be able to watch the Theory of Everything on DVD. Jason replied with the suggestion that we watch it earlier, but just “obtain” a copy from “somewhere” even if it isn’t on DVD. Gemma told Jason to stop breaking the law. Jason asked if the movie absolutely had to be legally available..

Jason then said that we had to have the Movie night in term 1 as it was important that we have something on every week. There was approval of an early Movie night, so it was fitted into week 3. Movies were then to be chosen. Tim suggested “Jurassic Park”, Matt suggested “Flubber”, Angie suggested “Arachno-quake”, the sequel to the timeless classic “Shark-nado”. “The Imitation Game” was a serious suggestion by Gemma, which received approval, however, Brittany pointed out that considering it is still in cinemas, having an early Movie night meant it probably couldn’t happen. Brittany added (over the loud committee debating whether or not showing a homeopathy documentary as a horror film was a good idea) that perhaps it was a better idea to give the choice to the club, and construct a question on the Facebook page and ask them to vote. There was approval and it was decided that the committee would come up with suggestions and Brittany would poll the club when term started.


Brittany tediously changed the topic to the pub-crawl, at which point Jason looked a little demoralised. Very excited about the semi idea Jason, Ben and herself had speculated about the day before, Brittany asked Jason about his idea for the pub-crawl. Jason said “It just can’t be done. I just, can’t do it”. Matt and Tim both asked what the idea was and Jason replied with “Quantum Mechanics”. His idea had Einstein, Schrodinger, Bohr, and Heisenberg all on a shirt wearing overalls with wrenches, hard hats and grease. However, new ideas had to be thought of due to Jason’s declaration that he could not draw them and that was just it. Some ideas were thrown around, but Tim’s offhand joke about Curiosity dipping into a beer and finding “life” perked Jason’s interest. Ben stopped conversation there, saying that Jason would likely pepper us with hundreds of ideas and we should move on.

The route was discussed next with some concern. The committee agreed in saying that the best pub crawls filled out a venue yet did not have huge lines. Unfortunately those ideas seem a little mutually exclusive. Tim began compiling a list of pubs in a table, with the intention of inquiring about capacity, specials and availability for the pub-crawl (which was agreed to be held on Friday the 10th of April). It was decided that we are expecting around 400 attendees so multiple pubs have to be booked at once. Gemma, Jason, Ben and Brittany agreed to accompany Tim on a pub-inquiry-crawl after the meeting.

Item two: Committee Meetings

When to hold committee meetings was next decided. Brittany asked for opinions on holding the meetings regularly instead of sporadically, which was received well. Matt suggested every three weeks but Ben suggested every two, at least for the first term as there were to be so many events held. The group agreed. Ben suggested that instead of booking project rooms, we move to the Lady Symon building. Gemma and Brittany disagreed, because the Med school is so far away from Lady Symon (which is close to Physics…) but were overruled and Ben promised to permanently book the Lady Symon building, once Brittany had conducted a Doodle poll and worked out the optimal time for the committee.

Item three:

Ben looked at Brittany, unsure of how to introduce his topic, he asked Brittany to do it. So she did: “Ben had this idea that he thought having a website to update as well as the Facebook page would be a good idea, because we could compile all of the events and the site could be organised and it has much more potential than the Facebook site. He told Jason and I about the idea and we agreed, and a few hours later he had made it.” Ben showed them the site, which had a blog as a homepage, lots of tabs with “Events”, “Course reviews”, “Gallery”, “Committee” and “AGM” among others. On the “Committee” page, he showed that each member had their own section which they had to update. The committee was pretty baffled with his progress and agreed to keep it running. Hence, Ben was granted permission to buy the domain name “” for ~$40 a year.

Item four: The O’Camp

Brittany showed the committee her progress in the (extensive) planning of the camp. Everyone agreed that the camp was going well. Gemma asked if the leaders were going to be AUScA members and Brittany said she would find out from Roger Rajkovic when she sees him tomorrow. She then confessed that since Roger was not returning her emails, she had taken to sitting outside of his office until he let her in. Brittany promised to get back to the group about promotion. Cao was consulted about the help he would need and requested two lackies. Cooking for 80 people alone is not really possible so Brittany said she would see what she could do for him.

Item five: Recap

The group went through the semester again and confirmed that they were happy with the schedule. Jason and Cao said they would work on posters for the Meet and Greet and the Movie night.