What is so good about Revival?

Ps 138:7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.KJV

The people of God talk about Revival. The unsaved really have no concern at all about revival or any other thing that might sound like it is of a spiritual nature. They may not care - but they might ask, “What is so good about Revival?” Let us consider that question for a few moments. Our text has some reasons in it why the people of God think Revival is a good thing. Notice 4 things.

IT COMES IN THE MIDST OF TROUBLE. Ps.138:7a…in the midst of trouble.

  1. Revival refreshes our walk. Ps.23:3. God restores us and leads us in our paths.
  2. Revival refreshes us when in trouble. Ps.23:5. He cares for us in front of our enemies.
  3. Revival refreshes us in the valley of the shadow of death. Ps.23:4. He’s there with us.

IT COMES FROM GOD HIMSELF. Ps.138:7b …THOU wilt revive me.

  1. Revival always & only comes from God.
  2. Not man. No not us. Not preachers. Not churches or religion. Titus 3:5.
  3. Not nature. No not a better environment, education, finances, etc. Jer.2:13.
  4. Not devils. No demon under God’s heaven wants good for you. Mk.1:23-27.
  5. Not angels. No not even the good angels. Only God. Heb.1:10-14.


  1. Revival brings victory over our enemies. Text. Thou shalt stretch forth thy hand…
  2. Victory over the world. Jn.16:33.
  3. Victory over the flesh. Rom.8:8-10.
  4. Victory over the Devil. Acts 10:38-43. Heb.2:14. 1Jn.3:8. Rev.20:2, 10.

IT COMES WITH SALVATION. Ps.138:7d …Thy right hand shall save me.

  1. Revival and Salvation come from God’s right hand of redemption. Neh.1:6-10.
  2. Revival brings refreshing faith to the elect who are already saved. Ps.18:46-50.
  3. Revival brings redemptive faith to the elect who are about to be saved. 2Cor.6:1-2.

CONCLUSION: Revival is a good thing because the saved are renewed in faith and holiness bringing glory to God in the highest. Revival is good because the elect are delivered from their troubles. Revival is good because it comes from the Good God of Grace. James 1:17. Revival is good because it brings victory to God’s people. We need not be brow beaten by the world, the flesh or the Devil. Revival is good because many times it brings with it the salvation of new souls in the spiritual kingdom of God. If you are a born again believer, would you pray for revival in your own heart, in this congregation and in our nation? If you are not sure of your salvation, would you confess to God now in your heart that you are a hell deserving sinner and by grace through faith turn from your sins and trust Christ as your personal Savior? Today is the day of Salvation. God said, “Look unto me all ye ends of the earth and be ye saved.” AMEN.