PTA Minutes – Wilson High School

Board Meeting, Sept. 15, 2014

Hillsdale Brewpub

Chantal Wright, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

In attendance: Chantal Wright,Maureen Berrie-Lawson, Leslie Baird, Leanne Hartman, Shawn Mershon

Officers/Chairs of Committees – Chantal Wright

President – Chantal Wright
Co-President – Maureen Berrie-Lawson
Vice-President – Leanne Hartman
Treasurer – New – Neal McLaughlin – need to vote in at General Meeting
Co-Treasurer (assistant) – need to fill (someone to check inbox at school)
Volunteer Coordinator – need to fill
Secretary – Leslie Baird
Webmaster – Shawn Mershon

Committee chairs for next year -

Auction – Danni McLaughlin
Graduation Night – Lori Lieberman, Chantal Wright - new
Graduation Night/Auction Treasurer – Karen Russell - new
Parent Education – Carter Latendresse
Parent Education Volunteers/Liasion – need to fill
Hospitality – need to fill
Scholarship – Andrea Bradbury – need to check on this
Preliminary SAT, ACT – Maureen Berrie-Lawson – need volunteers
Clothing Center – Bev Masters
PTA Membership – Leanne Hartman - new

Budget Discussion – Chantal Wright

  • New Treasurer is on board and will look over the budget.
  • Need to add administrative fee to Budget – this will cover cost of switching to “cloud” version of Quick Books: $13 monthly fee.
  • Discussion about possible consolidation of bank accounts.
  • Net Surplus Discussion - $15,161. Committee will be formed to discuss use of the surplus funds. Principal would like to use approximately $10,000 of these funds for purchase of Chrome Books (laptop computers).

“All Hands Raised” Foundation Grants Discussion - Chantal Wright

  • Discussion about receiving Equity Grants from the PPS Foundation. If the word “grant,” were deleted from the budget, then would Wilson High School be eligible for equity grants from the PPS Foundation? Maureen Berrie-Lawson will talk with PPS Foundation (Rosemary Schwimmer) about this issue.

Auction Discussion – Chantal Wright

  • 2014 Auction “Paddle Raise” proceeds will not benefit Wilson Foundation.
  • Discussion ensued about the possibility of Foundation obtaining the Wine Wall fundraiser instead of PTA.
  • Auction will still hold raffle ticket and golden ticket fundraisers. PTA will obtain ½ of the profits from these fundraisers. Other ½ will go to team that procured the ticket sales.
  • Chantal obtained license for raffle ticket sales fundraiser.

Staff Dinner on Conference Night – Chantal Wright

  • Maureen offered to coordinate donated dinner foods, as PTA as there are no Hospitality Coordinators.
  • Date of dinner – October 30th.

Directory Discussion – Chantal Wright

  • Need new coordinator for the Wilson Directory production. Karen Russell was previous coodinator but doesn't have time to complete it this Fall.
  • Shawn Mershon offered to take over this job for this year.
  • Chantal would like to obtain another volunteer to assist Shawn with the job so that there would be someone to complete the directory duties in the future.

Volunteer Coodinator Discussion – Chantal Wright

  • Discussion about using “Volunteer Spot” vs. “”
  • Erica Meyers handles Volunteer Spot e-mails. A volunteer would input the text for Erica. PTA uses the Wilson High account.

Parks Renewal Bond Measure - #26-159 – Chantal Wright

  • Bond Measure Reprentative contacted PTA about attending next meeting to see if Wilson PTA would support the measure.
  • Leanne Hartman offered to contact Oregon PTA office to see if it is legal to have Bond Measure Representative speak at a meeting and call on a vote of support on this issue. PTA may have to provide both points of view on the measure.
  • More info about the measure can be obtained on
  • PTA has $500 in advocacy funds. PTA can choose to donate some of the funds to this cause.

CUB permits - Chantal Wright

  • Maureen offered to sign up for CUB permits for use of rooms at Wilson. This would include General meetings, Parent Education meetings and SAT, ACT sample test events.

PTA Membership – Leanne Hartman

  • Leanne will look into obtaining Tofino list. This list includes Wilson parents who paid for registration and PTA memberships online. She will then discuss the process with Karen Russell, previous membership coordinator.

Bulletin Board – Chantal Wright

  • Maureen offered to decorate and post pertinent info on the board before “Back to School” night – Sept. 17.

Signers on Bank Accounts – Chantal Wright

  • A motion was presented to remove former committee chairs and add new chairs to the respective bank accounts of Auction and Grad. Night Events. (This would would involve removing Annie Bottinell and Danni Mcloughlin on the Auction Key Bank Account. Karen Russell would be left as a signer on the account as she is current treasurer. PTA would add Jan Hansen as a signer on the account. For Grad. Night accounts, PTA would be removing Annie Bottinelli and Maggie Daly and adding Lori Lieberman and Chantal Wright as signers on this account. The motion was seconded and approved.

Clothing Center – Chantal Wright

  • Bev Masters is Clothing Center Coordinator.
  • Leslie Baird offered to contact Bev about clothes that are in the Wilson office.

PTA Closet Discussion – Chantal Wright

  • PTA closet needs shelves.

Sample SAT, ACT – Maureen Berrie-Lawson

  • Will be held on a teacher in-service day.
  • Lisa Broten will take over the coordination of the event in th future.

Wilson Alumni – Chantal Wright

  • Wilson HS Alumni need to set up the association as a 501C3. PTA is holding onto alumni funds. These monies need to be transferred to an alumni account.

Scrip – Chantal Wright

  • Martha Schulte and Carolyn Grill coordinate Scrip accounts. Maureen will look into balances of the accounts.

Important Dates – Chantal Wright

  • September 17t – Back to School Night
  • October 2 – Foundation House Party fundraiser
  • October 30 – Teacher Conference Night
  • April 18 – Auction
  • June 10 - Grad. Night Party

PTA Trainings – Chantal Wright

  • PTA training – Oct. 25 at Robert Gray Middle School.
  • Chantal will look into possible on-line trainings. Leslie Baird offered to take an online training.

Website – Shawn Mershon

  • Shawn will check the website for needed updates. Forms/documents that could be added: PTA standing rules, recent minutes, auction flyer and donation forms, volunteer checklist and volunteer positions available, Practise SAT and ACT info and PTA grant cycle forms.

Grant Cycle – Chantal Wright

  • PTA has $4500 available for grants. Due date – Oct. 1 for grant proposals.
  • Brian Chatard, Principal, would like to use some grant monies for the library - $2,000.

PTA General meeting agenda – Chantal Wright

  • Committee reports: Auction, Grad. Night, volunteer needs, Principal's Report.
  • Coffee - It was suggested that Hillsdale Starbucks could donate refreshments.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm by President, Chantal Wright

Minutes respectfully submitted by Leslie Baird, Secretary