[Your Street Address]

[Your City], PA [Your ZIP]

[Insert Date]

The Honorable [Insert First and Last Name of Legislator]

[Insert House PO Box or Senate PO Box Number]

Main Capitol

Harrisburg, PA 17120-2040

Dear [Senator or Representative] [Last Name]:

I am writing on behalf of Pennsylvania Women Work (PA Women Work), a statewide organization that focuses on helping low-income women and women in career transition move into the workforce throughtheNew Choices career development program. The program’s goal is to remove as many obstacles as possible that prevent women from obtaining jobs that pay a family-sustaining wage that could lift them from poverty. Women in [insert your region]are having great difficulty recovering from job losses due to the economic downturn of 2008. Single mothers, especially women of color, have significant barriers that prevent them from gaining employment. PA Women Work reaches out to women in ways that no other group does and endeavors to remove those obstacles. New Choices classes build self-esteem, teach practical skills and provide supportive services for business attire, transportation, funding for childcare and tuition scholarships.

The funding for New Choices from the state of Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor and Industry has gone from over $2 million to $490,000, and is divided among 12 sites across the state. However, the needs of women in career transition are greater than the funding capacity to meet them. I have personally seen the positive impact of New Choices on people’s lives through [insert personal affiliation with Pennsylvania Women Work and New Choices and why you believe the program is worthy of funding].Without the support of the New Choices program,thousands of women across the state will lose the opportunity to have a new start with the necessary tools to assist entry into the workforce at a time when theirneed is greater than ever.

Therefore, Iask that amid all else you are doing to aid the people of Pennsylvania,that you please vote toincludeNew Choicesin the budget. I also ask that you vote to increase the amount in that budget, so Pennsylvania Women Work and New Choices can help these women have a fighting chance to earn a living wage and provide for themselves and their families.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and for all of your hard work to serve the constituents of Pennsylvania.


[Your Signature]

[Your First and Last Name]