MATHCOUNTS Club – Permission Slip

It is that time of the year again. Time to sharpen you pencils, dust off the calculator, and bring your math skills to our first MATHCOUNTS meeting. We will meet in Mrs. Keemon’s room this year which is located on the main floor in the Life Skills wing (just around the corner from the TV studio). We will meet on Mondays staring at 2:50 and will end at 3:50. I will provide you with a schedule of dates and competitions during our first meetings. As in the past we do ask for a donation of $20 to cover registration costs and of course the snacks that all our mathletes enjoy as they solve problems!

The club is open to all seventh and eighth grade students. Selected 6th graders will be admitted to the club with a referral from their math teachers attesting to their advanced math skills. This club is not for the feint of heart. The purpose of the club is to promote a deeper interest in math, improved problem solving skills, integrated thinking processes, and teamwork among students. We will complete mathematical mini-lessons, warm-up worksheets, practice math tests, and compete in three official MATHCOUNTS competitions. Sign –up today and tell your friends if you think they have what it takes to compete with our team that has always been very successful in our region and the state of Connecticut.

All team members will participate in a seven school local competition at Haddam Killingworth Middle School. Please note that this competition will take place in December and we WILL NEED parents to drive students if we want to attend. More to follow once we are provided a date for this competition. This competition helps to establish the placement of 8 team members for the Eastern Regional Competition in February at the United States Coast Guard Academy. Based upon our performance, we will hopefully attend the Connecticut State Finals in March. And who knows, maybe even Nationals in May.

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Parent Permission Slip

Please sign below to indicate that you grant your son or daughter permission to remain after school on Monday afternoons from 2:45 – 3:50 as a member of the MATHCOUNTS Team. PLEASEINCLUDE you check for $20 made out the ELMS Activity Fund (or provide cash) In addition please indicate below the transportation arrangements you authorize.

Student’s Name: ______Team ______

Please check one item below and have your child bring this slip to our first meeting!

_____ A) My child will be picked up from East Lyme Middle School at 3:50. Please indicate who will pick-up your child ______

_____ B) My child may be dismissed at 3:50 and allowed to walk home without supervision

_____ C) My son or daughter will take the late bus home.


Parent or Guardian Signature Date Phone Number: if we need to contact you