Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity

Student Advisory Board

Meeting Minutes for October 24th, 2011 – First General Meeting

Ethnic Cultural Center- Condon Hall

Time Started:4:06pm

Members Absent:Polynesian Student Alliance, Queer People of Color Alliance, Unite for Sight, AIS Commissioner, ASC Commissioner, GBLT Student Com., PISC Student Com., SDC Com.

Advisers Absent: Dr. Gabe Gallardo

Guests Present: Kate Callison – UW Leaders Director, Evan Smith – ASUW Director of University Affairs, Conor McLean – ASUW President, and Office of Government Relations

Introduction to SAB:

-What is SAB?

  • 20 seats (7- protected, 8- RSO seats, 5- At Large Seats)
  • 11 Ex-officio Seats (8 ASUW Commission Directors, ASUW Community Relations, Student Regent, GPSS Secretary)
  • 1 Ex-officio Seat with voting privileges (ASUW Director of Diversity Efforts)
  • Administration and Staff sit in on the meetings
  • Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Public Relations and Marketing and Director of Campus Climate
  • Meet every Monday from 4 to 5:30pm and hold three general meetings per quarter

-Facebook and Website

  • Search for OMA/D VP Student Advisory Boardon Facebook and “LIKE” our page
  • Website, check it out!

Community Concerns/ Issue Exploration

-IMA Room Reservation

  • Issue with reserving the rooms at the IMA
  • Talk with administration from IMA in the future if problem reoccurs
  • Documenting everything from who, what, when, etc
  • Follow up with Sanya D. and other orgs who encountered this problem

Vice President’s Corner: Updates?

-Resources for Complaint Resolution

  • Showed PowerPoint presentation for Resources for Discriminiation Complain resolution
  • Worked on Resolution since last year, finally it is drafted
  • It will be a local resolution for UW to use

Discussion Points

-Student Disability Resources

  • Need to have maps for accessibility around campus
  • Information will be posted on campus so that it will be available for students
  • Committee meeting later after SAB Meeting

-ECC Director Hirsing Updates

  • The Search is not done, still doing referecen checks on the last two candidate
  • One withdrew
  • Students say that they are not satisfied with the selection of candidates
  • None did not have the qualifications or had a vision for the ECC
  • Want to do redo of the hiring if possible

-lack of information for the students when it came for student interviews

- MECHa: let them play the role in the ECC for the day

- bring them to SAB?

  • Miscommunication with feedback for the candidate, unaware of the meeting
  • Edwards: Need to given more information to Dr. Gabe why students didn’t like the candidates
  • Needed the resumes since not everyone didn’t have the sources except for the Search committee
  • Candidates have more administrative experience than approachable
  • Need to have experience working with students since Director will work with them throughout his career
  • Complaints from ECC Director Hiring Process
  • Candidates didn’t have vision, too administrative, and lacks experiences with Students
  • Not having resumes on hand in the interviews or job descriptions
  • Meetings during class day – not a lot of people showed up due to the time
  • Lack of clear way to provide input for the candidates

Announcements/Upcoming Events: ASUW, RSOs, etc.

-Future General Meeting Times: November 14th, December 5th

-ASUW UW Leaders Program

  • Encourage freshmen, sophomores, transfers junior to apply for leadership development
  • Winter – Spring commitment
  • Application due Friday, October 28 at

-Office of Government Relations

  • November Elections
  • Ballot all over campus soon
  • Student Empowerment Banquet
  • Meet State legislators and have dinner with them
  • Event will take place on Nov 3, 630-9pm
  • Fill out application by October 31
  • Sign up for more information


  • El dia de Muertos Celebration next Tuesday, Nov 1 with Hot Choco and Sweet Brea
  • Allowed to put things to honor the dead in ECC Lounge

-Homecoming Rally

  • Friday, October 28 Carnival Event from 11am – 130pm
  • Free food, good music, carnival games


  • Disability History Month Celebration
  • October 27, 2011 at 330pm


  • November 4, 2011 on Red Square for UW 150th year anniversary

-Differential Tuition Presentation with Evan Smith soon

-Diversity Requirement Forum

  • Nov 2, 2011 at 6pm

Time Ended:5:31pm

Minutes taken by: Kristine Maramot – OMA/D VP Student Advisory Board Secretary