Physics Chapter 4-7 Review KEY Name ______


Force / A measure of an object’s mass (inertia) times its acceleration.
Measured in Newtons (kg·m/s2)
Inertia / The reluctance of any object to change its state of motion.
Mass is the measure of inertia
Weight / Weight: the force of gravity on an object.
Mass and weight are proportional not equal. Objects with great mass have great weight
Friction / A force that acts between materials that touch as they move past each other.
Equilibrium / Net forces equal zero. Forces are balanced
(object’s motion will be unchanged)
Terminal velocity
(textbook) / The point at which an object in free fall stops accelerating.
Air resistance / The friction acting upon an object moving through the air is called air resistance.
Net forces / The sum of all forces acting on an object
Tension / Force on a string rope or cable due to and object attached to it. Based on that object mass time its gravitational acceleration.
How is it measured? / Inertia is an object’s resistance to a change in motion. Inertia is a measure of mass quantified by Kg the greater the mass, the greater the inertia.
Definition, formula and units / Momentum is inertia in motion. It is calculated by finding the product of an objects mass multiplied by its velocity.
Formula: p = mv Units: kg·m/s
Definition, formula and units / Impulse is an object’s change in momentum. Generally speaking, we will be looking at changes in velocity Ft = Δmv
Impulse is measured in units of N·s
Definition, formula and units / Impact refers to force and is measured in Newtons (N).
Elastic collision / A collision in which momentum is transferred without the loss of kinetic energy
Inelastic collision / A collision in which objects couple upon impact. Energy is generally lost to outside the system


1.  What is the mathematical relationship between acceleration and force?

Directly proportional

2.  What is the relationship between acceleration and mass?

Inversely proportional

3.  Which of Newton’s laws look at these relationships (1st, 2nd, or 3rd):

a.  The fact that when you push on something, it pushes back. 3rd

b.  The fact that if you slam your brakes, your body keeps moving forward 1st

c.  The fact that when you throw a heavy bowling ball, it doesn’t accelerate as fast as when you throw a tennis ball 2nd

4.  Observe the two diagrams below. In the first diagram A, the angles in which the cables are set are equal. Would the combined tension in the cables be greater or lesser than the weight of the light? What happens to the tension as you move the cables further apart? In the second diagram B, which cable has the greater tension?


5.  Draw a free body diagram for the picture below. Label all the forces acting on it. What is the net force on the mass if A) the mass is at rest, B) the mass is sliding down at constant velocity and C) the mass is accelerating down the ramp?

/ A) ΣF = 0, no
B) ΣF = 0 , no
C) ΣF ≠ 0 , yes

6.  Give the reaction for the following action forces:

a.  A car hits a brick wall : The Brick wall hits the car

b.  Gravity pulls a boulder to earth : Gravity pulls the earth to the boulder

c.  An ice skater pushes off the rail : The rail pushes against the ice skater

7.  What would the acceleration be for a cyclist with a total mass of 100 kg (including bike) providing a 50 N forward force on the road while the road created a 10 N frictional force on the cyclist?

a = ΣF /m = 50 N – 10 N / 100 kg = 0.4 m/s2

Plug and Chug Problems:

Explain the difference between impact and impulse:

8.  Explain the difference between impact and impulse.

•  Impact refers to force and is measured in Newtons (N).

•  Impulse refers to change in momentum and is measured in Newtons for a period of time (N·s).

9.  What is the only way to change an object’s momentum?

Supply an outside impulse to it (force for a period of time Ft)

10.  Using the conservation of momentum, how does a rocket move in space? Please show a diagram with relative masses.

m-v = mv

total p before (on ground) = 0

total p after in space = 0

The mass of all the exhaust gas is extremely small compared with the mass of the rocket, yet it has a massive velocity (negative due to opposite direction. Conversely, the mass of the rocket is massive, with a relatively small velocity compared to the exhaust gas. These are equal and opposite in nature, and “cancel out” to follow the conservation of momentum.

11.  A 6 kg ball moving at 3.5 m/s slams into 4 kg ball at rest. After the collision the 6 kg ball comes to a complete stop. What is the velocity of the 4 kg ball?

m1v1 = m2v2 a (6 kg)(3.5 m/s) = (4 kg)v2 v2 = 5.25 m/s

12.  A car traveling 25 m/s with a mass of 300 kg rear-ends another car at rest with a mass of 450 kg and becomes entangled. Calculate the final speed of both cars.

m1v1 = m2v2 a (300 kg)(25 m/s) = (300 kg + 450 kg)v2 v2 = 10 m/s

13.  What speed was a 9.0 kg ball traveling at if a force of 50 N could stop it in 3.5 seconds?

Ft = m(v1 – v2) a (50 N)(3.5 s) = (9 kg)(0m/s – v2) v2 = 19.4 m/s