Mountain Monkeys Ltd – Charity Abseil Risk Assessment

Review Date: 30/9/15

Activity: Charity Abseil

Venue: Generic – pre visit and site specific RA must be carried out

Equipment involved with activity: Harness, Helmet, Ropes and necessary, equipment to set up. Taking place

Instructor Team Briefing will be carried out on the morning prior to the event taking place, all issues to be addressed, weather report to be briefed to all. All equipment to be checked, as well as set ups by all main instructors.

Cold and/or wet conditions / Hypothermia, lips/trips/falls / All participants / Qualified instructor (min SPA) to lead session. Adequate clothing and safety equipment to be worn during session.
Participants to be thoroughly briefed. / Up to date checks made re suitability of venue in relation to the weather forecast and the conditions..
Final decision lies with instructor on suitability of venue and suitability of group to undertake the activity
Instructor to carry group shelter, First Aid Kit, spare clothing, hot/cold drinks and extra food.
Instructor to provide briefing re specific trip hazards prior to entering activity site/area.
Instructor to provide briefing re correct fitting of all climbing equipment.
Instructor to check each individual before start of abseil.
Sun / Hyperthermia / All participants / Instructor to ensure participants suitably protected.
Falling objects / Bruising, in extreme cases broken bones / All participants / Instructor to establish hazard area where helmets must be worn.
Instructor to provide thorough briefing at the start of the session re the purpose and rules of the hazard area.
Helmets must always be worn whilst taking part in this activity, except when outside the designated hazard area.
Appropriate Barriers will be used at the base of the abseil
No mobile phones to be taken past ‘Kit up Area’ on to roof by participants.
Fall whilst approaching abseil. / Bruising, broken bones, in extreme cases death / All participants / Instructor to brief participants on the best way to approach the start of the abseil.
Damage to rope, from building surface / Abrasion to rope, possible cut rope / All Participants / Suitable rope protectors to be used on all ropes when in contact with building surface due to it being very abrasive
Fall from top of abseil / Bruising, broken bones, in extreme cases death. / All participants / All PPA Equipment is to be fitted in ‘kit up room’ before going on to roof. All participants to be checked before going to roof, then visual and physical check to be carried out whilst on working platform before being clipped into ropes. This includes harness, helmets as well as all other objects.
Instructor to ensure participants are clipped into appropriate safety system.
Hair, clothing or jewellery trapped in equipment / Bruising, broken bones, damage to personal property / All participants / Instructor to brief participants to tuck away all loose clothing and long hair prior to abseiling.
Participants briefed to remove jewellery prior to abseiling.
Burnt Hands / Friction burn, possible bleeding / Abseilers / All participants to be issued with gloves and must wear them during abseil
Instructors to help control speed of decent of spectators
Slip During Abseil, due to wet surface / Brusing, broken ribs, nose / Abseilers / Instructor team to assess suitability of wall if conditions are wet.
Lightening / Death, electric shock / All participants on roof / Weather report to be checked on the day, if storms are likely abandon abseil immediately