Name: ______Per:

Ch 1 Questions

1.  According to Jem, what event led to his accident (i.e. broken arm)? Unlike Jem, who does the narrator blame?

2.  What led to Atticus Finch’s “distaste for the practice of criminal law?”

3.  What would Jem do when he missed his mother?

4.  What movie had Dill seen which helped Jem begin to respect Dill?

5.  Why wouldn’t children eat pecans that feel from the Radley’s tree?

6.  Why didn’t Mr. Radley want his son, Arthur, to be sent to the state industrial school?

7.  What did Boo (i.e. Arthur) Radley supposedly do to his father?

8.  What did Calpurnia say about Mr. Radley after he died?

9.  What did the children think they saw after Jem touched the Radley’s house?

Ch 2 Questions

1.  What happened to Scout the 1st day of school before the morning was over?

2.  What did Miss Caroline ask Scout to tell Atticus?

3.  Who does Scout blame for teaching her how to write?

4.  What lie does Walter Cunningham tell Miss Caroline?

5.  How did Mr. Cunningham pay for Atticus’ legal services?

6.  Why did Scout think Miss Caroline wanted her to hold out her hand?

Ch 3 Questions

1.  What did Scout do to Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard?

2.  What did Jem ask Walter Cunningham?

3.  What amazed Jem and Scout about Walter and Atticus?

4.  Why did Calpurnia request Scout’s presence in the kitchen?

5.  What scared Miss Caroline after lunch?

6.  How many times had Burris Ewell started 1st grade?

7.  Who was the poor but gentlemanly student who stood up for Miss Caroline against Burris Ewell?

8.  Why does Scout think Calpurnia made cracklin bread?

9.  What simple trick does Atticus teach Scout?

10.  When Scout suggests that she only go to school the 1st day like Burris Ewell, why does Atticus say she can’t do that?

11.  What compromise do Atticus and Scout make?

Chapter 4 Questions

1.  What was the 1st thing Scout found in the knothole of an oak tree on the Radley property?

2.  What was the 2nd thing Scout and Jem found in the Radley’s tree?

3.  Where did Scout pop out of the tire?

4.  What were the children playing when Atticus caught them?

5.  What was the 1st reason why Scout wanted to quit the game?

Chapter 5 Questions

1.  How has Scout’s relationship changed with Jem and Dill?

2.  What is the talent Miss Maudie has hitherto kept hidden from the children?

3.  How does Miss Maudie know that Arthury Radley (Boo) is still alive?

4.  According to Miss Maudie, why does Arthur stay in the house?

5.  What plan about the Radleys did Jem and Dill cook up the next morning?

6.  Who caught the children trying to disturb the Radleys?

Chapter 6 Questions

1.  What did the children catch Mr. Avery doing off his front porch one night?

2.  Why did Dill and Jem choose the last night of summer to peek into the Radley’s window?

3.  How did the children stop the Radley’s gate from squeaking?

4.  What did Scout see after Jem made it to the Radley’s back porch?

5.  What did Jem leave behind because it got caught on the Radley’s fence?

6.  Who did Mr. Nathan Radley think he shot at?

7.  What excuse did Dill give for Jem not having his pants?

8.  Why does Jem want to avoid a whipping from Atticus?

Chapter 7 Questions

1.  What didn’t Jem tell Scout before?

2.  What 3rd item did Jem and Scout find in the knothole of the Radley’s tree?

3.  Why do Jem and Scout only find things in the knothole when school is in?

4.  What 4th object do Jem and Scout find in the knothole?

5.  What 5th item do Jem and Scout find in the knothole?

6.  What 6th item do Jem and Scout find in the knothole?

7.  What is the 7th item that Jem and Scout find in the knothole?

8.  What do the children want to place in the knothole?

9.  What happened to the knothole?

10.  What was odd about Mr. Nathan Radley’s explanation about his tree with the knothole?

Chapter 8 Questions

1.  Who died that winter?

2.  What did Scout see that made her think the world was ending?

3.  Why does Atticus tell Jem he had to disguise the snowman?

4.  Whose house caught fire?

5.  What was placed on Scout during the fire?

6.  According to Miss Maudie, what’s positive about her house burning down?

Chapter 9 Questions

1.  Why did Scout want to beat up Cecil Jacobs?

2.  Why does Atticus tell Scout not to use the word “nigger?”

3.  Why is Atticus defending Tom Robinson?

4.  Why does Atticus say they won’t win the case?

5.  According to Atticus, who is he fighting in this trial?

6.  What kept Scout from beating up Cecil Jacobs?

7.  Why did Scout start to swear?

8.  What did Atticus ask Uncle Jack to purchase for Jem and Scout?

9.  What does Francis say is the families’ opinion about Atticus representing Tom Robinson?

10.  Why did Scout tell Uncle Jack he’s not being fair?

11.  Why doesn’t Scout want Uncle Jack to tell Atticus the truth about her fight with Francis?

12.  What doesn’t Atticus want Scout and Jem to catch?

Chapter 10 Questions

1.  What does Atticus tell Jem it’s a sin to do?

2.  Why does Miss Maudie say it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird?

3.  Miss Maudie tells Scout she and Jem have the benefit of what?

4.  Who is Tim Johnson? What’s wrong with him?

5.  Why did Jem and Scout nearly faint?

6.  What nickname did Miss Maudie use to describe Atticus?

7.  Why isn’t Scout ashamed of her father anymore?

8.  According to Miss Maudie, when did Atticus put his gun down?

9. Why doesn’t Jem want Scout to say anything about the Tim Johnson incident at school?

Chapter 11 Questions

1.  How did Atticus expect Jem to act around Mrs. Dubose?

2.  How did Jem get back at Mrs. Dubose for her remarks about Atticus?

3.  What did Mrs. Dubose ask Jem to do for her after school and Saturdays?

4.  Why didn’t Jem and Scout have to stay the full 2 hours the first day?

5.  According to Atticus, what kinds of people use a word like “nigger-lover?”

6.  Why does Atticus say he is a “nigger-lover?”

7.  What suddenly occurred to Scout the evening that Atticus came to collect his children at Mrs. Dubose’?

8.  Why did Atticus get called to Mrs. Dubose’ house a month later?

9.  What were Mrs. Dubose’ fits from?

10.  What did Mrs. Dubose ask Jesse to prepare for Jem?

11.  What is Atticus’ definition of courage?