3 - Ethnic Groups
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
7th Grade History (GCP)
Mr. Lindy
SWBAT define and give examples of different ethnic groups around the world.
- Mauritania Mali Niger Chad Sudan on board (out of order)
Opening: (10 minutes)
- Distribute Do Now’s at the door.
- Check for organization and tracking sheets
- Student responses
· One part of AP history and DBQ’s = new language
· Learned some terms yesterday (primary and secondary)
· Today’s terms help us jump back into the history of Africa and B4I!
· Earn the chance to DEBATE at the end of the class.
Map Practice: (5 minutes)
- “My Mama Never Cooks Supper”
- labeled side, blank side (new); labeled side, blank side (old)
Pre-reading: (5 minutes)
- Prep for Saturday
- Earning next part of the chant
- w/o the beat in a six inch voice (old parts)
- transition into new parts
Reading w/ partners:
- start together, then finish w/ partners
- Above and Beyond: questions and trick
Almanac inquiry:
- w/ partner, find something that seems strange, make predictions about penny
- on board: “one out of many”
- hope for America
Four Corners:
- behavioral expectations (for moving, for discussion, and for debate)
- think time
- move, discuss, elect, speak, question, answer
- write out mnemonic (exit slip?)
- Word wall: ethnic group, bias, primary, secondary
Name: ______Do Now
November 30, 20005 History -
Do Now #3
2. I will be able to define “ethnic group” and give examples of ethnic groups from around the world.
Essential Question: When is it difficult to “love your neighbor as yourself”?
Let’s get ready to FIGHT BACK against the achievement gap …
· Make sure your binders are in a neat stack next to your desk, slightly in the aisle.
· Clip away today’s materials.
· Turn to your tracking sheet and record today’s objective.
· Answer the questions below by filling in the blanks.
Historians use both p______sources and s______sources. A ______comes from the time period that you are studying in history. A ______was written down after the time period you are studying. ______are often more exciting and make history come alive. However, they often show ______because they favor one perspective over another. ______sometimes have less ______, but they often leave out certain people’s perspectives. They can also be boring!
1. What is our new BHAG? ______
2. Why is it important for our lives and for GCP? ______
Fix the punctuation, grammar, and spelling mistakes in each sentence.
3. Me and my brother was responsible for cooking dinner on sunday.
4. After thanksgiving they was taking a long nap
5. Mr. Lindy’s dog (remember his name?) ______every morning.
a.) gets the newspaper b.) wakes up Mr. Lindy
c.) eats Mr. Lindy’s shoes d.) barks at squirrels
Above and Beyond: Given what we learned yesterday, make some predictions about what a DBQ is. The mystery will be unveiled soon!
Name: ______Classwork
November 30, 20005 History -
Classwork #3:
Ethnic Groups:
When can it be difficult for neighbors to get along?
As we turn to Africa’s many battles for independence, we must become experts at talking about ethnic groups. An ethnic group is a group of people who have several specific things in common. People in the same ethnic group, first of all, tell the same kinds of stories or folk tales. Arabs in the Middle East tell similar stories (some of which you have already heard, like “Aladdin.”) The Igbo (pronounced “ee - bo”) in Nigeria also tell their own stories: we heard “Beautiful Brown Eyes” in English part II before break. Second, people in the same ethnic group have a common history: their people have endured the same hardships and made the same accomplishments. Third, people in the same ethnic group often look alike: they have similar skin color, similar types of hair, etc…. We can say that they have nearly identical (but not quite identical) features. Finally, people in the same ethnic group use the same language to communicate with one another.
Different countries have different numbers of ethnic groups. In some countries, there is a single ethnic group. It is more common, however, to find more than one ethnic group living together, especially in African countries. In Nigeria, we can find the Igbo and the Yoruba ethnic groups. In Iraq we can find Arabs and Kurds. Sometimes ethnic groups live together in harmony. More often, however, ethnic groups come into conflict.
Can you figure out our trick for remembering the different parts of an ethnic group?
Everyone in an ethnic group has:
Tales that everyone knows
H -
N -
I -
C -
1. List three different ethnic groups: ______
2. Is it more common to find a country made up of a single ethnic group or a country made up of multiple ethnic groups? ______
Above and Beyond: Are there ethnic groups in the United States? If so, what are they?
Part II: Both selections below come from an Almanac (a reference book full of facts about countries). Read with your partner. Think about what seems surprising, and then answer the questions that follow.
What saying is circled on the coin? ______
This means “One out of many.” Why might it be written there? ______
Part III: Get ready for our first FOUR-CORNERS debate of the year. Think about which corner you going to go to.
Corner 1 - The almanac should stay as it is.
Corner 2 - The almanac should list ethnic groups in the US.
Corner 3 - The almanac should not list any ethnic groups for the US. However, it
should explain why it does this.
Corner 4 - The almanac should not list any ethnic groups for any country.
Part IV: How well did my group do on our first four-corners assignment?
1. I moved quickly (but safely) and silently to my position (1 - 5): ______
2. Once there I remained silent until it was time to discuss (1 - 5): ______
3. I made sure that everyone got the chance to speak in my group (yes/no): ______
4. My group decided quickly and calmly who our spokesperson was (1-5): ______
5. My group was strong CATS while spokespeople were speaking (1-5): ______
6. I came up with good questions to ask the other groups (1-5): ______
7. I was strong CATS while others asked questions (1-5): ______
Explain something you did well and something you will do better next time.
Above and Beyond: Should the United States change its entry in the World Almanac? Why or why not?
Name: ______Homework
November 30, 2005 History - ____
Homework #3
Directions to Part I: Practice the TEN African countries we have learned so far by labeling each of the maps below. Be sure to check your SPELLING using your student map. (You should label the five countries we learned today AND the five countries we learned yesterday.)
Directions to Part II: Write out our trick for remembering what an ethnic group is.
Directions to Part III: Answer each of the questions below in complete sentences.
1. Are most countries home to a single ethnic group or to more than one ethnic group? Give examples to support your answer. ______
2. What is an important difference between the way the Almanac lists ethnic groups in our country and the way it lists ethnic groups in other countries (like Nigeria)? ______
3. Do you think the Almanac should list ethnic groups for the United States? Explain your answer in AT LEAST three complete sentences.
Above and Beyond: What do you think DBQ stands for?