Cathedral High School Academic Quiz Bowl Current Events Test


1.Please write your name and school on your answer sheet.

2.Please write Current Events in the Subject space.

Directions: Choose the best answer for each of the following multiple choice questions

and darken the appropriate space on the scantron answer sheet. You will receive 1 point for each correct answer. The highest, second highest, and third highest score will receive a bonus of 20, 10, and 5 points


Good Luck!

Part I: For questions 1-13, identify the answer choice that is TRUE.

  1. Which of the following is TRUE
  2. The Cassini spacecraft was exploring Jupiter when it crashed into the planet
  3. The Cassini spacecraft was orbiting Neptune when it crashed into the planet
  4. The Cassini spacecraft was orbiting Titan when it crashed into the planet
  5. The Cassini spacecraft was orbiting Saturn when it crashed into the planet

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. A hurricane with sustained winds of 115 mph would be a category 4 hurricane
  2. A Hurricane with sustained winds of 147 mph would be a category 5 hurricane
  3. A hurricane with sustained winds of 100 mph would be a category 2 hurricane
  4. A hurricane with sustained winds of 155 mph would be a category 5 hurricane

3. Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. The James Webb Space Telescope’s first mission will be to capture images of Alpha Centauri
  2. The James Webb Space Telescope’s first mission will be to capture images of Proxima Centauri
  3. The James Webb Space Telescope’s first mission will be to capture images of Tau Ceti
  4. The James Webb Space Telescope’s first mission will be to capture images of Aquarii

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

a.The new dwarf planet announced in October is called 2014 UZ224

b.The new dwarf planet announced in October is called 2014 UZ225

c.The new dwarf planet announced in October is called 2014 UZ226

d.The new dwarf planet announced in October is called 2014 UZ227

5. Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. Yoshihiko Noda is the Prime Minister of Japan
  2. Shinzō Abe is the Prime Minister of Japan
  3. Tarō Asō is the prime Minister of Japan
  4. Yoshirō Mori is the Prime Minister of Japan

6.Which of the following is TRUE?

a.The 2017 Astronaut class will train at the Johnson Space Center in Virginia

b.The UN Committee on Inter-Stellar Cooperation is responsible for naming stars

c.Angela Merkel is the French President

d.The Cassini Spacecraft spent nearly 20 years in space

7. Which of the following is TRUE?

a.The U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was signed by 122

nations in July 2017

b.Most DACA recipients are under 20 years old

c.Fr. Solanus Casey was born in Detroit Michigan making him the second U.S. born

male to be elevated to venerable

d.NASA funds the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory

8. Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. During Christmas 2017, the Grand Foyer of the White House displayed papercrafts.
  2. During Christmas 2017, the Red Room of the White House displayed a traditional gingerbread “White House”
  3. During Christmas 2017, the East Wing of the White House displayed the Gold Star Family Tree.
  4. During Christmas 2017, the Library of the White House displayed President Reagan’s 1866 edition of “A Christmas Carol”

9.Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. Gold is a precious metal that is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. Frankincense is an antimicrobial treat bacterial and fungal infections
  3. Myrrh is an anti-inflammatory and promotes fast healing of wounds.

10.Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. The Supreme Leader of North Korea is Kim Jong il
  2. The Supreme Leader of North Korea is Kim Jong-un
  3. The Supreme Leader of North Korea is Kim Jong-nam
  4. The Supreme Leader of North Korea is Kim il-sung

11. Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. Senators Lindsey Graham and Senator Dick Durbin introduced the Dream Act of 2017.
  2. Senators Lindsey Graham and Senator Charles Schumer introduced the Dream Act of 2017.
  3. Senators Lindsey Graham and Senator Tim Kaine introduced the Dream Act of 2017.
  4. Senators Lindsey Graham and Senator Mitch McConnell introduced the Dream Act of 2017.

12.Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. Under President Roosevelt, the United States first recognized the State of Israel.
  2. Under President Eisenhower, the United States first recognized the State of Israel.
  3. Under President Truman, the United States first recognized the State of Israel.
  4. Under President Kennedy, the United States first recognized the State of Israel.

