PTA General Membership Meeting

October 21, 2015

In Attendance:, Jennie Lucci, Jen Amabile, Kerry Maguire, Suzanne Butler, Stephanie Palmer Bates, Melissa Doherty, Christa Aherns, Desiree DeMonte, Kelly McGowen, Jillian Maydon, Christine Hayden, Chrissy Koutouzakis, Tricia Roe, Carolyn Dorworth, Sheila Tice, Kelly Rigby, Marisa Coar, Cassie Conley, Michelle Buckley, Susan Rawlins, Heather Lombardo, Vanessa Grier, Cheryl Cuddihy, Sheri D’Angelo, Christine Braceland, Carlie Jakub, Corrine Piotrowski, Rose Raibick, Dana Hughes, Jen Barron

1.Welcome and Pledge: Jennie Lucci

2.Introduce Guest Speaker: Chris Aviles from Innovation Labs

Chris described both school projects: Sickles Studios and Knollwood Innovation Lab

At Sickles children will work on computer science design and engineering and coding, systems and algorithm design which focuses on end users/empathy. They also use Minecraft to develop basic building of systems. All is project-based work.

At Knollwood the children are more autonomous. They develop ideas about what they want to learn about which encompasses computer science and design engineering. There is also opportunity to work on innovation station, which is digital arts (editing video/kids tutoring others on minecraft/ podcasting. Here we are looking to be the state model for innovation and design. There is an upcoming NYC trip where 6 students were able to go to a high tech conference and demonstrate our project work.

Next month Google is coming to test run new headsets that are in development.

Moving to a blended learning environment, which is part on-line/part teacher lead.

Check out the website on the Fair Haven Innovates tab of the school website.


PTA Board President – Jennie Lucci:

- New PTA Board introductions and meeting format overview and announcement of December meeting (12/2 with Director of Special Services as the guest speaker).

- Reminder that membership app is in place and PTA Directory is paperless. In order to get the app you need to be a member by 10/31.

- You also need to be a member to get the PTA Blast. The money for membership goes to the state and national dues.

VP Curriculum and Support Report – Kerry Maguire

  1. Curriculum/Enrichment Update on Assemblies:
  2. Sadeky Puppet Show at Sickles upcoming
  3. Entitlementality coming up at Knollwood
  4. Dino Day for 2nd grade – scheduled for January
  5. Thomas Edison – November 4th
  6. Skydome – April/3rd grade
  7. 3rd Grade Coding Club – sign ups are first come, first serve. Email Sherri D’Angelo. Thank you to Sherri for organizing it so quickly.
  8. New library volunteer system is working well. Still have a few kinks but working through them.
  9. Pumpkin Literacy project for 2nd and 3rd grade is underway

3.VP Fundraising Report – Melissa Doherty

  1. Wrapping up the coupon book project
  2. Harvestfest committee did an outstanding job bringing it indoors due to weather. The festival did almost as well as years that it’s been outside which is a big win.
  3. Family Portrait Fundraiser –75 slots all sold. Huge success. Having 2 photographers helped.
  4. JCrew fundraiser set for 11/17. Invites are coming.
  5. Spring luncheon at Rumson Country Club - planning underway. Scheduled for 4/30/16.

4.VP Operations Report – Christa Aherns

  1. Special thank you to Melanie Brown and Karen Gymesi for the very successful Back to School Luncheon
  2. Thank you to Tina Brendel for digital reporting of 390 members to date.
  3. Jen Baron did a fantastic job on the kick off for Box Tops. 2 bulletin boards are up and running and there are lots of enthusiasm. We will start emailing class parents with reminders.
  4. Sickles Book Fair is scheduled from 11/9 – 11/13. Family night is Tuesday 11/10 from 5:30 -8:30 and Thursday from 2:30 – 4:00. Author Event/Visit is scheduled with Sara Weeks so look for her books at book fair.

5.Recording Secretary Report – Suzanne Butler

  1. Family Fun Bingo (Marisa Coar reporting) – scheduled for 11/13. Looking for volunteers so please sign up.

6.Corresponding Secretary Report– Jen Amabile

  1. Thank you to Melissa Burkhardt and Michelle Plesser for the back to school picnic
  2. Beautification Committee did a great job. Thank you to the chair people. Schools look great.
  3. Charitable Giving: There will be an opportunity at the book fair to make a book donation to Bridge of Books our charity of the year. We’ve already dropped 2 truck loads of books to the storage unit to date. All for Books is another opportunity to give. Spare change will be collected in the classrooms and the class with the most will win a munchkin party. We will have a Bridge of Books table set up at the book fair to further explain the cause.

7.Treasurer Report – Stephanie Bates (submitted post-meeting)

Opening Balance (9/1/15)

Checking: $49,523.96


Secondary Checking: $ 1,500.00


Cash Receipts: $ 7,494.34

Cash Disbursements: $(3,273.85)

Closing Balance (9/31/15): $102,270.72

8.Budget (Jennie Lucci):

  1. JL explained the budget process to the members. We need to zero out every year. Some years we make more than projected and the money goes in reserve. We need to keep 50% of our operating budget in reserves in case of an unexpected fund cut or emergency like a hurricane. In May/June we vote in a proposed budget for the upcoming year. The principals review and have input. Over the summer things can change based on their requests and on-going dialogue. In the fall we have an actual budge that gets voted in and approved at the October General Membership Meeting. If we don’t make enough money we need to make cuts.
  2. Going forward we need to account for our amended schedule. In the past we used to host 3 huge fundraising events – Harvestfest, the House Tour and a Spring Event. We will now rotate those 3, which lessen the burden on us all, but the consequence is that we will have less income. Therefore, we need to make some cuts and trim spending to account for these anticipated changes.

9.MOTION: to pass the budget (made by Suzanne Butler). Second by Kerry Maguire. PASSED

10.MOTION: to adjourn meeting (made by Jennie Lucci). Second by Suzanne Butler. PASSED

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne Butler

Recording Secretary