Minutes for the Meeting of January 15, 2013

  1. The Home and School Meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
  2. Minutes of the November 20, 2012 Home and School Association (H&S) meeting were approved.
  3. Principal’s Report
  4. Mr.Marchesani, Mickle School, was unable to attend. His written report was read aloud by Mr. Meyer. The Mickle School has been selected to represent schools across the nation by participating in the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) test given to selected 4th grade students. Thanks to all the teachers, parents and students for their generous donations with the “Helping Hornets” program. The Geography Bee has been completed. Congratulations to Jacob Lipeles, Colin McGravey and Jacob Rowe for finishing in first, second and third place respectively. During the first few weeks in January, Officer Robostello from the East Greenwich Township Police Department (EGTPD) taught the D.A.R.E. program to the sixth grade students. Graduation has been changed to February 12. Third, fourth and fifth grade students will have a D.A.R.E. lesson on January 16. Mickle students reached their second school-wide reward in the Hornet Hundred program. Mr. Marchesani attended the Sixth Grade Parent Committee meeting on January 7. The next sixth grade dance will be on January 18.
  5. Mr. Meyer reported that the current enrollment at Clark School is 589 students. With acknowledgement of the Sandy Hook school tragedy in December, he reported on the school’s current security procedures. Additional procedures and new technology will be in place upon completion of the construction. Mr. Meyer is retiring February 28. During February, each class will be invited to his office to discuss this. An interim principal will be named on Wednesday January 16th by the School Board. Mrs. Morris had a baby boy on December 26. Mrs. Weston has returned from maternity leave. DARE was held January 14 and 15 by Officer Robostello of EGTPD. Parents and grandparents lunches for first and second graders are January 18 and February 7 and 8 respectively. Additional security procedures have been implemented for their visits. There will be a Martin Luther King theme picnic on January 22. The winter concert program was outstanding. In February, the musical group “Time for Three” will perform; Beginners will be fingerprinted; there will be a dental health presentation for Beginners; Valentine’s Day will be celebrated; and, the group Sunjata from McCarter Theater will return to perform.
  6. Theresa Wordelmann thanked Mr. Meyer for his years of service.
  7. Officer Reports
  8. Recording Secretary
  9. Nothing to report.
  10. Corresponding Secretary
  11. A holiday card was received from the Education Association.
  12. Treasurer
  13. Available funds are $16,471.14
  14. Recently completed fundraising includes the Turkey Trot $4,314.41; the Craft Show $3,738.67, and Box Tops $1,603.40.
  15. Service Chair
  16. Nothing to report.
  17. Committee Updates
  18. Membership
  19. Debbie Freas is retiring this year. A new Chairperson is needed.
  1. Ice Cream Social
  2. The committee may try to schedule the event in conjunction with the art show and multicultural events.
  3. Market Day
  4. Rachel Natkin is retiring this year. A new Chairperson is needed.
  5. Halloween Sale
  6. The check, delayed due to Hurricane Sandy, was received for the amount of $127.
  7. ShopRite Gift Cards
  8. The Executive Committee is reviewing the Great Lakes Scrip website and ordering process. Volunteers are welcome to help us figure out the process logistically.
  9. Spirit Wear
  10. The sale has been completed
  11. 6th Grade
  12. A Social is scheduled for January 18. The Sixth Grade trip will be to Baltimore on May 30, 2013.
  13. Turkey Trot
  14. The 2013 Trot will occur the last weekend of November. This provides a buffer period of a week between the Craft Show and the Trot.
  15. Pouch Brigade
  16. The collection is ongoing.
  17. Student Art
  18. Ms. Benedetto plans to send home the Mickle students’ portfolios after the Art Show at the end of March. Parents would then select the art to be made up. A meeting will be scheduled with Mrs. Traini to discuss her plan for Clark students.
  19. Labels for Education
  20. No report.
  21. Box Tops
  22. The first shipment was sent out. A local Girl Scout troop has been helping cut and sort. The deadline for the next shipment is March 1.
  23. Craft Show
  24. Debbie Grigg and Mary Ellen Rizzo are retiring. Sharon Foth is willing to do the vendor portion. A person is needed to take over the volunteer and public relations. There are notes and a notebook with ideas to assist this person.
  25. Designer Bag Bingo
  26. The event is scheduled for March 21. Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Ten games will be played. A flier will be sent home soon.
  27. Spaghetti Dinner
  28. The dinner will be February 28 at the Mickle School multipurpose room. There will be a DJ, and takeout dinners will be available. Membership approved increasing the prices as follows: $8 in advance, $9 at the door, $35 per family in advance, $40 per family at the door. A flier will be sent home soon.
  29. Barnes and Noble
  30. The event is scheduled for March 12. String students will perform; there will be face painting; a craft; and, celebrity guest readers. 15% of the total café purchases and the total book purchases will be donated to H&S. H&S will request the donation be made in cash.
  31. Chick-Fil-A
  32. Will be held in late February or the first 2 weeks of March. There will be a Spinning Wheel with prizes and Hornet spirit items.
  1. Old Business
  2. School Pictures
  3. Baldwin Studios and LifeTouch to present at the March meeting. There will be separate presentations, questions may be asked, and then membership in attendance will vote to determine which company will take school pictures in 2013/2014.
  4. Financial Planning with Pete Curran will NOT take place at Jan meeting
  5. Lights of Love/Tree Lighting
  6. H&S provided the candy canes. It was a wonderful evening. There was a very good Santathis year.
  7. Wrap and Roll
  8. H&S bought cookies, sharing the cost with the East Greenwich Education Association (EGEA).
  9. Pencil/Game Drives
  10. Is it better to wait for a bit until the donation drives are completed? Yes, this drive will likely be scheduled for April when people are “spring cleaning”. H&S will request “gently used” items in good condition.
  11. Snowflakes sent to Sandy Hook last week.
  12. Decorations from the Winter Concert were also sent.
  13. Smartboard update
  14. Four Smartboards have been purchases and are stored in Mickle School awaiting installation. The School Board plans to use them for 5th and 6th grades. While a few classrooms in each grade level do not have Smartboards, it is anticipated that this may resolved when the new wing opens up and classes are relocated. 6th grade will be moved into the new classrooms and other grades will be relocated as well. For future technology purchases, H&S will have to confirm which technological device the School Board wants to purchase. Prometheus is another, similar, lower cost device that has been purchased by Kingsway High School.
  15. New Business
  16. Officer 2013-14 Intent
  17. There will be 3 openings: President, Service Chair, and Corresponding Secretary. Information will be sent out by end of January; requesting returns by February28.
  18. Beginner Testing
  19. Lynne will handle. There won’t be a schedule for another few weeks.
  20. Questions and Comments
  21. There was discussion regarding Mr. Meyer’s retirement and possible ways to commemorate his year of service. Ideas included a mural, a playground, a commemorative brick walk, and a painting of the geese story. Please contact Theresa if you’re interested.
  22. It was suggested that the proceeds from the KidStuff fundraiser be used to purchase defibrillators, which cost approximately $5,000 each.
  23. Adjourn
  24. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.

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