JUNE 14, 2010

Present: Jim Day, Bob Elliott, Mike Rafferty, Mimi Barber, Dan Harris, Sue Taft. Suzanne Sharron. Diane White represented CB Property Management.

Special guests: Peg Kerbaugh, Sue Lewis

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm. Bob Elliott welcomed guests Peg Kerbaugh and Sue Lewis.

Peg requested permission for a new front patio be installed in front of her unit- at her expense. Earlier, she had sent the link to the website for the Board to review the design. There has been an on-going problem with the bricks in this area deteriorating.

Peg also requested the front area that has been disturbed by the installation of the water line have a few shrubs installed along the walkway to balance the area out. Along with the loam and seeding, the pruning of the shrubs by Unit 2, the installation of the new shrubs – that remain green all year – would be the best solution.

Peg also requested the entry drive area and parking area by Building 1 be sealcoated after all the asphalt patch work is complete to give the area a smooth, complete appearance.

There is concern with the standing/pooling water in the area by Building 1. A drain had been installed when the units were built, perhaps this is clogged. Diane will have Dennis or Dave Ganio look at the drain and see what can be done.

Sue Taft made a Motionto approve the new patio requested by Peg Kerbaugh. Seconded. Discussion: It was confirmed the maintenance and repair of the new patio will be the responsibility of the owners of Unit 3. Diane will have the bricks taken away and stored to be used on other patio repairs needed at Willowbrook. Approved.

Sue Lewis mentioned the planting of shrubs along Unit 3 walkway. She confirmed that they don’t need a tree planted in this area. Sue would like the shrubs against the building aggressively pruned to open the area next to the building to prevent future moisture caused rot. She would also like the rotted wood in this area replaced.

Diane will ask Dave Ganio to draw up plans for this area complete with the names of the plants and cost for the work. Mimi confirmed that the landscape contract includes pruning of shrubs around July 4thand Labor Day. The shrubs should be 14 inches away from the buildings.

All owners should be reminded the bushes and plantings behind units are the responsibility of the owners; these are not maintained by the landscape company.

Mimi and Sue will prepare a notice clarifying what the Association is responsible for and what owners are responsible for concerning landscaping of common areas.

Diane will contact Boulder Ridge Construction and get him on site to start loam, seed and asphalt repair as soon as possible.

Diane will obtain an estimate for sealcoating of the entrance road and parking area by Building 1.

Peg Kerbaugh and Sue Lewis left the meeting.

Jim Day made a Motion to approve the March Directors meeting minutes. Seconded. Approved.

Jim Day made a Motion to approve the April 27, 2010 Special Owners Meeting Minutes. Seconded. Approved.

Jim Day made a Motion to approve the April and May 2010 financials as presented. Seconded. Discussion: Mimi made some suggestions on how to have the financial spreadsheet easier to read by owners and Board members. Diane will make these changes (remove reserve expense line, total the remaining budget). The Board will receive the June financials and review them and these adjustments prior to them being sent to owners. Approved.

Checking Account $8,868.45

Reserve Account $11,929.95

Discussion by Directors:

(1) Building 1 – The Board reviewed the spreadsheet that Diane had provided outlining the costs to install the new water line to Building 1. Pinney Plumbing invoice $4,150 (which includes the removal of the temporary line), Boulder Ridge invoice $7,900. These invoices will be paid this week. Boulder Ridge provided an estimate for the remaining work (loam, grass seed, paving) of $6,990.00. Sue Taft mentioned the workers for Boulder Ridge were excellent, they cleaned up at the end of the day, they worked late, and they were polite and considerate.

(2) For the next Directors meeting, Diane will provide a breakdown of the work Dennis has completed from the walk-around list. Mimi indicated there are concerns that some work from the list should be put off so that other work can be done. She indicated she would be willing delay her garage door panel being replaced so that another chimney cap could be repaired. Dennis will be checking the chimney caps that were done by Tim Bell last year and check the condition of the remaining ones.

(3) Diane will get a price for the repair of the trim edge of the pool. Aqua Works will be installing the new drain/cover that is required by law.. Lu Farnsworth is cleaning the pool house this year. Dan will be sure the trash gets out on time.

(4) Mimi made a Motion the Board go back to meeting every month. This motion was not seconded. Mike made a Motion the Board meet every other month and in September, October and November for budget planning purposes. Seconded. Discussion: The Board members reviewed the days they were available. August 23, 2010 – 7 pmLangdon Place will be the next meeting date. Future meetings for the remainder of 2010 will be confirmed via e-mail. Mimi suggested the budget committee (Mimi, Bob and Jim) meet at the end of July/early August to begin the 2011 budget process. Approved.

(5) An owner had written a few notes of items she would like discussed. (a) Vinyl Siding - is this still an issue? At this time due to financial situation of Willowbrook, vinyl siding is not being considered. Vinyl siding may be reviewed again in the future. (b) Painting of a building –due to finances of the Association, no buildings will be painted this year. Repairs to clapboards and trim will continue. (c) Privacy fences –At this time finances dictate no privacy fences will be replaced. Mimi suggested a memo be sent to owners asking if they want a privacy fence or could it be removed. When the results are reviewed, the Board will decide to pursue new fences or the removal of all fences further.

Another Unit owner had written to CB Property Management concerning shingles on the roof. The owner was also concerned about a dying hosta plant near her walkway. Diane will have Dennis repair the roof and Mimi will contact the owner regarding the hosta.

(6) Sue Taft asked if having a community yard sale at Willowbrook would be considered. Dan mentioned this had been requested in the past and turned down. After a brief discussion, it was determined there will not be a community yard sale at Willowbrook.

(7) Mimi indicated she has reviewed the planned landscape expenses for 2010, and believes there are enough funds to do the tree trim work in front of Units 41-44. These trees are causing moisture damage to the roofs and siding of these buildings. Dave Ganio had quoted $950-$1000 for this work. Diane will contact Dave and have this work done.

(8) Repair to the sidewalk to the pool will be looked at in 2011.

(9) Mimi requested the updated owner’s directory include email addresses.

Dan stated the common area by Mimi’s looked very nice.

The next meeting is set for August 23, 7 pm Langdon Place.

There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm.


Diane White, Property Manager Date

Reviewed by: Willowbrook Board of Directors