13. Which of the following is TRUE?

  1. Mercedes-Benz made a pair of cars available for the Pope’s visit to Philadelphia in 2015 which were eventually auctioned off for local charities.
  2. FIAT Chrysler made a pair of cars available for the Pope’s visit to Philadelphia in 2015 which were eventually auctioned off for local charities.
  3. General Motors made a pair of cars available for the Pope’s visit to Philadelphia in 2015 which were eventually auctioned off for local charities.
  4. Ford made a pair of cars available for the Pope’s visit to Philadelphia in 2015 which were eventually auctioned off for local charities.

Part II: For Questions 14-20, identify the answer choice that is FALSE.

14. Which of the following is FALSE?

  1. The total solar eclipse visible from the United States occured on August 21, 2017
  2. The last total solar eclipse visible from the United States (before the most current one) was June 8, 1918
  3. The next total solar eclipse visible from the United States will take place on April 8, 2025

15.Which of the following is FALSE?

  1. In November President Trump visited Japan
  2. In November President Trump visited India
  3. In November President Trump visited the Philippines
  4. In November President Trump visited China

16. Which of the following is FALSE?

  1. The Pope will auction off a Lamborghini to support the restoration of villages on the Nineveh Plain
  2. The Pope will auction off a Lamborghini to support victims of human trafficking
  3. The Pope will auction off a Lamborghini to support GICAM
  4. The Pope will auction off a Lamborghini to support Coptic Christians in Egypt

17.Which of the following is FALSE?

  1. A SpaceX Dragon spacecraft was used to resupply the International Space Station in December
  2. The Spacecraft was launched using a Falcon 9 rocket
  3. The Spacecraft was launched from Edwards Air Force Base in California
  4. The launch was SpaceX’s 13th cargo flight to the space station under its contract with NASA.

18. Which of the following is FALSE?

  1. The Palestinian President is Rami Hamdallah
  2. The Vietnamese President is Tran Dai Quang
  3. The Philippine President is Rodrigo Duterte
  4. The Italian President is Sergio Mattarella

19.Which of the following is FALSE?

  1. The Governor of Florida is Rick Santorum
  2. The Governor of Louisiana is John Edwards
  3. The Governor of Texas is Greg Abbott
  4. The Governor of Puerto Rico is Ricardo Rosselló

Part III: For questions 20-50, choose the best answer.

20.Which South Korean company announced its plan to open a new facility in New Jersey in 2019?

  1. Samsung
  2. Kia
  3. SK Group
  4. LG Electronics

21. Which of the following has the LEAST stockpiled/non-deployed nuclear weapons?

  1. India
  2. Pakistan
  3. UK
  4. China

22.About how much of the UN budget is supported by the contributions of the United States?

  1. 10%
  2. 25%
  3. 40%
  4. 50%

23.When does the LATEST SUNRISE occur in the Northern hemisphere?

  1. Early December
  2. On the Solstice
  3. The day AFTER the solstice
  4. Early January

24.Which of the following led to the death of Fr. Solanus Casey?

  1. Heart failure
  2. Alzheimer's disease
  3. Stomach cancer
  4. A skin disease

25.What practice did Pope Francis say children need to be taught to perform correctly?

  1. The Sign of the Cross
  2. The Sign of Peace
  3. Receiving the Eucharist on the tongue
  4. Reconciliation in a confessional

26.Which US missile defense system is deployed in Japan?

  1. The Avenger Missile Defense System
  2. The Patriot Missile Defense System
  3. The THADD Missile Defense System
  4. The Aegis Missile Defense System

27.What is the name of the space capsule that NASA hopes will take four astronauts to Mars in the 2030s?

  1. Osiris
  2. Journey
  3. Orion
  4. Nebula

28.As of January who is the acting NASA Administrator?

