Intermediate Italian ( 3 credits)

Spring 2018

Meetings: Monday, Wednesday 10:00-11:15 amHolton Hall G84

Instructor: Claudia Pessarelli

Office: CRT 795


Office Hours: Mondays-Wednesdays 11:30AM to 12:30 PM and by appointment. In addition questions can be posted on D2L in the discussions tab in the forum named: La Piazza Italianafor answers

Required Texts:Danesi, Lettieri, Bancheri, Con Fantasia, 4th edition

Con Fantasia Workbook/Laboratory Manual, 4th edition

Course Description: This intermediate Italian language course is designed to strengthen and to expand your abilities in oral comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. The variety of in-class activities incorporates videos, authentic Italian reading materials, and creative writing assignments, and will allow you to practice skills needed for self-expression while learning about contemporary life and culture in Italy. No English will be spoken in class.

Student Work and Determination of Final Grade: During this course we will complete 7 chapters, approximately one chapter every 4 meetings. Students are expected to complete reading and writing assignments as announced, and to come to class prepared to contribute to discussions with questions and comments. Homework will be collected by the instructor every meeting time and no late work will be accepted. Students will be writing four essays (temi) in Italian of 150-200 words each having to do with the subject matter of the chapter.

Attendance Policy: It is essential for students to attend class regularly in order to strengthen their language skills. Because of the longer meeting time for each class, but fewer meetings throughout the semester, the attendance policy is stricter. For every 2 absences and every 1 absence thereafter, the final letter grade will be lowered by 1/3, from A to A-, A- to B+, etc.When supported by written documentation, absences can be excused for a family emergency, illness, or a professional/ jury duty obligation. In case of special situations please do go see your instructor.


1. Class Participation25%

Preparation, attendance, contribution to discussion

2. Oral Skills25%

Comprehension of spoken Italian and abilities to use the language constructions and vocabulary we have practiced

3. Writing Skills25%

Exercises in Con Fantasia( homework), short writing assignments( temi) approximately every 3 weeks

4. Quizzes25%

End-of-chapter-quizzesapproximately every 2 weeks

The departmental grievance policy is posted in the main office-CRT 772

ESAMI Calendar:

Please note that in 203-204, your lowest exam score is NOT dropped.

Cap. 1Mercoledi 31 gennaio

Cap. 2Mercoledi 14 febbraio

Cap. 3Mercoledi7 marzo

Cap. 4mercoledi 28 marzo

Cap 5Mercoledi 11 aprile

Cap. 6Mercoledi25 aprile

Cap. 7mercoledi 9 maggio


Tema I: L’amorebozza: lunedi 12febbraio / finale: lunedi18febbraio

Tema II: I Mass Mediabozza: lunedi 5 marzo / finale: lunedi 12 marzo

Tema III: La Famigliabozza: lunedi 2 aprile / finale: lunedì 9 aprile

Tema IV: Viaggiarebozza: lunedi 30 aprile / finale lunedi 7 maggio













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