PRESENT: / 21Members in total / APOLOGIES:
Mr Derek Hocking / Chairman / JGordon / T Marker
Mr John Gooding / Secretary / H Bellamy
Mr T Warburton / Vice Chairman / B Barratt
Mr I Simpson / Treasurer
Mr M Reams / Membership Secretary
No / ITEM /


1. / Minutes of the meeting on 19thSeptember2013: Read and approved by F FinlayC Spring / Secretary
2. /

Matters arising from previous meeting: The secretary suggested that the branch event to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of D Day be held on the afternoon of Sunday 8th June and be promoted as a “Dee Day Doo”. He would look at getting ideas together and report back in the new year.

The chairman produced a certificate to be sent to ASDA and gave the £25 cheque to the treasurer.

3. / Treasurers Report: Read and approved by M Reams and J Costed. / I.Simpson
4. / Welfare Report: Nothing to report
5. / New Members:None / M Reams
6. / Correspondence: It had been confirmed that Colonel Simon Bacon was delighted and honoured to accept the position of Honourary Colonel to the Branch. His first “Official Duty” would be attendance at the short remembrance service at the Sobraon Memorial.
No other general correspondence received by the secretary this past month, but the chairman had received an open invite to the branch members to a Festival of Remembrance Concert at Sir Robert Pattinson Academy on Friday 8th November at 7:30pm.
7. / Any Other Business: Wally asked if there had been any movement on renaming Sobraon Park to Sobraon Memorial Park, Nothing had been heard but Derek would contact the authorities for an update.
The secretary informed the meeting that two long pots had been purchased to stand in front of the memorial, for small crosses to be placed in. This was at a cost of £80.00 for the pots and £23.92 for the sand, After strenuously denying that this was actually a claim for fish and chips and fuel for a recent trip to Skegness beach, his retrospective proposal was carried unanimously!
The chairman reminded members of the sponsorship forms for Rosie Thompson who was doing 3 marathons in 3 continents to raise funds for “The Not Forgotten Association”. After a short discussion it was agreed to make the donation up to £100 from branch funds.
The secretary introduced Lt Rob Vickers, the Commander of Sobraon Cadet Detachment to the branch. He was warmly welcomed and he went on to pledge the support of the cadets from his unit to the branches collections, visits and other activities.
Dave Metcalfe reported that the cord from one of the standards was missing. It was agreed for him to order one and arrange collection.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:15
8. / Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 21st November 2013