We’re forming a team for our

girls basketball

Church League this Spring!

Practices would be once a weekfrom7:30-8:30 PM on a NIGHT the future coach chooses.

Games would be at local churches

at 6or 7 PMon Saturday evenings.

(Between 4/8/18-5/19/18)

If you want to play turn in this

permission form and your $50 fee

by March 20 to the parish center office.

Practice will start the week of April 1st.

The sooner we get the team set up the sooner we can order T-shirts, confirm referees and space.

If you have any questions feel free to text our sports coordinators: Emma Hackett708-203-4121 or Jackie Doyle 708-205-9379 or email Katie Hayes

WeDO NOT HAVE A COACH OR ADULT COORDINATOR YET (as of 3/5/18) and will ONLY be able to proceed with the team IF we can confirm adults to lead the team by March 20th!

Parents are our best support so please consider coaching or volunteering in other way to assist us in planning for a great team!

Church League Basketball Parental Permission and Release Form

I, ______, give my child, ______

(name of parent/guardian)

permission to play for the St. John of the Cross Church League basketball team. I am aware that games will be played on Saturday nights at the St. John of the Cross, St. Francis, and St. Cletus gyms as well as 1-2 other gyms to be determined.. In giving my permission, I hereby agree to RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS, these parishes, their employees & agents, the Archdiocese of Chicago, and the Catholic Bishop of Chicago (a Corporate Sole) from ANY and ALL liability which may arise from my child’s participation in the above mentioned league. Liability to extend to any accidents, illnesses or injuries, (including the possibility of death) which may either directly or indirectly befall my child while participating in the above mentioned league.

In the event that my child shall become a discipline problem during practices or games, I realize that such behavior will not be tolerated and could result in my child being asked to leave the team. In the event that my child shall be found to be in the possession and/or usage of alcohol, and/or other drugs; I realize that I will be notified, and that my child may/will be subject to dismissal from team and subject to any & all applicable laws of the State of Illinois regarding such matters.

In the event that a medical emergency shall befall my child, I now provide her church league coach the ACTING POWER OF ATTORNEY, to initiate and oversee any emergency medical care that may be deemed necessary on my child’s behalf, until a time when I may be present to authorize the same. To assist in the administration of such care, I now provide insurance & medical information which may be necessary:

Insurance Company______Policy #______

Policy in Name of:______

Allergies/specific medical conditions:______

By placing my signature, I hereby attest that I have read, understand, and agree to ALL of the above provisions.


(Signature of parent/guardian)date

Parent Name printed: ______Parent cell #: ______

Family address: ______

Teen cell #: ______By providing this phone number I give permission for coaches to send reminders about practices & games directly to my daughter.

PARENT VOLUNTEER SECTION: I am available to assist with:

I can coach the team! My email is ______!

I can be an assistant coach! My Email is ______!

I can help with GYM SUPERVISION 5:45-8:15pm(We do not know which nights we may host…)

on ___ April 7 ___ April 14 ___ April 21 ___ April 28 ___May 5 ___ May12 ___ May 19

PARTICIPATION FEE includes t-shirt, referee & scorekeeper fees: $50

Make checks payable to Crossroads Youth Ministry

Turn in this form ASAP (by March 20 deadline)to Parish Center office