K9 Home Schooling will help you prepare your dog for family life. We can help you teach your dog basic manners, advanced obedience skills or prepare for Therapy Dog Testing. If you have a new puppy we can help you get off to a good start with our Pup Start Program. Private lessons are also a great way to help prepare your shy or exuberant dog for group classes.

We use humane training methods based on positive reinforcement and a sound understanding of animal behavior and learning theory. We work with you to develop a training program that will help you achieve positive results.

We use the clicker as our training tool. The Clicker is a small plastic box that makes a "click" sound when pressed. The clicker is a valuable tool because it allows us to mark good behaviors the exact moment they occur. It's like taking a snapshot of the perfect behavior. The clicker instantly tells the dog that he is doing a good job and that a reward is coming. Good timing and clear communication allow the dog to learn quickly.

Along with teaching your dog obedience skills, we will help you develop an exercise and management program for your dog to keep him healthy and happy.


1) A review of your Student Application to

better understand your training needs

2) A specialized training program developed for

you and your dog

3) Email follow up to support your training program

The initial appointment usually last 1.5 to 2 hours and the fee is $150.00. All subsequent sessions are $85.00 per hour. We are currently offering services in Washtenaw, Lenawee, Western Wayne and Livingston Counties.

If you would like to schedule Private In-Home Training, please return to the homepage and fill out a "New Student Enrollment Form". You can do this by clicking on the "Apply" link.