Upgrade Dynamic Workload Console V9.X to any FixPack in an High Availability Environment

In this document we would like to discuss a procedure to safely upgrade a two-node DWC environment configured in High Availability, trying to minimize the impact for the end-users, and without loosing any information already saved in the environment.

The procedure must include the disjoin of the nodes from the cluster because Jazz for Service Management, until the FixPack3, does not support the upgrade in an High Availability environment.

This includes also the upgrade of the exploiters of Jazz for Service Management.

If your current environment already includes Jazz for Service Management FixPack3, this document does not apply to you, and you can upgrade directly the DWC nodes one after the other.

In the next part of the document we will refer to:

  • nodeA and nodeB as the two DWC joined nodes;
  • hostnameA and hostnameB to their host name respectively;
  • httpA and httpB to their HTTP port (used to access the DWC in HTTP)
  • httpsA and httpsB to their HTTPS port (used to access the DWC in HTTPS)

Note: we are assuming that JazzSM and DWC are using two different DataSources (created in WAS) to access their information in the database.

Here the list of steps to properly run this upgrade:

1. Redirect all traffic to nodeB

Edit the IBM HTTP Server plugin-cfg.xml files, changing the following lines:

<Transport Hostname="hostnameA" Port="httpA" Protocol="http"/>

<Transport Hostname="hostnameA" Port="httpsA" Protocol="https"


<Transport Hostname="hostnameA" Port="96310" Protocol="http"/>

<Transport Hostname="hostnameA" Port="96311" Protocol="https

Note: this means we are moving to not available ports (the 96310/96311) all the traffic directed to hostnameA.

Restart the IBM HTTP Server, running as root the commands:

<IHS_HOME>/bin/apachectl stop

<IHS_HOME>/bin/apachectl start

Note: all the traffic will be forwarded to the DWC nodeB by IHS.

2. Disjoin TDWC nodeA from the HA cluster

Create a backup copy of the file tipha.properties as tipha.properties.save. This is required, because the DWC upgrade will over-write this file.

From the folder <JAZZSM_HOME>/ui/bin/ha/ run as root the command:

<JAZZSM_HOME>/profile/bin/ws_ant.sh -f uninstall.ant disjoin -Dusername=<DBUSR> -Dpassword=<DBPWD> -DWAS_username=<WASUSR> -DWAS_password=<WASPWD> -DdeleteExistingDataSource=true

  1. Run the upgrade on the DWC nodeA

Read the DWC FixPack ReadMe file for further information.

Note: this is also the good moment to update the components shared with the DWC, like JazzSM or WAS.

  1. Redirect all traffic to DWC nodeA

Edit the IBM HTTP Server plugin-cfg.xml files, changing the following lines:

<Transport Hostname="hostnameB" Port="httpB" Protocol="http"/>

<Transport Hostname="hostnameB" Port="httpsB" Protocol="https"


<Transport Hostname="hostnameB" Port="96310" Protocol="http"/>

<Transport Hostname="hostnameB" Port="96311" Protocol="https

And revert back the changes for the nodeA:

<Transport Hostname="hostnameA" Port="96310" Protocol="http"/>

<Transport Hostname="hostnameA" Port="96311" Protocol="https"


<Transport Hostname="hostnameA" Port="httpA" Protocol="http"/>

<Transport Hostname="hostnameA" Port="httpA" Protocol="https

Note: this means we are moving to not available ports (the 96310/96311) all the traffic directed to hostnameB, and you are restoring the traffic to the DWC on nodeA.

Restart the IBM HTTP Server, running as root the commands:

<IHS_HOME>/bin/apachectl stop

<IHS_HOME>/bin/apachectl start

Note: all the traffic will be forwarded to the DWC nodeA by IHS. Now if a change is done to the JazzSM configuration, it is lost, because the JazzSM is not in HA at this time. The TWSconfiguration is not lost, because it is directly saved in the Database.

5. On the DWC nodeB uninstall the HA environment:

From the folder <JAZZSM_HOME>/ui/bin/ha/ run as root the command:

<JAZZSM_HOME>/profile/bin/ws_ant.sh -f uninstall.ant uninstall -Dusername=<DBUSR> -Dpassword=<DBPWD> -DWAS_username=<WASUSR> -DWAS_password=<WASPWD> -DdeleteExistingDataSource=true

Note: this command drops the tables in the DB2 database related to the JazzSM schema.

Please remember that for JazzSM the DB is used only as replication repository.

The used information is stored in each DWC instance. Consequently dropping the

tables does not cause any lost of information. They are still stored in the DWC instance.

  1. Run the upgrade on the DWC nodeB

Read the DWC FixPack ReadMe file for further information.

Note: this is also the good moment to update the components shared with the DWC, like JazzSM or WAS.

  1. Re-join the TDWC nodeBto the cluster

You must now recreate the the High Availability cluster. We start to join the nodeB to the cluster, because it is the last one that has been removed from the cluster during the upgrade process, and then it contains the most updated information.

Change directory to <JAZZSM_HOME>/ui/bin/ha/ and restore the file tipha.properties that has been over-written by the DWC upgrade.

Stop the DWC server, running as root:

./stopWas.sh -user WASUSR -password WASPWD

Rejoin the first node of the cluster, running as root:

<JAZZSM_HOME>/profile/bin/ws_ant.sh -f install.ant configHA -Dusername=<DBUSR> -Dpassword=<DBPWD> -DWAS_username=<WASUSR> -DWAS_password=<WASPWD>

Note: this command recreates the JazzSM tables, and populates their contents with the data actually stores in the TDWC nodeB instance. We suggest to start to rejoin the cluster from TDWC nodeB, because it is the last one that was stopped, and then contains the more recent data.

8. Re-join the TDWC axsrsgpar1703

Change directory to <JAZZSM_HOME>/ui/bin/ha/ and restore the file tipha.properties that has been over-written by the DWC upgrade.

Stop the DWC server, running as root:

./stopWas.sh -user WASUSR -password WASPWD

Rejoin the second node of the cluster, running:

<JAZZSM_HOME>/profile/bin/ws_ant.sh -f install.ant join -Dusername=<DBUSR> -Dpassword=<DBPWD> -DWAS_username=<WASUSR> -DWAS_password=<WASPWD>

9. Redirect all traffic to both nodes

Edit the IBM HTTP Server plugin-cfg.xml files, changing the following lines:

<Transport Hostname="hostnameB" Port="96310" Protocol="http"/>

<Transport Hostname="hostnameB" Port="96311" Protocol="https"/>


<Transport Hostname="hostnameB" Port="httpB" Protocol="http"/>

<Transport Hostname="hostnameB" Port="httpsB" Protocol="https/>

Restart the IBM HTTP Server, running as root the commands:

<IHS_HOME>/bin/apachectl stop

<IHS_HOME>/bin/apachectl start

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Upgrade Dynamic Workload Console V9.X to any FixPack in an High Availability Environment Page 1 of 4
Version 2014/10/24