Holy Trinity Finance Council Minutes

Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017

2:00 p.m. Protivin Rectory

Term / Member / Office / Sept. 5 / Nov. 2
2018-2 / Art Bina / Chair / P
2018-2 / Dennis Meirick / V-chair / P
2018 / Dean Dietzenbach / P
2019 / Ken Humpal / P

Others in attendance:

Rev. Kyle Digmann – Pastor, Terra Kuennen-Bookkeeper

Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM.

·  Reviewed the minutes from May 25, 2017 meeting. The minutes were approved by concensus.

·  The financial report was accepted.

Old Business:

·  Church Addition-Interior decorating: Fr. and the council would like help decorating the new addition. Ken will get a team of people together that can work with Fr. on some ideas.

·  New Council member: Dennis will follow up with Duane Tlusty to see if he would serve on the council.

·  Center Floor: The center floor held up during Czech Days and there are no more water issues.

·  Ragbrai: The net profit to date from Ragbrai is $17,080.53. Dennis will contact Mracek Electric to get the last bill for Ragbrai. The council plans to make donations to the Fire Department and TCS. The Council would like specific ideas on how they want their donations used; Dennis will follow up with them.

New Business:

·  Handicap door opener: The idea was brought up to the council to get handicap door openers for the new addition. The council agreed that this would be a good idea. Dennis will talk to Ken Panos about it.

·  The Swestka Family has given a donation toward the new addition for decorating and landscaping.

·  The Mlady Family is also interested in giving a donation. The council will come up with a list of options for possible donors.

·  Czech Days: The income is $129,792.94. It will be a few more weeks before all the expenses come in for the event.

·  Ken and Dean have noticed rust of the bottom of the north side doors at the center. The council will look at all the doors and Dennis will have Ken Panos come to take a look and get a price to fix them.

·  Fr. will talk with the school board about any expectations for giving from the church.

The next council meeting is Nov. 2nd @ 2:00pm Protivin office.

Father Kyle closed the meeting with a prayer. Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.