Air Field Operations
Note to Users:This checklist may include terms specific to Operation Enduring Freedom and should be customized as needed. For example:
For specific percentages and numbers, the user should apply the appropriate numbers; such as 70%, 80%, 90%, 99%, etc.
For periodic terms, such as “weekly,” the user should apply the appropriate period, such as daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, annually, etc.
Quality Assurance
1. Verify that the contractor is performing QA/QC checks IAW the contractor’s quality plan and schedule for this service. / c / c / c / c
2. Does the contractor provide all personnel, material, and equipment required to perform Air Field Operations and Maintenance? / c / c / c / c
3. Does the contractor operate and maintain Automated Weather Distribution Systems (AWDS) IAW the requirements? / c / c / c / c
4. Does the contractor provide, operate, and maintain runway sweepers to remove Foreign Object Debris (FOD) from runway, parking pads, taxiways, and Forward Area Refuel Point (FARP) areas? / c / c / c / c
Aircraft Parking/Transient Alert
5. Does the contractor provide personnel and equipment to park fixed-wing aircrafts? / c / c / c / c
Forward Area Refuel Point (FARP)
6. Does the contractor operate and maintain a FARP in accordance with the requirements and unit SOP? / c / c / c / c
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower and Facilities
7. Does the contractor provide personnel to operate and manage ATC operations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? / c / c / c / c
Weather Observation/Forecasting
8. Does the contractor perform Weather Observation/Forecasting services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? / c / c / c / c
9. Does the contractor transmit airfield Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR) observations IAW the AFMAN 15-111 and the World Meteorological Organizations Standards? / c / c / c / c
10. Do all contracted personnel performing this service have a Secret security clearance? / c / c / c / c