St John Ogilvie

High School

Head Teacher: E Morrison

Parent Teacher Association

Register Charity No: SC043260

President Vice President

Mrs Laura Gaddis Mrs Catherine Duffy

161 Main Street 4 Lady Watson Gardens

High Blantyre Hamilton

07791918762 07910133215

Minutes of the PTA Meeting

6.00pm Wednesday 25th November 2015

Present: L Gaddis, E Morrison, A Balfour, C Keegan, C Duffy, M Ferguson, K Doolan, AM Lyons Neil

Apologies A Crossar, S Gunn

Time: 6.00PM

1.  Previous Minutes – agreed.

2.  Matters Arising: None - all dealt with under agenda

3.  Finance

·  Monthly draw – some new members this month.

·  VAT –still looking into it.

·  OSCR – need to fill in forms and do the name change for the charity regulator – should be a formality but need to update signatories and board names.

·  Cheques given to Miss Turnbull for prizes for the Halloween writing completion (£70) and to the school for book prizes (£20)

4.  Events:

a.  The Senior Young Musician and Vocalist Competition was fantastic – great to see so many boys taking part in the vocal competition.

b.  Friday is cultural awareness day – pupils pay £1 to dress in something from their culture. Suggested that next time this could maybe be a £1 plus a raffle or tombola prize – that would give everyone an opportunity to help the PTA’s fundraising – This will be considered further.

c.  School panto – 15th 16th December (also a matinee for pupils on Monday 14th – nothing required for that) – raffles/tea/tuck shop – props/costumes – usual involvement. 100 tickets sold already. 200 will be printed for each night. As close to 6pm as you can make it please to catch everyone coming in and set up the tuck shops etc. Special request for gluten free things in the tuck shop – LG will think of something. S Horne requested PTA helped with snow/fog machine etc. Cost just over £300. Tickets for the panto £5 (£4 concession) family ticket £12 available from Miss McBride or Miss Moore in the school.

d.  Lunchtime madness Friday 18th December – Santa hats, crafts, tombola (Maureen organising) tuck shop (Angela organising) usual stalls plus Fifa and Beat the Goalie. Should be able to start setting up just after 11am – all hands on deck – will rope in 6th years to help.

e.  Concert – Monday 21st December – will need a different layout . Maybe have buffet style rather than tables – space issue and logistics of doing the ‘Jools Holland’ type concert in the street. Any bakers out there! Or if you want to donate raffle or tombola prizes – everything is needed and appreciated.

5.  Issues raised

a.  Parent asked about parking in disabled bays. Parking being investigated.

b.  Rugby players raised an issue with the state of the artificial pitch - all schools pitches are failing but it is unlikely these will be replaced – no easy solution to this issue.

c.  Zambia trip – girls have to raise £10,000 (£1500 each) Getting support from the Knights of St Columba who have offered their venue free. LG offered South Lanarkshire Workplace Choir/Hamilton harmonics to do a night at the musicals – but Columba Club might not be a suitable venue – LG will liaise with Shannon Balfour. A race night is organised for 30th January which will hopefully bring in a lot of money. PTA will help – organise a raffle and make the chickens and bunnies for the girls to sell.

6.  Date of next Meeting: Wednesday January 27th 2016 6pm