Joshua FFA

Officer Elections:

  1. The FFA Advisors will determine the number of officers. If there are enough students, 2 compete officer teams will be used. In the case of decreased number of candidates, 1 team only may be used. A team will consist of (7): President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel and Student Advisor. The following officers may be added: Parliamentarian, Historian, and Chaplain.
  1. Elections will be a 3 part process: Essay, Interview and Popular vote.

Vote counting procedures for officer elections.

  1. Count and rank popular vote 1 thru ….
  2. A JISD teacher, other than the Ag teachers, ranks the essays from 1 – 5 (take average of scores)
  3. 1 being the best; 5 being the lowest
  4. Judges rank interviews from 1 thru…
  5. Winner is determined by the lowest composite score.

Example: If a student ranks 5th in the popular vote, 7th in the interview and has an average of 2.5 on the essay then their score is a 14.5 (5+7+2.5)

  1. The total scores are then sorted from lowest to highest and places are assigned beginning with the president.
  2. The first 7 will make up the blue team (this would be the officer team if we only had one team)The next 7 will make up the Gold team.

Joshua FFA Officer Contract & Responsibilities


- Must be enrolled in an agriculture science course

-Must be a paid FFA member for the year serving

-Maintain a good conduct record at school

  • Must follow up with all Ag teachers if having misconduct at school. Such as: referral or OCS.
  • Continual misconduct may result in suspension or removal from the officer team

- Maintain no less than 70 grade average in all classes for every 6 weeks

  • Failing a six weeks will result in probation from the officer team for a six week period
  • Failing a total of 2 six weeks will result in removal of student from the officer team for the remainder of the year

-Set a good example for all other FFA members to follow by demonstrating proper ethics and sportsmanship at all contest, events, activities and shows

  • tardiness is not acceptable

-Own an Official FFA Jacket/ Official Dress

-Attend ALL Chapter FFA meetings and activities, unless written excuse is turned in 24 hours in advance

  • Failure to do so 2nd time will result in removal of officer team

-Agree to fulfill the duties set forth and adopted by the Joshua FFA officer Team and Advisors for the office to which elected

Stock Shows:

Major Shows:

Joshua FFA may participate in the following state wide shows: State Fair of Texas, Heart of Texas Fair (Waco), Forth Worth, San Antonio, Houston and the Star of Texas (Austin)

  1. All students entering these shows will travel to and from these shows with the teacher, their parents or their parents designee, providing the designee is an adult.

No students will be allowed to transport themselves, other students or ride with other students to or from these shows.

  1. All travel arrangements must be approved by the assigned teacher prior to leaving for the shows.
  2. While at the shows students will not be allowed to leave the grounds at any time without the permission of their assigned teacher.
  3. A violation of the rules may result in OCS placement for the student and possible suspension from the show team for the remainder of the season and/or permanent removal from the team.
  4. Students are also expected to follow the JISD code of conduct and JISD dress code outlined in the student handbook.

Note: Any other show that a student may enter which requires entry through the Joshua FFA and a signature from a Joshua FFA advisor will fall under these requirements.

County Show:

  1. Due to the large number of entries and students at the Johnson county Jr. livestock show, students will be allowed, with the permission of their parents, to transport their projects as well as themselves to and from the show.
  2. Students are expected to remain on the show grounds during the time of a normal school day.
  3. An extracurricular form will be turned in for all students participating and will indicate which day or days the students will be at the show. Students who attend the show on a day or days which have not been listed on the extracurricular form will be charged with an unexcused absence and may be subject to further action by JISD.
  4. A violation of these rules may result in OCS placement for the student and possible suspension from the show team for the remainder of the season and/or permanent removal from the team.
  5. Students are also expected to follow the JISD code of conduct and JISD dress code outlined in the student handbook.

LDE’s, CDE’s and other FFA sponsored activities:

  1. Students will travel to and from the events as a group in transportation provided by Joshua FFA.
  2. While at these events, students will not be allowed to leave the event at any time without the permission of their assigned teacher.
  3. A violation of these rules may result in OCS placement for the student and possible suspension from the team(s).
  4. Students are also expected to follow the JISD code of conduct and JISD dress code outlined in the student handbook