FOR: Asphalt Resurfacing

Bids Must be Received Before:

DATE: September 12, 2016 TIME: 2:00 p.m.

Bids Will be Publicly Opened:

DATE: September 12, 2016 TIME: 2:00 p.m.

Place of Bid Opening: LOXELY TOWN HALL

Sealed bids will be received by the Town of Loxley at the Office of the Town Clerk in Loxley, Alabama until the above time and date at which time they will be opened as soon thereafter as practicable. . All Bidders must use our Bid Form and show on the outside of envelope “Sealed Bid”, Each bid must be in a separate envelope.


Superintendent of Utilities Town Clerk/ Treasurer

NOTE: For this bid to be considered responsive, all information in this section should be supplied, as appropriate, or the entire bid may be disqualified. Bid response must be in ink or typed with original signature. If you are unable to furnish an item as specified and desire to offer a substitute, give full description of the item. No errors will be corrected after bids are opened. No prices shall include State or Federal Excise Taxes; Tax exemption number furnished upon request. The Town of Loxley reserves the right to accept or reject all bids or any portion thereof.

  1. DELIVERY: Can be completed within____days or ____weeks after receipt of order.
  2. TERMS: ____(Discounts will be considered in the bid evaluation and will be taken without regard to date of payment).
  3. Prices valid for acceptance within _____days.
  4. Vendor’s quotation number if any: ______(This number will appear on the purchase order).
  5. For the purchase or lease of personal property only, a Baldwin Co. person, firm or corporation, whose bid is no more than three percent (3%) greater than the lowest bid, may be the successful bidder and the contract may be awarded to such Baldwin county responsible bidder. A Baldwin Co. vendor is defined as one who has a place of business within the limits of Baldwin County. It is the policy of the Town of Loxley to purchase from a Town of Loxley vendor whenever possible.
  6. Federal Employer ID Number (If no FEIN, Enter SSN:) ______.
  7. The number of pages comprising this bid is ____3____.
  8. Contact: Richard Rider II @ 251-964-7644 for technical or general questions.


Regular Mail Courier

Town of Loxley Town of Loxley

P.O. Box 9 1089 S. Hickory Street

Loxley, Al 36551 Loxley, Al 36551

I/we agree to furnish at the prices shown and guarantee that each offered will meet or exceed all specification, terms and conditions, and requirements listed. This is the total price and includes all delivery or freight charges to the Town of Loxley. Any attachment hereto is made and becomes a part of this inquiry and must be signed by bidder. I herein affirm I have not been in any agreement or collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding or otherwise.


Company Name Address Phone Number

Street List:

Magnolia Street: From County Road 64 North To St. Alban $______

East Relham: Hwy 59 to End of Pavement $______

West Relham: Hwy 59 to Magnolia Street $______

Holly Street: Hwy 59 North to B Avenue west to Hwy 59 $______

Railroad Street: County Road 64 to East Relham $______

Northgate Drive: see attached photo $______

Northgate Drive West: see attached photo $______

Northgate cul-de-sac see attached photo $______

TOTAL: $______