  1. Mike Pence
  2. Robert Lightford
  3. Richard Washington
  4. Matthew Hines

29.How many of the 12 astronauts in the 2017 astronaut class are current or former members of the Navy?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2

30. The Floating solar plant in the Anhui province of China can produce ______of power.

  1. 40 megawatts
  2. 50 megawatts
  3. 60 megawatts
  4. 70 megawatts

31.In June, President Trump announced the the US would withdraw from ______.

  1. The North American Free Trade agreement
  2. The Kyoto Protocols
  3. The Trans Pacific Partnership
  4. The Paris Climate Accord

32.Hurricane ______devastated the city of Houston and the Texas coast.

  1. Harvey
  2. Harriet
  3. Harrison
  4. Harmon

33.Which of the following was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize for Peace?

  1. The International Center Against Nuclear Weapons
  2. The InterContinental Alliance to end Nuclear Weapons
  3. The Intelligence Conference to End Nuclear Weapons
  4. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

34.Which of the following countries has the third most KNOWN nuclear weapons in their arsenal?

  1. Russia
  2. India
  3. France
  4. Pakistan

35. Which of the following countries of origin has the second most DACA recipients living in the US?

  1. Guatemala
  2. Mexico
  3. Honduras
  4. El Salvador

36.Which of the following programs will begin accepting girls for the first time?

  1. The Boy Scouts Explorer Program
  2. The Boy Scouts Venturing Program
  3. The Boy Scouts STEM Scout Program
  4. The Boy Scouts Cub Scout Program

37. Venerable Fr. Solanus Casey was a ______.

  1. Dominican Friar
  2. Capuchin Friar
  3. Franciscan Friar
  4. Carmelite Friar

38.In which country are efforts being made to restore 73 million trees helping that country meet its Paris Agreement target?

  1. China
  2. Brazil
  3. Mozambique
  4. India

39.What will be the focus of Pope Francis’ weekly catechesis for the next year?

  1. The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus
  2. The Catholic Church’s teaching on the family
  3. The Responsibility of Catholics towards migrants and immigrants
  4. The Eucharist

40. Who is believed to have created the first Nativity scene?

  1. St. Alphonsus
  2. St. Francis of Assisi
  3. St. Ambrose
  4. St. Bonaventure

41.Which of the following cases challenges the right of the police to conduct warrantless searches of cell-site-location information?

  1. Stoner v California
  2. Bond v United States
  3. Ferguson v City of Charleston
  4. Carpenter v United States

42.The Geminid meteors radiate from near the bright star of ______in the constellation of Gemini.

  1. Pollux
  2. Castor
  3. Aldebaran
  4. Sirius

43.President Trump announced in December that the US would move its embassy from ______to Jerusalem.

  1. Hebron
  2. Haifa
  3. Ashdod
  4. Tel Aviv

44.Who is the US Ambassador to the United Nations?

  1. Susan Rice
  2. Samantha Power
  3. Michele Sison
  4. Nikki Haley

45.The imaginary line circling the globe at 23.5 degrees south of the Equator is known as ______.

  1. The Tropic of Cancer
  2. The Tropic of Capricorn
  3. The Tropic of Virgo
  4. The Tropic of Taurus

46.The Advent Wreath was adapted from the traditions of ______folk traditions.

  1. Italian
  2. German
  3. Russian
  4. English

47.Which of the following dissented in Smith v Maryland saying, “...[p]rivacy is not a discrete commodity, possessed absolutely, or not at all.”?

  1. Sonia Sotomayor
  2. Anthony Kennedy
  3. Sandra Day O’Connor
  4. Thurgood Marshall

48. In addition to Enceladus, which of the following is a moon of Saturn?

  1. Ganymede
  2. Europa
  3. Callisto
  4. Titan

49.The ______is used to symbolically trace Jesus’ anscestry from Genesis through the birth of Jesus.

  1. The Advent Wreath
  2. The Candy Cane
  3. The Jesse Tree
  4. The St. Lucy feast

50.What is the name of the asteroid that is the “parent” to the Geminid meteor shower?

  1. Phaethon
  2. Presveira
  3. Philoinus
  4. Pelagius